package com.vladium.utils; import java.util.Arrays; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A non-shell profile tree node implementation. This implementation trades off * some object orientation "niceness" to achieve more memory compactness. * * @author (C) <a href="">Vlad Roubtsov</a>, 2003 */ final class ObjectProfileNode extends AbstractProfileNode { // public: ................................................................ public Object object () { return m_obj; } public String name () { return m_link == null ? ObjectProfiler.INPUT_OBJECT_NAME : (); } public IObjectProfileNode shell () { return m_shell; } public IObjectProfileNode [] children () { return m_children; } public int refcount () { return m_refcount; } public boolean traverse (final INodeFilter filter, final INodeVisitor visitor) { if ((visitor != null) && ((filter == null) || filter.accept (this))) { visitor.previsit (this); final IObjectProfileNode [] children = m_children; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++ i) { children [i].traverse (filter, visitor); } visitor.postvisit (this); return true; } return false; } // protected: ............................................................. // package: ............................................................... /* * This method manages the vector in m_children field for an unfinished node. */ void addFieldRef (final IObjectProfileNode node) { // [m_size is the child count] IObjectProfileNode [] children = m_children; final int childrenLength = children.length; if (m_size >= childrenLength) { final IObjectProfileNode [] newchildren = new IObjectProfileNode [Math.max (1, childrenLength << 1)]; System.arraycopy (children, 0, newchildren, 0, childrenLength); m_children = children = newchildren; } children [m_size ++] = node; } /* * This method is called once on every node to lock it down into its * immutable and most compact representation during phase 2 of profile * tree construction. */ void finish () { final int childCount = m_size; // m_size is the child count for a non-shell node if (childCount > 0) { if (childCount < m_children.length) { final IObjectProfileNode [] newadj = new IObjectProfileNode [childCount]; System.arraycopy (m_children, 0, newadj, 0, childCount); m_children = newadj; } Arrays.sort (m_children); int size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++ i) { size += m_children [i].size (); } m_size = size; // m_size is the full node size for all nodes } } ObjectProfileNode (final ObjectProfileNode parent, final Object obj, final ILink link) { super (parent); m_obj = obj; m_link = link; m_refcount = 1; m_children = EMPTY_OBJECTPROFILENODE_ARRAY; } final ILink m_link; final Object m_obj; int m_refcount; AbstractShellProfileNode m_shell; IObjectProfileNode [] m_children; // private: ............................................................... } // end of class // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------