package com.joyplus.mediaplayer; import io.vov.vitamio.LibsChecker; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import com.joyplus.control.SubManager; import com.joyplus.manager.URLManager; import com.joyplus.mediaplayer.JoyplusMediaPlayerServer.PlayerState; import com.joyplus.mediaplayer.VideoViewInterface.DecodeType; public class JoyplusMediaPlayerManager { private boolean Debug = true; private String TAG = "MediaPlayerManager"; private Context mContext; /*Interface of control videoview*/ private JoyplusMediaPlayerServer mServer; /*Interface of videoview preference*/ private JoyplusMediaPlayerDataManager mDataManager; /*Interface of sub manager*/ public final static boolean SubanagerUseNEW = true; private SubManager mSubManager; // private com.joyplus.sub.JoyplusSubManager mSubManager; // private com.joyplus.sub_old_1.JoyplusSubManager mOldSubManager; /*Interface of Url Manager*/ private URLManager mURLManager; /*a type of media player which unknow*/ public final static int TYPE_UNKNOW = -1; /*a type of media player it use Android default mediaplayer*/ public final static int TYPE_MEDIAPLAYER = 0; /*a type of media player it use Vitamio*/ public final static int TYPE_VITAMIO = 1; public final static int TYPE_MAX = TYPE_VITAMIO; public static String getPlayerTypeName(int type){ switch(type){ case TYPE_MEDIAPLAYER: return "MEDIAPLAYER"; case TYPE_VITAMIO: return "VITAMIO"; default : return Integer.toString(type); } } public static boolean isTypeAvailable(int type){ return (type>TYPE_UNKNOW && type<=TYPE_MAX); } private static JoyplusMediaPlayerManager mMediaPlayerManager; public static JoyplusMediaPlayerManager getInstance(){ return mMediaPlayerManager; } public static void Init(Activity context) throws Exception{ mMediaPlayerManager = new JoyplusMediaPlayerManager(context); } public JoyplusMediaPlayerManager(Context context) throws Exception{ if(! (context instanceof Activity))throw new Exception("use it in Activity"); mContext = context; mDataManager = new JoyplusMediaPlayerDataManager(context); mServer = new JoyplusMediaPlayerServer(context); InitURLAndSub(); if(mServer.getJoyplusPlayerConfig(TYPE_VITAMIO).EN) setVitamioEn(LibsChecker.checkVitamioLibs((Activity)context)); else setVitamioEn(false); } /*Interface of SubManager and Urlmanager*/ public SubManager getSubManager(){ return mSubManager; } public URLManager getURLManager(){ return mURLManager; } public JoyplusMediaPlayerDataManager getDataManager(){ return mDataManager; } private void InitURLAndSub(){ ResetURLAndSub(); } public void ResetURLAndSub(){ if(SubanagerUseNEW){ mSubManager = new com.joyplus.sub.JoyplusSubManager(mContext); }else{ mSubManager = new com.joyplus.sub_old_1.JoyplusSubManager(mContext); } mURLManager = new URLManager(); } /*Interface of type config*/ public JoyplusPlayerConfig getJoyplusPlayerConfig(int Type){ try { return mServer.getJoyplusPlayerConfig(Type); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /*Interface of set decode type*/ public boolean setDecodeType(DecodeType type){ return mDataManager.setDecodeType(type); } /*Interface of get decode type*/ public DecodeType getDecodeType(){ return mDataManager.getDecodeType(); } /*Interface of Switch Internal flog*/ public boolean setSwitchEn(boolean en){ return mDataManager.setSwitchEnable(en); } public boolean getSwitchEn(){ return mDataManager.getSwitchEnable(); } /*Interface of Vitamio support flog*/ public boolean setVitamioEn(boolean en){ return mDataManager.setVitamioEnable(en); } public boolean getVitamioEn(){ return mDataManager.getVitamioEnable(); } /*Interface of check decode name*/ public String getDecodeName(DecodeType type){ return mDataManager.getDecodeType(type); } /*Interface of mediaplayer */ public PlayerState getCurrentType(){ return mServer.getCurrentType(); } public PlayerState getNextType(){ PlayerState current = getCurrentType(); if(current.PlayerType != JoyplusMediaPlayerManager.TYPE_UNKNOW && isTypeAvailable(current.PlayerType)){ try { return mServer.getNextType(current.PlayerType); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return current; } public boolean IshaveNextType(){ if(!isTypeAvailable(getCurrentType().PlayerType))return false; mServer.SwitchPlayer(); return false; } /*Interface of MediaPlayer Listener*/ public Handler getmediaPlayerHandler(){ return mServer.getMediaPlayerHandler(); } public void registerListener(JoyplusMediaPlayerListener listener){ if(listener == null)return; mServer.registerListener(listener); } public void unregisterListener(JoyplusMediaPlayerListener listener){ if(listener == null)return; mServer.unregisterListener(listener); } public void unregisterAllListener(){ mServer.unregisterAllListener(); } /*Interface of switch player*/ public boolean SwitchPlayer(){ return mServer.SwitchPlayer(); } public void InitPlayer(){ mServer.InitPlayer(); } }