package com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid; /** * Hover customizer object for returning a different icon when a user has selected record(s) and is dragging them. */ public abstract class DragTrackerTitleCustomizer { private ListGrid grid; public void setGrid(ListGrid grid) { this.grid = grid; } /** * Returns the ListGrid over which the hover occurred * @return ListGrid over which the hover occurred */ public ListGrid getGrid() { return this.grid; } /** * Return "title" HTML to display as a drag tracker when the user drags some record.<br> * Default implementation will display the cell value for the title field (see * +link{listGrid.getTitleField()}) for the record(s) being dragged (including any * icons / custom formatting / styling, etc). * <p> * Note: Only called if +link{listGrid.dragTrackerMode} is set to <code>"title"</code>. * * @param record being dragged. * @param rowNum * @return Title HTML for the row. Default implementation looks at the value of the title-field cell for the row. */ public abstract String getDragTrackerTitle(ListGridRecord listGridRecord, int rowNum); }