package org.jboss.shrinkwrap.impl.base.path; import java.util.logging.Logger; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ArchivePath; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ArchivePaths; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; /* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2009, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * PathUtilTestCase * * Test cases to ensure the path utilities are working as expected. * * @author <a href="">ALR</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public class PathUtilTestCase { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| // Class Members ----------------------------------------------------------------------|| // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| /** * Logger */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PathUtilTestCase.class.getName()); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| // Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| /** * Ensures that the preceding slash is removed as requested */ @Test public void testRemovePrecedingSlash() {"testRemovePrecedingSlash"); final String precedingSlash = "/test/something"; final String expected = precedingSlash.substring(1); final String result = PathUtil.optionallyRemovePrecedingSlash(precedingSlash); Assert.assertEquals("Call to remove preceding slash should return everything in input except the first slash", expected, result); } /** * Ensures that the preceding slash is removed as requested */ @Test public void testRemovePrecedingSlashWithNoPrecedingSlashEqualToInput() {"testRemovePrecedingSlash"); final String noPrecedingSlash = "test/something"; final String result = PathUtil.optionallyRemovePrecedingSlash(noPrecedingSlash); Assert.assertEquals( "Call to remove preceding slash on input with no preceding slash should return equal by value to input", noPrecedingSlash, result); } /** * Ensures that a slash may be prepended to a given String */ @Test public void testPrependSlash() {"testRemovePrecedingSlash"); final String noPrecedingSlash = "test/something"; final String expected = ArchivePath.SEPARATOR + noPrecedingSlash; final String result = PathUtil.optionallyPrependSlash(noPrecedingSlash); Assert.assertEquals("Call to prepend a slash failed", expected, result); } /** * Ensures that optionally prepending a slash upon a String already prefixed with one returns a no-op */ @Test public void testNoOpPrependSlash() {"testRemovePrecedingSlash"); final String precedingSlash = "/test/something"; final String result = PathUtil.optionallyPrependSlash(precedingSlash); Assert.assertEquals("Call to optionally prepend a slash upon input with slash prefix should return no-op", precedingSlash, result); } /** * Ensures that a slash may be appended to a given String */ @Test public void testAppendSlash() {"testRemovePrecedingSlash"); final String noFollowingSlash = "test/something"; final String expected = noFollowingSlash + ArchivePath.SEPARATOR; final String result = PathUtil.optionallyAppendSlash(noFollowingSlash); Assert.assertEquals("Call to append a slash failed", expected, result); } /** * Ensures that optionally appending a slash upon a String already suffixed with one returns a no-op */ @Test public void testNoOpAppendSlash() {"testRemovePrecedingSlash"); final String followingSlash = "/test/something/"; final String result = PathUtil.optionallyAppendSlash(followingSlash); Assert.assertEquals("Call to optionally append a slash upon input with slash suffix should return no-op", followingSlash, result); } /** * Ensures that an absolute path may be converted to full relative directory form */ @Test public void testAdjustToRelativeDirectoryContext() {"testRemovePrecedingSlash"); final String absoulteWithoutTrailingSlash = "/test/something"; final String expected = absoulteWithoutTrailingSlash.substring(1) + ArchivePath.SEPARATOR; final String result = PathUtil.adjustToRelativeDirectoryContext(absoulteWithoutTrailingSlash); Assert.assertEquals("Adjusting to relative form should strip preceding slash and append a trailing one", expected, result); } /** * Ensures that a relative path may be converted to full absolute directory form */ @Test public void testAdjustToAbsoluteDirectoryContext() {"testRemovePrecedingSlash"); final String relativeWithoutTrailingSlash = "test/something"; final String expected = ArchivePath.SEPARATOR + relativeWithoutTrailingSlash + ArchivePath.SEPARATOR; final String result = PathUtil.adjustToAbsoluteDirectoryContext(relativeWithoutTrailingSlash); Assert.assertEquals("Adjusting to absolute form should prepend preceding slash and append a trailing one", expected, result); } /** * Ensures that an absolute form may be composed from a relative context and base */ @Test public void testComposeAbsoulteContext() {"testComposeAbsoulteContext"); final String base = "something"; final String context = "somethingunder"; final String expected = ArchivePath.SEPARATOR + base + ArchivePath.SEPARATOR + context; final String result = PathUtil.composeAbsoluteContext(base, context); Assert.assertEquals("Composing an absolute context from base and context did not succeed", expected, result); } /** * Ensures the contract of {@link PathProvider#parent()} is intact */ @Test public void testParent() { // Log"testParent"); // Create new paths final String rootString = "/"; final String subpathString = "subpath/"; final String contextString = "context"; final String contextWithFollowingSlashString = "context/"; final ArchivePath root = ArchivePaths.create(rootString); final ArchivePath subpath = ArchivePaths.create(subpathString); final ArchivePath context = ArchivePaths.create(subpath, contextString); final ArchivePath contextWithFollowingSlash = new BasicPath(subpath, contextWithFollowingSlashString); // Test TestCase.assertEquals("The parent of the context path should be equal to the initial subpath", subpath, PathUtil.getParent(context)); TestCase.assertEquals( "The parent of the context path with a following slash should be equal to the initial subpath", subpath, PathUtil.getParent(contextWithFollowingSlash)); TestCase.assertEquals("The parent of the subpath should be the root", root, PathUtil.getParent(subpath)); TestCase.assertNull("The parent of the root should be null", PathUtil.getParent(root)); } }