package org.skywalking.apm.trace.tag; import org.skywalking.apm.trace.Span; /** * The span tags are supported by sky-walking engine. * As default, all tags will be stored, but these ones have particular meanings. * <p> * Created by wusheng on 2017/2/17. */ public final class Tags { private Tags() { } /** * URL records the url of the incoming request. */ public static final StringTag URL = new StringTag("url"); /** * STATUS_CODE records the http status code of the response. */ public static final IntTag STATUS_CODE = new IntTag("status_code"); /** * SPAN_KIND hints at the relationship between spans, e.g. client/server. */ public static final StringTag SPAN_KIND = new StringTag("span.kind"); /** * A constant for setting the span kind to indicate that it represents a server span. */ public static final String SPAN_KIND_SERVER = "server"; /** * A constant for setting the span kind to indicate that it represents a client span. */ public static final String SPAN_KIND_CLIENT = "client"; /** * SPAN_LAYER represents the kind of span. * <p> * e.g. * db=database; * rpc=Remote Procedure Call Framework, like motan, thift; * nosql=something like redis/memcache */ public static final class SPAN_LAYER { private static StringTag SPAN_LAYER_TAG = new StringTag("span.layer"); private static final String DB_LAYER = "db"; private static final String RPC_FRAMEWORK_LAYER = "rpc"; private static final String HTTP_LAYER = "http"; public static void asDB(Span span) { SPAN_LAYER_TAG.set(span, DB_LAYER); } public static void asRPCFramework(Span span) { SPAN_LAYER_TAG.set(span, RPC_FRAMEWORK_LAYER); } public static void asHttp(Span span) { SPAN_LAYER_TAG.set(span, HTTP_LAYER); } public static String get(Span span) { return SPAN_LAYER_TAG.get(span); } public static boolean isDB(Span span) { return DB_LAYER.equals(get(span)); } public static boolean isRPCFramework(Span span) { return RPC_FRAMEWORK_LAYER.equals(get(span)); } public static boolean isHttp(Span span) { return HTTP_LAYER.equals(get(span)); } } /** * COMPONENT is a low-cardinality identifier of the module, library, or package that is instrumented. * Like dubbo/dubbox/motan */ public static final StringTag COMPONENT = new StringTag("component"); /** * ERROR indicates whether a Span ended in an error state. */ public static final BooleanTag ERROR = new BooleanTag("error", false); /** * PEER_HOST records host address (ip:port, or ip1:port1,ip2:port2) of the peer, maybe IPV4, IPV6 or hostname. */ public static final StringTag PEER_HOST = new StringTag(""); /** * PEER_PORT records remote port of the peer */ public static final IntTag PEER_PORT = new IntTag("peer.port"); /** * PEERS records multiple host address and port of remote */ public static final StringTag PEERS = new StringTag("peers"); /** * DB_TYPE records database type, such as sql, redis, cassandra and so on. */ public static final StringTag DB_TYPE = new StringTag("db.type"); /** * DB_INSTANCE records database instance name. */ public static final StringTag DB_INSTANCE = new StringTag("db.instance"); /** * DB_STATEMENT records the sql statement of the database access. */ public static final StringTag DB_STATEMENT = new StringTag("db.statement"); }