package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.Product; import com.salesmanager.core.model.catalog.product.attribute.ProductAttribute; import com.salesmanager.core.model.merchant.MerchantStore; import com.salesmanager.core.model.shipping.PackageDetails; import com.salesmanager.core.model.shipping.ShippingConfiguration; import com.salesmanager.core.model.shipping.ShippingProduct; import com.salesmanager.core.model.system.MerchantLog; import com.salesmanager.core.modules.integration.shipping.model.Packaging; public class DefaultPackagingImpl implements Packaging { @Inject private ShippingService shippingService; @Inject private MerchantLogService merchantLogService; /** default dimensions **/ private final static Double defaultWeight = 1D; private final static Double defaultHeight = 4D; private final static Double defaultLength = 4D; private final static Double defaultWidth = 4D; @Override public List<PackageDetails> getBoxPackagesDetails( List<ShippingProduct> products, MerchantStore store) throws ServiceException { if (products == null) { throw new ServiceException("Product list cannot be null !!"); } double width = 0; double length = 0; double height = 0; double weight = 0; double maxweight = 0; //int treshold = 0; ShippingConfiguration shippingConfiguration = shippingService.getShippingConfiguration(store); if(shippingConfiguration==null) { throw new ServiceException("ShippingConfiguration not found for merchant " + store.getCode()); } width = new Double(shippingConfiguration.getBoxWidth()).doubleValue(); length = new Double(shippingConfiguration.getBoxLength()).doubleValue(); height = new Double(shippingConfiguration.getBoxHeight()).doubleValue(); weight = new Double(shippingConfiguration.getBoxWeight()).doubleValue(); maxweight = new Double(shippingConfiguration.getMaxWeight()).doubleValue(); List<PackageDetails> boxes = new ArrayList<PackageDetails>(); // maximum number of boxes int maxBox = 100; int iterCount = 0; List<Product> individualProducts = new ArrayList<Product>(); // need to put items individually for(ShippingProduct shippingProduct : products){ Product product = shippingProduct.getProduct(); if (product.isProductVirtual()) { continue; } int qty = shippingProduct.getQuantity(); Set<ProductAttribute> attrs = shippingProduct.getProduct().getAttributes(); // set attributes values BigDecimal w = product.getProductWeight(); BigDecimal h = product.getProductHeight(); BigDecimal l = product.getProductLength(); BigDecimal wd = product.getProductWidth(); if(w==null) { w = new BigDecimal(defaultWeight); } if(h==null) { h = new BigDecimal(defaultHeight); } if(l==null) { l = new BigDecimal(defaultLength); } if(wd==null) { wd = new BigDecimal(defaultWidth); } if (attrs != null && attrs.size() > 0) { for(ProductAttribute attribute : attrs) { if(attribute.getProductAttributeWeight()!=null) { w = w.add(attribute.getProductAttributeWeight()); } } } if (qty > 1) { for (int i = 1; i <= qty; i++) { Product temp = new Product(); temp.setProductHeight(h); temp.setProductLength(l); temp.setProductWidth(wd); temp.setProductWeight(w); temp.setAttributes(product.getAttributes()); temp.setDescriptions(product.getDescriptions()); individualProducts.add(temp); } } else { Product temp = new Product(); temp.setProductHeight(h); temp.setProductLength(l); temp.setProductWidth(wd); temp.setProductWeight(w); temp.setAttributes(product.getAttributes()); temp.setDescriptions(product.getDescriptions()); individualProducts.add(temp); } iterCount++; } if (iterCount == 0) { return null; } int productCount = individualProducts.size(); List<PackingBox> boxesList = new ArrayList<PackingBox>(); //start the creation of boxes PackingBox box = new PackingBox(); // set box max volume double maxVolume = width * length * height; if (maxVolume == 0 || maxweight == 0) { MerchantLog(store,"shipping","Check shipping box configuration, it has a volume of " + maxVolume + " and a maximum weight of " + maxweight + ". Those values must be greater than 0.")); throw new ServiceException("Product configuration exceeds box configuraton"); } box.setVolumeLeft(maxVolume); box.setWeightLeft(maxweight); boxesList.add(box);//assign first box //int boxCount = 1; List<Product> assignedProducts = new ArrayList<Product>(); // calculate the volume for the next object if (assignedProducts.size() > 0) { individualProducts.removeAll(assignedProducts); assignedProducts = new ArrayList<Product>(); } boolean productAssigned = false; for(Product p : individualProducts) { //Set<ProductAttribute> attributes = p.getAttributes(); productAssigned = false; double productWeight = p.getProductWeight().doubleValue(); // validate if product fits in the box if (p.getProductWidth().doubleValue() > width || p.getProductHeight().doubleValue() > height || p.getProductLength().doubleValue() > length) { // log message to customer MerchantLog(store,"shipping","Product " + p.getSku() + " has a demension larger than the box size specified. Will use per item calculation.")); throw new ServiceException("Product configuration exceeds box configuraton"); } if (productWeight > maxweight) { MerchantLog(store,"shipping","Product " + p.getSku() + " has a weight larger than the box maximum weight specified. Will use per item calculation.")); throw new ServiceException("Product configuration exceeds box configuraton"); } double productVolume = (p.getProductWidth().doubleValue() * p.getProductHeight().doubleValue() * p .getProductLength().doubleValue()); if (productVolume == 0) { MerchantLog(store,"shipping","Product " + p.getSku() + " has one of the dimension set to 0 and therefore cannot calculate the volume")); throw new ServiceException("Product configuration exceeds box configuraton"); } if (productVolume > maxVolume) { throw new ServiceException("Product configuration exceeds box configuraton"); } //List boxesList = boxesList; // try each box //Iterator boxIter = boxesList.iterator(); for (PackingBox pbox : boxesList) { double volumeLeft = pbox.getVolumeLeft(); double weightLeft = pbox.getWeightLeft(); if ((volumeLeft * .75) >= productVolume && pbox.getWeightLeft() >= productWeight) {// fit the item // in this // box // fit in the current box volumeLeft = volumeLeft - productVolume; pbox.setVolumeLeft(volumeLeft); weightLeft = weightLeft - productWeight; pbox.setWeightLeft(weightLeft); assignedProducts.add(p); productCount--; double w = pbox.getWeight(); w = w + productWeight; pbox.setWeight(w); productAssigned = true; maxBox--; break; } } if (!productAssigned) {// create a new box box = new PackingBox(); // set box max volume box.setVolumeLeft(maxVolume); box.setWeightLeft(maxweight); boxesList.add(box); double volumeLeft = box.getVolumeLeft() - productVolume; box.setVolumeLeft(volumeLeft); double weightLeft = box.getWeightLeft() - productWeight; box.setWeightLeft(weightLeft); assignedProducts.add(p); productCount--; double w = box.getWeight(); w = w + productWeight; box.setWeight(w); maxBox--; } } // now prepare the shipping info // number of boxes //Iterator ubIt = usedBoxesList.iterator(); System.out.println("###################################"); System.out.println("Number of boxes " + boxesList.size()); System.out.println("###################################"); for(PackingBox pb : boxesList) { PackageDetails details = new PackageDetails(); details.setShippingHeight(height); details.setShippingLength(length); details.setShippingWeight(weight + box.getWeight()); details.setShippingWidth(width); details.setItemName(store.getCode()); boxes.add(details); } return boxes; } @Override public List<PackageDetails> getItemPackagesDetails( List<ShippingProduct> products, MerchantStore store) throws ServiceException { List<PackageDetails> packages = new ArrayList<PackageDetails>(); for(ShippingProduct shippingProduct : products) { Product product = shippingProduct.getProduct(); if (product.isProductVirtual()) { continue; } //BigDecimal weight = product.getProductWeight(); Set<ProductAttribute> attributes = product.getAttributes(); // set attributes values BigDecimal w = product.getProductWeight(); BigDecimal h = product.getProductHeight(); BigDecimal l = product.getProductLength(); BigDecimal wd = product.getProductWidth(); if(w==null) { w = new BigDecimal(defaultWeight); } if(h==null) { h = new BigDecimal(defaultHeight); } if(l==null) { l = new BigDecimal(defaultLength); } if(wd==null) { wd = new BigDecimal(defaultWidth); } if (attributes != null && attributes.size() > 0) { for(ProductAttribute attribute : attributes) { if(attribute.getAttributeAdditionalWeight()!=null) { w = w.add(attribute.getProductAttributeWeight()); } } } if (shippingProduct.getQuantity() == 1) { PackageDetails detail = new PackageDetails(); detail.setShippingHeight(h .doubleValue()); detail.setShippingLength(l .doubleValue()); detail.setShippingWeight(w.doubleValue()); detail.setShippingWidth(wd.doubleValue()); detail.setShippingQuantity(shippingProduct.getQuantity()); String description = "item"; if(product.getDescriptions().size()>0) { description = product.getDescriptions().iterator().next().getName(); } detail.setItemName(description); packages.add(detail); } else if (shippingProduct.getQuantity() > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < shippingProduct.getQuantity(); i++) { PackageDetails detail = new PackageDetails(); detail.setShippingHeight(h .doubleValue()); detail.setShippingLength(l .doubleValue()); detail.setShippingWeight(w.doubleValue()); detail.setShippingWidth(wd .doubleValue()); detail.setShippingQuantity(shippingProduct.getQuantity()); String description = "item"; if(product.getDescriptions().size()>0) { description = product.getDescriptions().iterator().next().getName(); } detail.setItemName(description); packages.add(detail); } } } return packages; } } class PackingBox { private double volumeLeft; private double weightLeft; private double weight; public double getVolumeLeft() { return volumeLeft; } public void setVolumeLeft(double volumeLeft) { this.volumeLeft = volumeLeft; } public double getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(double weight) { this.weight = weight; } public double getWeightLeft() { return weightLeft; } public void setWeightLeft(double weightLeft) { this.weightLeft = weightLeft; } }