/* * Copyright 2015 the original author or authors. * @https://github.com/scouter-project/scouter * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package scouter.agent; import scouter.Version; import scouter.agent.netio.data.DataProxy; import scouter.lang.conf.ConfObserver; import scouter.lang.conf.ConfigDesc; import scouter.lang.conf.ConfigValueUtil; import scouter.lang.counters.CounterConstants; import scouter.lang.value.ListValue; import scouter.lang.value.MapValue; import scouter.net.NetConstants; import scouter.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; public class Configure extends Thread { private static Configure instance = null; public final static String CONF_DIR = "./conf/"; public final static synchronized Configure getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Configure(); instance.setDaemon(true); instance.setName(ThreadUtil.getName(instance)); instance.start(); } return instance; } //Network @ConfigDesc("UDP local IP") public String net_local_udp_ip = null; @ConfigDesc("UDP local Port") public int net_local_udp_port; @ConfigDesc("Collector IP") public String net_collector_ip = ""; @ConfigDesc("Collector UDP Port") public int net_collector_udp_port = NetConstants.SERVER_UDP_PORT; @ConfigDesc("Collector TCP Port") public int net_collector_tcp_port = NetConstants.SERVER_TCP_PORT; @ConfigDesc("Collector TCP Session Count") public int net_collector_tcp_session_count = 1; @ConfigDesc("Collector TCP Socket Timeout(ms)") public int net_collector_tcp_so_timeout_ms = 60000; @ConfigDesc("Collector TCP Connection Timeout(ms)") public int net_collector_tcp_connection_timeout_ms = 3000; @ConfigDesc("UDP Buffer Size") public int net_udp_packet_max_bytes = 60000; //Object @ConfigDesc("Object Type") public String obj_type = ""; @ConfigDesc("Object Name") public String obj_name = ""; //Manager @ConfigDesc("") public StringSet mgr_log_ignore_ids = new StringSet(); //Counter @ConfigDesc("Activating collect counter") public boolean counter_enabled = true; @ConfigDesc("Path to file reading directory of java process ID file") public String counter_object_registry_path = "/tmp/scouter"; @ConfigDesc("Activating netstat counter - too many sockets(ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT...) may cause heavy cpu load.") public boolean counter_netstat_enabled = true; //Log @ConfigDesc("") public boolean log_udp_object = false; @ConfigDesc("Retaining log according to date") public boolean log_rotation_enalbed = true; @ConfigDesc("Log directory") public String log_dir = "./logs"; @ConfigDesc("Keeping period of log") public int log_keep_days = 365; //Disk public boolean disk_alert_enabled = true; public int disk_warning_pct = 70; public int disk_fatal_pct = 90; public StringSet disk_ignore_names = new StringSet(); //Cpu public boolean cpu_alert_enabled = true; public long cpu_check_period_ms = 300000; public long cpu_alert_interval_ms = 30000; public int cpu_warning_pct = 70; public int cpu_fatal_pct = 90; public int cpu_warning_history = 3; public int cpu_fatal_history = 3; public int _cpu_value_avg_sec = 10; //Memory public boolean mem_alert_enabled = false; public long mem_alert_interval_ms = 30000; public int mem_warning_pct = 80; public int mem_fatal_pct = 90; //internal variables private int objHash; private String objName; private Configure() { Properties p = new Properties(); Map args = new HashMap(); args.putAll(System.getenv()); args.putAll(System.getProperties()); p.putAll(args); this.property = p; reload(false); } private Configure(boolean b) { } private long last_load_time = -1; public Properties property = new Properties(); private boolean running = true; public void run() { Logger.println("Version " + Version.getAgentFullVersion()); long dateUnit = DateUtil.getDateUnit(); while (running) { reload(false); // Text Data Reset.. long nowUnit = DateUtil.getDateUnit(); if (dateUnit != nowUnit) { dateUnit = nowUnit; DataProxy.reset(); } ThreadUtil.sleep(3000); } } private File propertyFile; public File getPropertyFile() { if (propertyFile != null) { return propertyFile; } String s = System.getProperty("scouter.config", CONF_DIR + "scouter.conf"); propertyFile = new File(s.trim()); return propertyFile; } long last_check = 0; public synchronized boolean reload(boolean force) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (force == false && now < last_check + 3000) return false; last_check = now; File file = getPropertyFile(); if (file.lastModified() == last_load_time) { return false; } last_load_time = file.lastModified(); Properties temp = new Properties(); if (file.canRead()) { FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(file); temp.load(in); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { FileUtil.close(in); } } property = ConfigValueUtil.replaceSysProp(temp); apply(); ConfObserver.run(); return true; } private void apply() { this.net_udp_packet_max_bytes = getInt("net_udp_packet_max_bytes", getInt("udp.packet.max", 60000)); this.mgr_log_ignore_ids = getStringSet("mgr_log_ignore_ids", ","); this.net_local_udp_ip = getValue("net_local_udp_ip"); this.net_local_udp_port = getInt("net_local_udp_port", 0); this.net_collector_ip = getValue("net_collector_ip", getValue("server.addr", "")); this.net_collector_udp_port = getInt("net_collector_udp_port", getInt("server.port", NetConstants.SERVER_UDP_PORT)); this.net_collector_tcp_port = getInt("net_collector_tcp_port", getInt("server.port", NetConstants.SERVER_TCP_PORT)); this.net_collector_tcp_session_count = getInt("net_collector_tcp_session_count", 1, 1); this.net_collector_tcp_connection_timeout_ms = getInt("net_collector_tcp_connection_timeout_ms", 3000); this.net_collector_tcp_so_timeout_ms = getInt("net_collector_tcp_so_timeout_ms", 60000); this.counter_enabled = getBoolean("counter_enabled", true); this.log_udp_object = getBoolean("log_udp_object", false); this.counter_netstat_enabled = getBoolean("counter_netstat_enabled", true); this.log_dir = getValue("log_dir", "./logs"); this.log_rotation_enalbed = getBoolean("log_rotation_enalbed", true); this.log_keep_days = getInt("log_keep_days", 365); this.counter_object_registry_path = getValue("counter_object_registry_path", "/tmp/scouter"); this.disk_alert_enabled = getBoolean("disk_alert_enabled", true); this.disk_warning_pct = getInt("disk_warning_pct", 70); this.disk_fatal_pct = getInt("disk_fatal_pct", 90); this.disk_ignore_names = getStringSet("disk_ignore_names", ","); this.cpu_alert_enabled = getBoolean("cpu_alert_enabled", true); this.cpu_check_period_ms = getLong("cpu_check_period_ms", 300000); this.cpu_alert_interval_ms = getLong("cpu_alert_interval_ms", 30000); this.cpu_warning_pct = getInt("cpu_warning_pct", 70); this.cpu_fatal_pct = getInt("cpu_fatal_pct", 90); this.cpu_warning_history = getInt("cpu_warning_history", 3); this.cpu_fatal_history = getInt("cpu_fatal_history", 3); this._cpu_value_avg_sec = getInt("_cpu_value_avg_sec", 10); this.mem_alert_enabled = getBoolean("mem_alert_enabled", false); this.mem_alert_interval_ms = getLong("mem_alert_interval_ms", 30000); this.mem_warning_pct = getInt("mem_warning_pct", 80); this.mem_fatal_pct = getInt("mem_fatal_pct", 90); resetObjInfo(); } private StringSet getStringSet(String key, String deli) { StringSet set = new StringSet(); String v = getValue(key); if (v != null) { String[] vv = StringUtil.split(v, deli); for (String x : vv) { x = StringUtil.trimToEmpty(x); if (x.length() > 0) set.put(x); } } return set; } public synchronized void resetObjInfo() { String detected = CounterConstants.HOST; if (SystemUtil.IS_LINUX) { detected = CounterConstants.LINUX; } else if (SystemUtil.IS_WINDOWS) { detected = CounterConstants.WINDOWS; } else if (SystemUtil.IS_MAC_OSX) { detected = CounterConstants.OSX; } else if (SystemUtil.IS_AIX) { detected = CounterConstants.AIX; } else if (SystemUtil.IS_HP_UX) { detected = CounterConstants.HPUX; } this.obj_type = getValue("obj_type", detected); this.obj_name = getValue("obj_name", SysJMX.getHostName()); this.objName = "/" + this.obj_name; this.objHash = HashUtil.hash(objName); } public String getValue(String key) { return StringUtil.trim(property.getProperty(key)); } public String getValue(String key, String def) { return StringUtil.trim(property.getProperty(key, def)); } public int getInt(String key, int def) { try { String v = getValue(key); if (v != null) return Integer.parseInt(v); } catch (Exception e) { } return def; } public int getInt(String key, int def, int min) { try { String v = getValue(key); if (v != null) { return Math.max(Integer.parseInt(v), min); } } catch (Exception e) { } return Math.max(def, min); } public long getLong(String key, long def) { try { String v = getValue(key); if (v != null) return Long.parseLong(v); } catch (Exception e) { } return def; } public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean def) { try { String v = getValue(key); if (v != null) return Boolean.parseBoolean(v); } catch (Exception e) { } return def; } public int getObjHash() { return this.objHash; } public String getObjName() { return this.objName; } public String loadText() { File file = getPropertyFile(); InputStream fin = null; try { fin = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] buff = FileUtil.readAll(fin); return new String(buff); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { FileUtil.close(fin); } return null; } public boolean saveText(String text) { File file = getPropertyFile(); OutputStream out = null; try { if (file.getParentFile().exists() == false) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } out = new FileOutputStream(file); out.write(text.getBytes()); return true; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { FileUtil.close(out); } return false; } public void printConfig() { System.out.println("Configure -Dscouter.config=" + propertyFile); } private static HashSet<String> ignoreSet = new HashSet<String>(); static { ignoreSet.add("property"); } public MapValue getKeyValueInfo() { StringKeyLinkedMap<Object> defMap = ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDefault(new Configure(true)); StringKeyLinkedMap<Object> curMap = ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDefault(this); MapValue m = new MapValue(); ListValue nameList = m.newList("key"); ListValue valueList = m.newList("value"); ListValue defList = m.newList("default"); StringEnumer enu = defMap.keys(); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { String key = enu.nextString(); if (ignoreSet.contains(key)) continue; nameList.add(key); valueList.add(ConfigValueUtil.toValue(curMap.get(key))); defList.add(ConfigValueUtil.toValue(defMap.get(key))); } return m; } public StringKeyLinkedMap<String> getConfigureDesc() { return ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDescMap(this); } public static void main(String[] args) { Configure o = new Configure(true); StringKeyLinkedMap<Object> defMap = ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDefault(o); StringKeyLinkedMap<String> descMap = ConfigValueUtil.getConfigDescMap(o); StringEnumer enu = defMap.keys(); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { String key = enu.nextString(); if (ignoreSet.contains(key)) continue; System.out.println(key + " : " + ConfigValueUtil.toValue(defMap.get(key)) + (descMap.containsKey(key) ? " (" + descMap.get(key) + ")" : "")); } } }