package com.plugtree.solrmeter.view.component; import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JButton; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.plugtree.solrmeter.model.SolrMeterConfiguration; import com.plugtree.solrmeter.model.exception.PingNotConfiguredException; import com.plugtree.solrmeter.model.operation.PingOperation; /** * This is a regular Swing button with the only difference that it will try to validate that the server * where the ping operation is pointing is alive. * @author tflobbe * */ public class SolrConnectedButton extends JButton { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3480106669296431011L; private static final String DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL = "-1"; private String notConnectedToolTip; private long timeInterval; private PingOperation operation; private Pinger pinger; private Icon connectedIcon; private Icon notConnectedIcon; public SolrConnectedButton(String text, String tooltip, PingOperation operation, long timeInterval) { super(text); init(tooltip, operation, timeInterval); } public SolrConnectedButton(Icon conected, Icon notConected, String tooltip, PingOperation operation, long timeInterval) { super(conected); this.connectedIcon = conected; this.notConnectedIcon = notConected; init(tooltip, operation, timeInterval); } private void init(String tooltip, PingOperation operation, long timeInterval){ this.notConnectedToolTip = tooltip; this.timeInterval = timeInterval; this.operation = operation; if(timeInterval > 0) { pinger = new Pinger(); new Thread(pinger).start(); } } public SolrConnectedButton(Icon conected, Icon notConected, String tooltip, PingOperation operation) { this(conected, notConected, tooltip, operation, Integer.valueOf(SolrMeterConfiguration.getProperty("solrConnectedButton.pingInterval", DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL))); } public SolrConnectedButton(String text, String tooltip, PingOperation operation) { this(text, tooltip, operation, Integer.valueOf(SolrMeterConfiguration.getProperty("solrConnectedButton.pingInterval", DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL))); } private void setConnectionOK() { this.setOpaque(false); this.setForeground(; this.setToolTipText(null); if(this.notConnectedIcon != null && this.connectedIcon != null){ this.setIcon(this.connectedIcon); } repaint(); } private void setConnectionFailed() { this.setOpaque(true); this.setForeground(; this.setToolTipText(notConnectedToolTip); if(this.notConnectedIcon != null && this.connectedIcon != null){ this.setIcon(this.notConnectedIcon); } repaint(); } private class Pinger implements Runnable { private boolean stop = false; @Override public synchronized void run() { boolean wasShownForFirstTime = false; while((isShowing() || !wasShownForFirstTime) && !stop) { if(isShowing()) { wasShownForFirstTime = true; } try { if(operation.execute()) { setConnectionOK(); }else { setConnectionFailed(); } this.wait(timeInterval); } catch (PingNotConfiguredException e) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).info(e.getMessage()); setConnectionOK(); stop(); }catch (InterruptedException e) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).error("Pinger thread interrupted", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); stop(); break; } } } private void stop() { this.stop = true; } } }