package siebog.starter.config; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; import siebog.starter.config.NodeConfig; import siebog.starter.config.NodeInfo; import siebog.starter.config.RelayInfo; import siebog.starter.NoJBossHomeException; public class NodeConfig { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(NodeConfig.class.getName()); private File jbossHome; private File rootFolder; private File configFile; private NodeInfo node = new NodeInfo("localhost"); private String cassandraHost; private String logLevel = "INFO"; private static NodeConfig instance; public static synchronized NodeConfig get() { return get(null); } public static synchronized NodeConfig get(String[] args) { if (instance == null) instance = new NodeConfig(args); return instance; } private NodeConfig(String[] args) { this.jbossHome = detectJBossHome(); try { rootFolder = new File(new File(jbossHome, "..").getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } if (args != null && args.length > 0) { parseArgs(args); } else { configFile = new File(getRootFolder(), ""); if (!configFile.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No configuration file nor program arguments."); } parseConfigFile(); } } public File getJBossHome() { return jbossHome; } public File getRootFolder() { return rootFolder; } public File getConfigFile() { return configFile; } public boolean isSlave() { return node.isSlave(); } public String getAddress() { return node.getAddress(); } public String getMasterAddr() { return node.getMasterAddr(); } public int getPortOffset() { return 0; } public RelayInfo getRelay() { return null; } public String getSlaveName() { return node.getName(); } public String getCassandraHost() { return cassandraHost; } private File detectJBossHome() { String home = System.getenv("JBOSS_HOME"); if (home == null || home.isEmpty()) throw new NoJBossHomeException(); // make sure it is set correctly File modules = new File(home, "jboss-modules.jar"); if (!modules.exists()) throw new NoJBossHomeException(); return new File(home); } private void parseArgs(String[] args) {"Loading configuration from program arguments."); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; int n = arg.indexOf('='); if (n <= 0 || n >= arg.length() - 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument: " + arg); String name = arg.substring(0, n).toLowerCase(); String value = arg.substring(n + 1); switch (name) { case "--node": case "-node": case "node": node = new NodeInfo(value); break; case "": case "": case "": cassandraHost = value; break; case "--loglevel": case "-loglevel": case "loglevel": logLevel = value.toUpperCase(); if (!logLevel.equals("DEBUG") && !logLevel.equals("INFO") && !logLevel.equals("WARN") && !logLevel.equals("ERROR")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("loglevel should be one of the following: " + "debug, info, warn, error"); } break; case "--help": case "-help": case "help": case "--h": case "-h": case "h": case "/?": throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } if (node == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter --node is required."); } private void parseConfigFile() {"Loading configuration from " + configFile.getAbsolutePath()); Properties p = new Properties(); try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(configFile)) { p.load(in); String nodeStr = p.getProperty("node"); if (nodeStr == null || nodeStr.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter --node is required."); node = new NodeInfo(nodeStr); this.cassandraHost = p.getProperty("", "localhost"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } public String getLogLevel() { return logLevel; } }