package; /** * This sample code is made available as part of the book "Digital Image * Processing - An Algorithmic Introduction using Java" by Wilhelm Burger * and Mark J. Burge, Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin, * Heidelberg, New York. * Note that this code comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind. * See for details and licensing conditions. * * Modified by Chris Banes. */ import; import android.util.Log; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /* * This is an implementation of Heckbert's median-cut color quantization algorithm * (Heckbert P., "Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display", ACM Transactions * on Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH), pp. 297-307, 1982). * Unlike in the original algorithm, no initial uniform (scalar) quantization is used to * for reducing the number of image colors. Instead, all colors contained in the original * image are considered in the quantization process. After the set of representative * colors has been found, each image color is mapped to the closest representative * in RGB color space using the Euclidean distance. * The quantization process has two steps: first a ColorQuantizer object is created from * a given image using one of the constructor methods provided. Then this ColorQuantizer * can be used to quantize the original image or any other image using the same set of * representative colors (color table). */ public class MedianCutQuantizer { private static final String LOG_TAG = MedianCutQuantizer.class.getSimpleName(); private ColorNode[] imageColors = null; // original (unique) image colors private ColorNode[] quantColors = null; // quantized colors public MedianCutQuantizer(int[] pixels, int Kmax) { quantColors = findRepresentativeColors(pixels, Kmax); } public int countQuantizedColors() { return quantColors.length; } public ColorNode[] getQuantizedColors() { return quantColors; } ColorNode[] findRepresentativeColors(int[] pixels, int Kmax) { ColorHistogram colorHist = new ColorHistogram(pixels); int K = colorHist.getNumberOfColors(); ColorNode[] rCols = null; imageColors = new ColorNode[K]; for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) { int rgb = colorHist.getColor(i); int cnt = colorHist.getCount(i); imageColors[i] = new ColorNode(rgb, cnt); } if (K <= Kmax) { // image has fewer colors than Kmax rCols = imageColors; } else { ColorBox initialBox = new ColorBox(0, K - 1, 0); List<ColorBox> colorSet = new ArrayList<ColorBox>(); colorSet.add(initialBox); int k = 1; boolean done = false; while (k < Kmax && !done) { ColorBox nextBox = findBoxToSplit(colorSet); if (nextBox != null) { ColorBox newBox = nextBox.splitBox(); colorSet.add(newBox); k = k + 1; } else { done = true; } } rCols = averageColors(colorSet); } return rCols; } public void quantizeImage(int[] pixels) { for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { ColorNode color = findClosestColor(pixels[i]); pixels[i] = Color.rgb(, color.grn, color.blu); } } ColorNode findClosestColor(int rgb) { int idx = findClosestColorIndex(rgb); return quantColors[idx]; } int findClosestColorIndex(int rgb) { int red =; int grn =; int blu =; int minIdx = 0; int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < quantColors.length; i++) { ColorNode color = quantColors[i]; int d2 = color.distance2(red, grn, blu); if (d2 < minDistance) { minDistance = d2; minIdx = i; } } return minIdx; } private ColorBox findBoxToSplit(List<ColorBox> colorBoxes) { ColorBox boxToSplit = null; // from the set of splitable color boxes // select the one with the minimum level int minLevel = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (ColorBox box : colorBoxes) { if (box.colorCount() >= 2) { // box can be split if (box.level < minLevel) { boxToSplit = box; minLevel = box.level; } } } return boxToSplit; } private ColorNode[] averageColors(List<ColorBox> colorBoxes) { int n = colorBoxes.size(); ColorNode[] avgColors = new ColorNode[n]; int i = 0; for (ColorBox box : colorBoxes) { avgColors[i] = box.getAverageColor(); i = i + 1; } return avgColors; } // -------------- class ColorNode ------------------------------------------- public static class ColorNode { private final int red, grn, blu; private final int cnt; private float[] hsv; ColorNode(int rgb, int cnt) { =; this.grn =; this.blu =; this.cnt = cnt; } ColorNode(int red, int grn, int blu, int cnt) { = red; this.grn = grn; this.blu = blu; this.cnt = cnt; } public int getRgb() { return Color.rgb(red, grn, blu); } public float[] getHsv() { if (hsv == null) { hsv = new float[3]; Color.RGBToHSV(red, grn, blu, hsv); } return hsv; } public int getCount() { return cnt; } int distance2(int red, int grn, int blu) { // returns the squared distance between (red, grn, blu) // and this this color int dr = - red; int dg = this.grn - grn; int db = this.blu - blu; return dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db; } public String toString() { return new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName()) .append(" #").append(Integer.toHexString(getRgb())) .append(". count: ").append(cnt).toString(); } } // -------------- class ColorBox ------------------------------------------- class ColorBox { int lower = 0; // lower index into 'imageColors' int upper = -1; // upper index into 'imageColors' int level; // split level o this color box int count = 0; // number of pixels represented by thos color box int rmin, rmax; // range of contained colors in red dimension int gmin, gmax; // range of contained colors in green dimension int bmin, bmax; // range of contained colors in blue dimension ColorBox(int lower, int upper, int level) { this.lower = lower; this.upper = upper; this.level = level; this.trim(); } int colorCount() { return upper - lower; } void trim() { // recompute the boundaries of this color box rmin = 255; rmax = 0; gmin = 255; gmax = 0; bmin = 255; bmax = 0; count = 0; for (int i = lower; i <= upper; i++) { ColorNode color = imageColors[i]; count = count + color.cnt; int r =; int g = color.grn; int b = color.blu; if (r > rmax) { rmax = r; } if (r < rmin) { rmin = r; } if (g > gmax) { gmax = g; } if (g < gmin) { gmin = g; } if (b > bmax) { bmax = b; } if (b < bmin) { bmin = b; } } } // Split this color box at the median point along its // longest color dimension ColorBox splitBox() { if (this.colorCount() < 2) // this box cannot be split { return null; } else { // find longest dimension of this box: ColorDimension dim = getLongestColorDimension(); // find median along dim int med = findMedian(dim); // now split this box at the median return the resulting new // box. int nextLevel = level + 1; ColorBox newBox = new ColorBox(med + 1, upper, nextLevel); this.upper = med; this.level = nextLevel; this.trim(); return newBox; } } // Find longest dimension of this color box (RED, GREEN, or BLUE) ColorDimension getLongestColorDimension() { int rLength = rmax - rmin; int gLength = gmax - gmin; int bLength = bmax - bmin; if (bLength >= rLength && bLength >= gLength) { return ColorDimension.BLUE; } else if (gLength >= rLength && gLength >= bLength) { return ColorDimension.GREEN; } else { return ColorDimension.RED; } } // Find the position of the median in RGB space along // the red, green or blue dimension, respectively. int findMedian(ColorDimension dim) { // sort color in this box along dimension dim: Arrays.sort(imageColors, lower, upper + 1, dim.comparator); // find the median point: int half = count / 2; int nPixels, median; for (median = lower, nPixels = 0; median < upper; median++) { nPixels = nPixels + imageColors[median].cnt; if (nPixels >= half) { break; } } return median; } ColorNode getAverageColor() { int rSum = 0; int gSum = 0; int bSum = 0; int n = 0; for (int i = lower; i <= upper; i++) { ColorNode ci = imageColors[i]; int cnt = ci.cnt; rSum = rSum + cnt *; gSum = gSum + cnt * ci.grn; bSum = bSum + cnt * ci.blu; n = n + cnt; } double nd = n; int avgRed = (int) (0.5 + rSum / nd); int avgGrn = (int) (0.5 + gSum / nd); int avgBlu = (int) (0.5 + bSum / nd); return new ColorNode(avgRed, avgGrn, avgBlu, n); } public String toString() { String s = this.getClass().getSimpleName(); s = s + " lower=" + lower + " upper=" + upper; s = s + " count=" + count + " level=" + level; s = s + " rmin=" + rmin + " rmax=" + rmax; s = s + " gmin=" + gmin + " gmax=" + gmax; s = s + " bmin=" + bmin + " bmax=" + bmax; s = s + " bmin=" + bmin + " bmax=" + bmax; return s; } } // --- color dimensions ------------------------ // The main purpose of this enumeration class is associate // the color dimensions with the corresponding comparators. enum ColorDimension { RED(new redComparator()), GREEN(new grnComparator()), BLUE(new bluComparator()); public final Comparator<ColorNode> comparator; ColorDimension(Comparator<ColorNode> cmp) { this.comparator = cmp; } } // --- color comparators used for sorting colors along different dimensions --- static class redComparator implements Comparator<ColorNode> { public int compare(ColorNode colA, ColorNode colB) { return -; } } static class grnComparator implements Comparator<ColorNode> { public int compare(ColorNode colA, ColorNode colB) { return colA.grn - colB.grn; } } static class bluComparator implements Comparator<ColorNode> { public int compare(ColorNode colA, ColorNode colB) { return colA.blu - colB.blu; } } //-------- utility methods ----------- void listColorNodes(ColorNode[] nodes) { int i = 0; for (ColorNode color : nodes) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Color Node #" + i + " " + color.toString()); i++; } } static class ColorHistogram { int colorArray[] = null; int countArray[] = null; ColorHistogram(int[] color, int[] count) { this.countArray = count; this.colorArray = color; } ColorHistogram(int[] pixelsOrig) { int N = pixelsOrig.length; int[] pixelsCpy = new int[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // remove possible alpha components pixelsCpy[i] = 0xFFFFFF & pixelsOrig[i]; } Arrays.sort(pixelsCpy); // count unique colors: int k = -1; // current color index int curColor = -1; for (int i = 0; i < pixelsCpy.length; i++) { if (pixelsCpy[i] != curColor) { k++; curColor = pixelsCpy[i]; } } int nColors = k + 1; // tabulate and count unique colors: colorArray = new int[nColors]; countArray = new int[nColors]; k = -1; // current color index curColor = -1; for (int i = 0; i < pixelsCpy.length; i++) { if (pixelsCpy[i] != curColor) { // new color k++; curColor = pixelsCpy[i]; colorArray[k] = curColor; countArray[k] = 1; } else { countArray[k]++; } } } public int[] getColorArray() { return colorArray; } public int[] getCountArray() { return countArray; } public int getNumberOfColors() { if (colorArray == null) { return 0; } else { return colorArray.length; } } public int getColor(int index) { return this.colorArray[index]; } public int getCount(int index) { return this.countArray[index]; } } } //class MedianCut