/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.locationtech.spatial4j.io; import org.locationtech.spatial4j.context.jts.JtsSpatialContext; import org.locationtech.spatial4j.context.jts.JtsSpatialContextFactory; import org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.Rectangle; import org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.Shape; import io.jeo.geom.GeomBuilder; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Arrays; public abstract class GeneralReadWriteShapeTest extends BaseRoundTripTest<JtsSpatialContext> { protected GeomBuilder gb; @Before public void setUp() { gb = new GeomBuilder(); } @Override public JtsSpatialContext initContext() { // Like the out-of-the-box GEO, but it wraps datelines JtsSpatialContextFactory factory = new JtsSpatialContextFactory(); factory.geo = true; factory.normWrapLongitude = true; factory.useJtsLineString = false; // false so that buffering lineString round-trips return new JtsSpatialContext(factory); } protected abstract ShapeReader getShapeReader(); protected abstract ShapeWriter getShapeWriter(); protected abstract ShapeWriter getShapeWriterForTests(); @Override protected void assertRoundTrip(Shape shape, boolean andEquals) throws Exception { String str = getShapeWriter().toString(shape); Shape out = getShapeReader().read(str); // GeoJSON has limited numeric precision so the off by .0000001 does not affect its equals ShapeWriter writer = getShapeWriterForTests(); Assert.assertEquals(writer.toString(shape), writer.toString(out)); if(andEquals) { Assert.assertEquals(shape, out); } } @Test public void testWriteThenReadPoint() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(point()); } @Test public void testWriteThenReadLineString() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(line()); } @Test public void testWriteThenReadPolygon() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(polygon1()); assertRoundTrip(polygon2()); } @Test public void testWriteThenReadMultiPoint() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(multiPoint()); } @Test public void testWriteThenReadMultiLineString() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(multiLine()); } @Test public void testWriteThenReadMultiPolygon() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(multiPolygon()); } @Test public void testWriteThenReadRectangle() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(polygon1().getBoundingBox()); } @Test public void testWriteThenReadCollection() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(collection()); } @Test public void testWriteThenReadBufferedLine() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(bufferedLine()); } @Test public void testWriteThenReadCircle() throws Exception { assertRoundTrip(circle()); } String pointText() { return strip("{'type': 'Point','coordinates':[100.1,0.1]}"); } org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.Point point() { return ctx.makePoint(100.1, 0.1); } String lineText() { return strip( "{'type': 'LineString', 'coordinates': [[100.1,0.1],[101.1,1.1]]}"); } Shape line() { return ctx.makeLineString(Arrays.asList(ctx.makePoint(100.1, 0.1), ctx.makePoint(101.1, 1.1))); } Shape polygon1() { // close to a rectangle but not quite return ctx.makeShape(gb.points(100.1, 0.1, 101.2, 0.1, 101.1, 1.1, 100.1, 1.1, 100.1, 0.1).ring().toPolygon()); } String polygonText1() { return strip("{ 'type': 'Polygon',"+ "'coordinates': ["+ " [ [100.1, 0.1], [101.2, 0.1], [101.1, 1.1], [100.1, 1.1], [100.1, 0.1] ]"+ " ]"+ "}"); } String polygonText2() { return strip("{ 'type': 'Polygon',"+ " 'coordinates': ["+ " [ [100.1, 0.1], [101.1, 0.1], [101.1, 1.1], [100.1, 1.1], [100.1, 0.1] ],"+ " [ [100.2, 0.2], [100.8, 0.2], [100.8, 0.8], [100.2, 0.8], [100.2, 0.2] ]"+ " ]"+ " }"); } Shape polygon2() { return ctx.makeShape(gb.points(100.1, 0.1, 101.1, 0.1, 101.1, 1.1, 100.1, 1.1, 100.1, 0.1).ring() .points(100.2, 0.2, 100.8, 0.2, 100.8, 0.8, 100.2, 0.8, 100.2, 0.2).ring().toPolygon()); } String multiPointText() { return strip( "{ 'type': 'MultiPoint',"+ "'coordinates': [ [100.1, 0.1], [101.1, 1.1] ]"+ "}"); } Shape multiPoint() { return ctx.makeShape(gb.points(100.1, 0.1, 101.1, 1.1).toMultiPoint()); } String multiLineText() { return strip( "{ 'type': 'MultiLineString',"+ " 'coordinates': ["+ " [ [100.1, 0.1], [101.1, 1.1] ],"+ " [ [102.1, 2.1], [103.1, 3.1] ]"+ " ]"+ " }"); } Shape multiLine() { return ctx.makeShape(gb.points(100.1, 0.1, 101.1, 1.1).lineString() .points(102.1, 2.1, 103.1, 3.1).lineString().toMultiLineString()); } String multiPolygonText() { return strip( "{ 'type': 'MultiPolygon',"+ " 'coordinates': ["+ " [[[102.1, 2.1], [103.1, 2.1], [103.1, 3.1], [102.1, 3.1], [102.1, 2.1]]],"+// rect " [[[100.1, 0.1], [101.1, 0.1], [101.1, 1.1], [100.1, 1.1], [100.1, 0.1]],"+ // rect with rect hole " [[100.2, 0.2], [100.8, 0.2], [100.8, 0.8], [100.2, 0.8], [100.2, 0.2]]]"+ " ]"+ " }"); } Shape multiPolygon() { return ctx.makeShape( gb.points(102.1, 2.1, 103.1, 2.1, 103.1, 3.1, 102.1, 3.1, 102.1, 2.1).ring().polygon() .points(100.1, 0.1, 101.1, 0.1, 101.1, 1.1, 100.1, 1.1, 100.1, 0.1).ring() .points(100.2, 0.2, 100.8, 0.2, 100.8, 0.8, 100.2, 0.8, 100.2, 0.2).ring().polygon() .toMultiPolygon()); } Rectangle rectangle() { return ctx.makeRectangle(100.1, 101.1, 0.1, 1.1); } String rectangleText() { return strip( "{" + "'type':'Polygon'," + "'coordinates': [[[100.1,0.1], [100.1,1.1], [101.1,1.1], [101.1,0.1], [100.1,0.1]]]" + "}"); } String collectionText() { return strip( "{ 'type': 'GeometryCollection',"+ " 'geometries': ["+ " { 'type': 'Point',"+ " 'coordinates': [100.1, 0.1]"+ " },"+ " { 'type': 'LineString',"+ " 'coordinates': [ [101.1, 0.1], [102.1, 1.1] ]"+ " }"+ " ]"+ " }"); } Shape collection() { return ctx.makeShapeFromGeometry(gb.point(100.1, 0.1).point().points(101.1, 0.1, 102.1, 1.1).lineString().toCollection()); } String bufferedLineText() { return strip( "{'type': 'LineString', " + "'coordinates': [[100.1,0.1],[101.1,1.1]], " + "'buffer': 1111.950797, " + "'properties': {'buffer_units': 'km'}}"); } Shape bufferedLine() { return ctx.makeBufferedLineString(Arrays.asList(ctx.makePoint(100.1, 0.1), ctx.makePoint(101.1, 1.1)), 10); } Shape circle() { return ctx.makeCircle(1, 2, 10); } String strip(String json) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) { char c = json.charAt(i); if (c == ' ' || c == '\n') continue; if (c == '\'') { sb.append("\""); } else { sb.append(c); } } return sb.toString(); } }