/* * Copyright 2002-2017 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.integration.jdbc.store; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.core.serializer.Deserializer; import org.springframework.core.serializer.Serializer; import org.springframework.core.serializer.support.DeserializingConverter; import org.springframework.core.serializer.support.SerializingConverter; import org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException; import org.springframework.integration.IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor; import org.springframework.integration.jdbc.store.channel.ChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider; import org.springframework.integration.jdbc.store.channel.MessageRowMapper; import org.springframework.integration.jdbc.store.channel.OracleChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider; import org.springframework.integration.store.MessageGroup; import org.springframework.integration.store.MessageGroupFactory; import org.springframework.integration.store.MessageGroupStore; import org.springframework.integration.store.MessageStore; import org.springframework.integration.store.PriorityCapableChannelMessageStore; import org.springframework.integration.store.SimpleMessageGroupFactory; import org.springframework.integration.transaction.TransactionSynchronizationFactory; import org.springframework.integration.util.UUIDConverter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcOperations; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.support.lob.DefaultLobHandler; import org.springframework.jdbc.support.lob.LobHandler; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedAttribute; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedMetric; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedResource; import org.springframework.messaging.Message; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * <p> * Channel-specific implementation of {@link MessageGroupStore} using a relational * database via JDBC. * * This message store shall be used for message channels only. * </p> * <p> * As such, the {@link JdbcChannelMessageStore} uses database specific SQL queries. * </p> * <p> * Contrary to the {@link JdbcMessageStore}, this implementation uses a single database table, * optimized to operate like a queue. * The SQL scripts for creating the table are packaged * under {@code org/springframework/integration/jdbc/schema-*.sql}, * where {@code *} denotes the target database type. * </p> * * @author Gunnar Hillert * @author Artem Bilan * @author Gary Russell * @since 2.2 */ @ManagedResource public class JdbcChannelMessageStore implements PriorityCapableChannelMessageStore, InitializingBean, BeanFactoryAware { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(JdbcChannelMessageStore.class); private final Set<String> idCache = new HashSet<String>(); private final ReadWriteLock idCacheLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final Lock idCacheReadLock = this.idCacheLock.readLock(); private final Lock idCacheWriteLock = this.idCacheLock.writeLock(); /** * Default value for the table prefix property. */ public static final String DEFAULT_TABLE_PREFIX = "INT_"; /** * Default region property, used to partition the message store. For example, * a separate Spring Integration application with overlapping channel names * may use the same message store by providing a distinct region name. */ public static final String DEFAULT_REGION = "DEFAULT"; private ChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider channelMessageStoreQueryProvider; /** * The name of the message header that stores a flag to indicate that the message has been saved. This is an * optimization for the put method. * @deprecated since 5.0. This constant isn't used any more. */ @Deprecated public static final String SAVED_KEY = JdbcChannelMessageStore.class.getSimpleName() + ".SAVED"; /** * The name of the message header that stores a timestamp for the time the message was inserted. * @deprecated since 5.0. This constant isn't used any more. */ @Deprecated public static final String CREATED_DATE_KEY = JdbcChannelMessageStore.class.getSimpleName() + ".CREATED_DATE"; private volatile String region = DEFAULT_REGION; private volatile String tablePrefix = DEFAULT_TABLE_PREFIX; private volatile JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private volatile DeserializingConverter deserializer; private volatile SerializingConverter serializer; private volatile LobHandler lobHandler = new DefaultLobHandler(); private volatile MessageRowMapper messageRowMapper; private volatile Map<String, String> queryCache = new HashMap<String, String>(); private volatile MessageGroupFactory messageGroupFactory = new SimpleMessageGroupFactory(); private boolean usingIdCache = false; private boolean priorityEnabled; private BeanFactory beanFactory; /** * Convenient constructor for configuration use. */ public JdbcChannelMessageStore() { this.deserializer = new DeserializingConverter(); this.serializer = new SerializingConverter(); } /** * Create a {@link MessageStore} with all mandatory properties. The passed-in * {@link DataSource} is used to instantiate a {@link JdbcTemplate} * * with {@link JdbcTemplate#setFetchSize(int)} set to <code>1</code> * and with {@link JdbcTemplate#setMaxRows(int)} set to <code>1</code>. * * @param dataSource a {@link DataSource} */ public JdbcChannelMessageStore(DataSource dataSource) { this(); this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.jdbcTemplate.setFetchSize(1); this.jdbcTemplate.setMaxRows(1); } /** * The JDBC {@link DataSource} to use when interacting with the database. * The passed-in {@link DataSource} is used to instantiate a {@link JdbcTemplate} * with {@link JdbcTemplate#setFetchSize(int)} set to <code>1</code> * and with {@link JdbcTemplate#setMaxRows(int)} set to <code>1</code>. * * @param dataSource a {@link DataSource} */ public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.jdbcTemplate.setFetchSize(1); this.jdbcTemplate.setMaxRows(1); } /** * A converter for deserializing byte arrays to messages. * * @param deserializer the deserializer to set */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public void setDeserializer(Deserializer<? extends Message<?>> deserializer) { this.deserializer = new DeserializingConverter((Deserializer) deserializer); } /** * The {@link JdbcOperations} to use when interacting with the database. Either * this property can be set or the {@link #setDataSource(DataSource) dataSource}. * * Please consider passing in a {@link JdbcTemplate} with a fetchSize property * of 1. This is particularly important for Oracle to ensure First In, First Out (FIFO) * message retrieval characteristics. * * @param jdbcTemplate a {@link JdbcOperations} */ public void setJdbcTemplate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) { Assert.notNull(jdbcTemplate, "The provided jdbcTemplate must not be null."); this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate; } /** * Override the {@link LobHandler} that is used to create and unpack large objects in SQL queries. The default is * fine for almost all platforms, but some Oracle drivers require a native implementation. * * @param lobHandler a {@link LobHandler} */ public void setLobHandler(LobHandler lobHandler) { Assert.notNull(lobHandler, "The provided LobHandler must not be null."); this.lobHandler = lobHandler; } /** * Allows for passing in a custom {@link MessageRowMapper}. The {@link MessageRowMapper} * is used to convert the selected database row representing the persisted * message into the actual {@link Message} object. * * @param messageRowMapper Must not be null */ public void setMessageRowMapper(MessageRowMapper messageRowMapper) { Assert.notNull(messageRowMapper, "The provided MessageRowMapper must not be null."); this.messageRowMapper = messageRowMapper; } /** * Sets the database specific {@link ChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider} to use. * The {@link JdbcChannelMessageStore} provides the SQL queries to retrieve messages from * the database. See the JavaDocs {@link ChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider} (all known * implementing classes) to see those implementations provided by the framework. * <p> You can provide your own query implementations, if you need to support additional * databases and/or need to fine-tune the queries for your requirements. * @param channelMessageStoreQueryProvider Must not be null. */ public void setChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider(ChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider channelMessageStoreQueryProvider) { Assert.notNull(channelMessageStoreQueryProvider, "The provided channelMessageStoreQueryProvider must not be null."); this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider = channelMessageStoreQueryProvider; } /** * A unique grouping identifier for all messages persisted with this store. * Using multiple regions allows the store to be partitioned (if necessary) * for different purposes. Defaults to <code>{@link #DEFAULT_REGION}</code>. * * @param region the region name to set */ public void setRegion(String region) { this.region = region; } /** * A converter for serializing messages to byte arrays for storage. * * @param serializer The serializer to set */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void setSerializer(Serializer<? super Message<?>> serializer) { Assert.notNull(serializer, "The provided serializer must not be null."); this.serializer = new SerializingConverter((Serializer<Object>) serializer); } /** * Public setter for the table prefix property. This will be prefixed to all the table names before queries are * executed. Defaults to {@link #DEFAULT_TABLE_PREFIX}. * * @param tablePrefix the tablePrefix to set */ public void setTablePrefix(String tablePrefix) { this.tablePrefix = tablePrefix; } /** * <p>Consider using this property when polling the database transactionally * using multiple parallel threads, meaning when the configured poller is configured * using a task executor.</p> * * <p>The issue is that the {@link #pollMessageFromGroup(Object)} looks for the * oldest entry for a giving channel (groupKey) and region ({@link #setRegion(String)}). * If you do that with multiple threads and you are using transactions, other * threads may be waiting for that same locked row.</p> * * <p>If using the provided {@link OracleChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider}, don't set {@link #usingIdCache} * to true, as the Oracle query will ignore locked rows.</p> * * <p>Using the id cache, the {@link JdbcChannelMessageStore} will store each * message id in an in-memory collection for the duration of processing. With * that, any polling threads will explicitly exclude those messages from * being polled.</p> * * <p>For this to work, you must setup the corresponding * {@link TransactionSynchronizationFactory}:</p> * * <pre class="code"> * {@code * <int:transaction-synchronization-factory id="syncFactory"> * <int:after-commit expression="@jdbcChannelMessageStore.removeFromIdCache(headers.id.toString())" /> * <int:after-rollback expression="@jdbcChannelMessageStore.removeFromIdCache(headers.id.toString())" /> * </int:transaction-synchronization-factory> * } * </pre> * * This {@link TransactionSynchronizationFactory} is then referenced in the * transaction configuration of the poller: * * <pre class="code"> * {@code * <int:poller fixed-delay="300" receive-timeout="500" * max-messages-per-poll="1" task-executor="pool"> * <int:transactional propagation="REQUIRED" synchronization-factory="syncFactory" * isolation="READ_COMMITTED" transaction-manager="transactionManager" /> * </int:poller> * } * </pre> * * @param usingIdCache When <code>true</code> the id cache will be used. */ public void setUsingIdCache(boolean usingIdCache) { this.usingIdCache = usingIdCache; } public void setPriorityEnabled(boolean priorityEnabled) { this.priorityEnabled = priorityEnabled; } @Override public boolean isPriorityEnabled() { return this.priorityEnabled; } /** * Specify the {@link MessageGroupFactory} to create {@link MessageGroup} object where * it is necessary. * Defaults to {@link SimpleMessageGroupFactory}. * @param messageGroupFactory the {@link MessageGroupFactory} to use. * @since 4.3 */ public void setMessageGroupFactory(MessageGroupFactory messageGroupFactory) { Assert.notNull(messageGroupFactory, "'messageGroupFactory' must not be null"); this.messageGroupFactory = messageGroupFactory; } protected MessageGroupFactory getMessageGroupFactory() { return this.messageGroupFactory; } @Override public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException { this.beanFactory = beanFactory; } /** * Check mandatory properties ({@link DataSource} and * {@link #setChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider(ChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider)}). If no {@link MessageRowMapper} was * explicitly set using {@link #setMessageRowMapper(MessageRowMapper)}, the default * {@link MessageRowMapper} will be instantiate using the specified {@link #deserializer} * and {@link #lobHandler}. * * Also, if the jdbcTemplate's fetchSize property ({@link JdbcTemplate#getFetchSize()}) * is not 1, a warning will be logged. When using the {@link JdbcChannelMessageStore} * with Oracle, the fetchSize value of 1 is needed to ensure FIFO characteristics * of polled messages. Please see the Oracle {@link ChannelMessageStoreQueryProvider} for more details. * * @throws Exception Any Exception. */ @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { Assert.state(this.jdbcTemplate != null, "A DataSource or JdbcTemplate must be provided"); Assert.notNull(this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider, "A channelMessageStoreQueryProvider must be provided."); if (this.messageRowMapper == null) { this.messageRowMapper = new MessageRowMapper(this.deserializer, this.lobHandler); } if (this.jdbcTemplate.getFetchSize() != 1 && logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("The jdbcTemplate's fetch size is not 1. This may cause FIFO issues with Oracle databases."); } this.jdbcTemplate.afterPropertiesSet(); } /** * Store a message in the database. The groupId identifies the channel for which * the message is to be stored. * * Keep in mind that the actual groupId (Channel * Identifier) is converted to a String-based UUID identifier. * * @param groupId the group id to store the message under * @param message a message */ @Override public MessageGroup addMessageToGroup(Object groupId, final Message<?> message) { String groupKey = getKey(groupId); long createdDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); String messageId = getKey(message.getHeaders().getId()); byte[] messageBytes = this.serializer.convert(message); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Inserting message with id key=" + messageId); } try { this.jdbcTemplate.update(getQuery(this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider.getCreateMessageQuery()), ps -> { ps.setString(1, messageId); ps.setString(2, groupKey); ps.setString(3, this.region); ps.setLong(4, createdDate); Integer priority = message.getHeaders() .get(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.PRIORITY, Integer.class); if (JdbcChannelMessageStore.this.priorityEnabled && priority != null) { ps.setInt(5, priority); } else { ps.setNull(5, Types.NUMERIC); } this.lobHandler.getLobCreator().setBlobAsBytes(ps, 6, messageBytes); }); } catch (DuplicateKeyException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("The Message with id [" + messageId + "] already exists.\n" + "Ignoring INSERT..."); } } return getMessageGroup(groupId); } /** * Helper method that converts the channel id to a UUID using * {@link UUIDConverter#getUUID(Object)}. * * @param input Parameter may be null * @return Returns null when the input is null otherwise the UUID as String. */ private String getKey(Object input) { return input == null ? null : UUIDConverter.getUUID(input).toString(); } /** * Not fully used. Only wraps the provided group id. */ @Override public MessageGroup getMessageGroup(Object groupId) { return getMessageGroupFactory().create(groupId); } /** * Method not implemented. * * @return The message group count. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Method not supported. */ @ManagedAttribute public int getMessageGroupCount() { return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(this.getQuery("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT GROUP_KEY) from %PREFIX%CHANNEL_MESSAGE where REGION = ?"), Integer.class, this.region); } /** * Replace patterns in the input to produce a valid SQL query. This implementation lazily initializes a * simple map-based cache, only replacing the table prefix on the first access to a named query. Further * accesses will be resolved from the cache. * * @param sqlQuery The SQL query to be transformed. * @return A transformed query with replacements. */ protected String getQuery(String sqlQuery) { String query = this.queryCache.get(sqlQuery); if (query == null) { query = StringUtils.replace(sqlQuery, "%PREFIX%", this.tablePrefix); this.queryCache.put(sqlQuery, query); } return query; } /** * Returns the number of messages persisted for the specified channel id (groupId) * and the specified region ({@link #setRegion(String)}). * * @return The message group size. */ @Override @ManagedAttribute public int messageGroupSize(Object groupId) { final String key = getKey(groupId); return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(getQuery(this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider.getCountAllMessagesInGroupQuery()), Integer.class, key, this.region); } @Override public void removeMessageGroup(Object groupId) { this.jdbcTemplate.update(this.getQuery(this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider.getDeleteMessageGroupQuery()), this.getKey(groupId), this.region); } /** * Polls the database for a new message that is persisted for the given * group id which represents the channel identifier. */ @Override public Message<?> pollMessageFromGroup(Object groupId) { final String key = getKey(groupId); final Message<?> polledMessage = this.doPollForMessage(key); if (polledMessage != null) { if (!this.doRemoveMessageFromGroup(groupId, polledMessage)) { return null; } } return polledMessage; } /** * This method executes a call to the DB to get the oldest Message in the * MessageGroup which in the context of the {@link JdbcChannelMessageStore} * means the channel identifier. * * @param groupIdKey String representation of message group (Channel) ID * @return a message; could be null if query produced no Messages */ protected Message<?> doPollForMessage(String groupIdKey) { final NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(this.jdbcTemplate); final MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource(); parameters.addValue("region", this.region); parameters.addValue("group_key", groupIdKey); String query; final List<Message<?>> messages; this.idCacheReadLock.lock(); try { if (this.usingIdCache && !this.idCache.isEmpty()) { if (this.priorityEnabled) { query = getQuery(this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider.getPriorityPollFromGroupExcludeIdsQuery()); } else { query = getQuery(this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider.getPollFromGroupExcludeIdsQuery()); } parameters.addValue("message_ids", this.idCache); } else { if (this.priorityEnabled) { query = getQuery(this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider.getPriorityPollFromGroupQuery()); } else { query = getQuery(this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider.getPollFromGroupQuery()); } } messages = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(query, parameters, this.messageRowMapper); } finally { this.idCacheReadLock.unlock(); } Assert.state(messages.size() < 2, () -> "The query must return zero or 1 row; got " + messages.size() + " rows"); if (messages.size() > 0) { final Message<?> message = messages.get(0); final String messageId = message.getHeaders().getId().toString(); if (this.usingIdCache) { this.idCacheWriteLock.lock(); try { boolean added = this.idCache.add(messageId); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(String.format("Polled message with id '%s' added: '%s'.", messageId, added)); } } finally { this.idCacheWriteLock.unlock(); } } return message; } return null; } private boolean doRemoveMessageFromGroup(Object groupId, Message<?> messageToRemove) { final UUID id = messageToRemove.getHeaders().getId(); int updated = this.jdbcTemplate.update(getQuery(this.channelMessageStoreQueryProvider.getDeleteMessageQuery()), new Object[]{getKey(id), getKey(groupId), this.region}, new int[]{Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR}); boolean result = updated != 0; if (result) { logger.debug(String.format("Message with id '%s' was deleted.", id)); } else { logger.warn(String.format("Message with id '%s' was not deleted.", id)); } return result; } /** * <p>Remove a Message Id from the idCache. Should be used in conjunction * with the Spring Integration Transaction Synchronization feature to remove * a message from the Message Id cache once a transaction either succeeded or * rolled back.</p> * <p>Only applicable if {@link #setUsingIdCache(boolean)} is set to * <code>true</code></p>. * * @param messageId The message identifier. */ public void removeFromIdCache(String messageId) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Removing Message Id: " + messageId); } this.idCacheWriteLock.lock(); try { this.idCache.remove(messageId); } finally { this.idCacheWriteLock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the size of the Message Id Cache, which caches Message Ids for * those messages that are currently being processed. * * @return The size of the Message Id Cache */ @ManagedMetric public int getSizeOfIdCache() { return this.idCache.size(); } }