/* * Copyright 2002-2005 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.context; import java.util.Locale; import org.springframework.beans.TestBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.AbstractListableBeanFactoryTests; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.LifecycleBean; /** * @author Rod Johnson * @author Juergen Hoeller */ public abstract class AbstractApplicationContextTests extends AbstractListableBeanFactoryTests { /** Must be supplied as XML */ public static final String TEST_NAMESPACE = "testNamespace"; protected ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext; /** Subclass must register this */ protected TestListener listener = new TestListener(); protected TestListener parentListener = new TestListener(); protected void setUp() throws Exception { this.applicationContext = createContext(); } protected BeanFactory getBeanFactory() { return applicationContext; } protected ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() { return applicationContext; } /** * Must register a TestListener. * Must register standard beans. * Parent must register rod with name Roderick * and father with name Albert. */ protected abstract ConfigurableApplicationContext createContext() throws Exception; public void testContextAwareSingletonWasCalledBack() throws Exception { ACATester aca = (ACATester) applicationContext.getBean("aca"); assertTrue("has had context set", aca.getApplicationContext() == applicationContext); Object aca2 = applicationContext.getBean("aca"); assertTrue("Same instance", aca == aca2); assertTrue("Says is singleton", applicationContext.isSingleton("aca")); } public void testContextAwarePrototypeWasCalledBack() throws Exception { ACATester aca = (ACATester) applicationContext.getBean("aca-prototype"); assertTrue("has had context set", aca.getApplicationContext() == applicationContext); Object aca2 = applicationContext.getBean("aca-prototype"); assertTrue("NOT Same instance", aca != aca2); assertTrue("Says is prototype", !applicationContext.isSingleton("aca-prototype")); } public void testParentNonNull() { assertTrue("parent isn't null", applicationContext.getParent() != null); } public void testGrandparentNull() { assertTrue("grandparent is null", applicationContext.getParent().getParent() == null); } public void testOverrideWorked() throws Exception { TestBean rod = (TestBean) applicationContext.getParent().getBean("rod"); assertTrue("Parent's name differs", rod.getName().equals("Roderick")); } public void testGrandparentDefinitionFound() throws Exception { TestBean dad = (TestBean) applicationContext.getBean("father"); assertTrue("Dad has correct name", dad.getName().equals("Albert")); } public void testGrandparentTypedDefinitionFound() throws Exception { TestBean dad = (TestBean) applicationContext.getBean("father", TestBean.class); assertTrue("Dad has correct name", dad.getName().equals("Albert")); } public void testCloseTriggersDestroy() { LifecycleBean lb = (LifecycleBean) applicationContext.getBean("lifecycle"); assertTrue("Not destroyed", !lb.isDestroyed()); applicationContext.close(); if (applicationContext.getParent() != null) { ((ConfigurableApplicationContext) applicationContext.getParent()).close(); } assertTrue("Destroyed", lb.isDestroyed()); applicationContext.close(); if (applicationContext.getParent() != null) { ((ConfigurableApplicationContext) applicationContext.getParent()).close(); } assertTrue("Destroyed", lb.isDestroyed()); } public void testMessageSource() throws NoSuchMessageException { assertEquals("message1", applicationContext.getMessage("code1", null, Locale.getDefault())); assertEquals("message2", applicationContext.getMessage("code2", null, Locale.getDefault())); try { applicationContext.getMessage("code0", null, Locale.getDefault()); fail("looking for code0 should throw a NoSuchMessageException"); } catch (NoSuchMessageException ex) { // that's how it should be } } public void testEvents() throws Exception { listener.zeroCounter(); parentListener.zeroCounter(); assertTrue("0 events before publication", listener.getEventCount() == 0); assertTrue("0 parent events before publication", parentListener.getEventCount() == 0); this.applicationContext.publishEvent(new MyEvent(this)); assertTrue("1 events after publication, not " + listener.getEventCount(), listener.getEventCount() == 1); assertTrue("1 parent events after publication", parentListener.getEventCount() == 1); } public void testBeanAutomaticallyHearsEvents() throws Exception { //String[] listenerNames = ((ListableBeanFactory) applicationContext).getBeanDefinitionNames(ApplicationListener.class); //assertTrue("listeners include beanThatListens", Arrays.asList(listenerNames).contains("beanThatListens")); BeanThatListens b = (BeanThatListens) applicationContext.getBean("beanThatListens"); b.zero(); assertTrue("0 events before publication", b.getEventCount() == 0); this.applicationContext.publishEvent(new MyEvent(this)); assertTrue("1 events after publication, not " + b.getEventCount(), b.getEventCount() == 1); } public static class MyEvent extends ApplicationEvent { public MyEvent(Object source) { super(source); } } }