package; import; import java.util.Calendar; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.Property; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Binary; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.ValueFactory; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType; import; import; /** * * JCR Utility Class to manipulate various things while dealing with the JCR * * @author bpaulin * */ public class JCRUtils { /** * * Recursively create nodes to a given path. * * @param parent * @param path * @return * @throws RepositoryException */ public static Node createNode(Node parent, String path) throws RepositoryException { path = convertPathToRelative("/", path); int pathPos = path.indexOf("/"); String currentNodeName = path; if (pathPos > 0) { currentNodeName = path.substring(0, pathPos); } Node newParent = null; if (parent.hasNode(currentNodeName)) { newParent = parent.getNode(currentNodeName); } else if(pathPos < 0 && path.indexOf(".") > 0){ newParent = parent.addNode(currentNodeName, NodeType.NT_FILE); } else { newParent = parent.addNode(currentNodeName, NodeType.NT_FOLDER); } if (pathPos < 0) { return newParent; } else { return createNode(newParent, path.substring(pathPos + 1)); } } /** * * Converts a path to a relative path to the base path. * * @param basePath * @param path * @return */ public static String convertPathToRelative(String basePath, String path) { if (path.startsWith(basePath)) { return path.substring(basePath.length()); } else { return path; } } /** * * Returns the extention of the node. * * @param node * @return * @throws RepositoryException */ public static String getNodeExtension(Node node) throws RepositoryException { String nodeName = node.getName(); int extensionPosition = nodeName.lastIndexOf("."); return nodeName.substring(extensionPosition + 1); } /** * * Converts a Node's Path to the same Path with a new extension. * * @param node * @param extension * @return * @throws RepositoryException */ public static String convertNodeExtensionPath(Node node, String extension) throws RepositoryException { String oldExtension = getNodeExtension(node); String oldPath = node.getPath(); int extensionPos = oldPath.lastIndexOf(oldExtension); return oldPath.substring(0, extensionPos) + extension; } /** * * Converts a file node to a InputStream * * @param fileNode * @return * @throws PathNotFoundException * @throws RepositoryException * @throws ValueFormatException */ public static InputStream getFileNodeAsStream(Node fileNode) throws RepositoryException { Node webResourceContent = fileNode.getNode(Property.JCR_CONTENT); Property webResourceData = webResourceContent .getProperty(Property.JCR_DATA); return webResourceData.getBinary().getStream(); } public static InputStream getFileResourceAsStream( ResourceResolver resolver, String path) throws RepositoryException { Resource fileResource = resolver.getResource(path); return getFileNodeAsStream(fileResource.adaptTo(Node.class)); } public static void createFileContentNode(String destinationPath, InputStream result, Session session) throws RepositoryException { Node compiledNode = JCRUtils.createNode(session.getRootNode(), destinationPath); compiledNode.setPrimaryType("nt:file"); Node compiledContent = null; if (compiledNode.hasNode(Property.JCR_CONTENT)) { compiledContent = compiledNode.getNode(Property.JCR_CONTENT); } else { compiledContent = compiledNode.addNode(Property.JCR_CONTENT, "nt:resource"); } createBinaryJCRData(result, session, compiledContent); } /** * * Creates binary data from an input stream. * * @param result * @param session * @param compiledContent */ public static void createBinaryJCRData(InputStream result, Session session, Node compiledContent) throws RepositoryException { ValueFactory valueFactory = session.getValueFactory(); Binary compiledBinary = valueFactory.createBinary(result); compiledContent.setProperty(Property.JCR_DATA, compiledBinary); Calendar lastModified = Calendar.getInstance(); compiledContent.setProperty(Property.JCR_LAST_MODIFIED, lastModified); } /** * * Retrieves JCR File node's last modified date. * * @param fileNode * @return */ public static Calendar getJcrModifiedDate(Node fileNode) throws RepositoryException { Node contentNode = fileNode.getNode(Property.JCR_CONTENT); Property lastModifiedProperty = contentNode .getProperty(Property.JCR_LAST_MODIFIED); return lastModifiedProperty.getDate(); } }