/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 SAP AG and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * SAP AG - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.skalli.view.ext.impl.internal.infobox; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.skalli.commons.Link; import org.eclipse.skalli.ext.mapping.scm.ScmLocationMapper; import org.eclipse.skalli.model.Project; import org.eclipse.skalli.model.ext.devinf.DevInfProjectExt; import org.eclipse.skalli.view.ext.ExtensionUtil; import org.eclipse.skalli.view.ext.InfoBox; import org.eclipse.skalli.view.ext.InfoBoxBase; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Layout; public class ProjectActivityBox extends InfoBoxBase implements InfoBox { private static final String STYLE_ACTIVITY_INFOBOX = "infobox-activity"; //$NON-NLS-1$ @Override public String getIconPath() { return "res/icons/activity.png"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } @Override public String getCaption() { return "Project Activity"; } @Override public String getShortName() { return "activity"; } @Override public float getPositionWeight() { return 1.55f; } @Override public int getPreferredColumn() { return COLUMN_WEST; } @Override public boolean isVisible(Project project, String loggedInUserId) { return getActivityGraphicUrl(project, loggedInUserId) != null || getActivityDetailsUrl(project, loggedInUserId) != null; } private Link getActivityGraphicUrl(Project project, String userId) { return getMappedLink(ScmLocationMapper.PURPOSE_ACTIVITY, project, userId); } private Link getActivityDetailsUrl(Project project, String userId) { return getMappedLink(ScmLocationMapper.PURPOSE_ACTIVITY_DETAILS, project, userId); } private Link getMappedLink(String purpose, Project project, String userId) { DevInfProjectExt devInf = project.getExtension(DevInfProjectExt.class); if (devInf == null) { return null; } String scmLocation = devInf.getScmLocation(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(scmLocation)) { return null; } ScmLocationMapper mapper = new ScmLocationMapper(ScmLocationMapper.ALL_PROVIDERS, purpose); List<Link> links = mapper.getMappedLinks(scmLocation, userId, project); return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(links)? links.get(0) : null; } @Override public Component getContent(Project project, ExtensionUtil util) { Layout layout = new CssLayout(); layout.addStyleName(STYLE_ACTIVITY_INFOBOX); layout.setSizeFull(); Label label; label = new Label("Latest commit activity (click for details):"); layout.addComponent(label); layout.addComponent(new Label(" ", Label.CONTENT_XHTML)); Link imgLink = getActivityGraphicUrl(project, util.getLoggedInUserId()); Link detailsLink = getActivityDetailsUrl(project, util.getLoggedInUserId()); Label activityArea = new Label(); activityArea.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML); if (imgLink != null) { String imgTag = "<img src=\"" + imgLink.getUrl() + "\" " + "title=\"" + imgLink.getLabel() + "\" " + "onerror=\"document.getElementById('activityBoxError').style.visibility='visible';" + "document.getElementById('activityBoxImage').style.visibility='hidden';\" " + ">"; String content; if (detailsLink != null) { content = "<a href=\"" + detailsLink.getUrl() + "\" target=\"_new\">" + imgTag + "</a>"; } else { content = imgTag; } activityArea.setValue("<span id=\"activityBoxImage\">" + content + "</span>"); layout.addComponent(activityArea); Label errorArea = new Label( "<span id=\"activityBoxError\" " + "style=\"visibility:hidden\">" + "<i>Currently there is no activity information available.</i>" + "</span>"); errorArea.setContentMode(Label.CONTENT_XHTML); layout.addComponent(errorArea); } else if (detailsLink != null) { activityArea.setValue("<a href=\"" + detailsLink.getUrl() + "\" target=\"_new\">Show details</a>"); layout.addComponent(activityArea); } return layout; } }