package scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.annotation; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.annotation.AnnotationDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.method.MethodDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.method.ParameterDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.Implementation; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.auxiliary.MethodCallProxy; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bind.MethodDelegationBinder; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.StackManipulation; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.assign.Assigner; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.bytecode.constant.NullConstant; import scouter.bytebuddy.implementation.MethodDelegation; import java.lang.annotation.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * Parameters that are annotated with this annotation will be assigned a proxy for calling the instrumented method's * {@code super} implementation. If a method does not have a super implementation, calling the annotated proxy will * throw an exception. * <p> </p> * The proxy will both implement the {@link java.util.concurrent.Callable} and the {@link java.lang.Runnable} interfaces * such that the annotated parameter must be assignable to any of those interfaces or be of the {@link java.lang.Object} * type. * * @see MethodDelegation * @see TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder */ @Documented @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) public @interface SuperCall { /** * Determines if the generated proxy should be {@link}. * * @return {@code true} if the generated proxy should be {@link}. */ boolean serializableProxy() default false; /** * Determines if the injected proxy should invoke the default method to the intercepted method if a common * super method invocation is not applicable. For this to be possible, the default method must not be ambiguous. * * @return {@code true} if the invocation should fall back to invoking the default method. */ boolean fallbackToDefault() default true; /** * Assigns {@code null} to the parameter if it is impossible to invoke the super method or a possible dominant default method, if permitted. * * @return {@code true} if a {@code null} constant should be assigned to this parameter in case that a legal binding is impossible. */ boolean nullIfImpossible() default false; /** * A binder for handling the * {@link SuperCall} * annotation. * * @see TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder */ enum Binder implements TargetMethodAnnotationDrivenBinder.ParameterBinder<SuperCall> { /** * The singleton instance. */ INSTANCE; @Override public Class<SuperCall> getHandledType() { return SuperCall.class; } @Override public MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding<?> bind(AnnotationDescription.Loadable<SuperCall> annotation, MethodDescription source, ParameterDescription target, Implementation.Target implementationTarget, Assigner assigner, Assigner.Typing typing) { TypeDescription targetType = target.getType().asErasure(); if (!targetType.represents(Runnable.class) && !targetType.represents(Callable.class) && !targetType.represents(Object.class)) { throw new IllegalStateException("A super method call proxy can only be assigned to Runnable or Callable types: " + target); } else if (source.isConstructor()) { return annotation.loadSilent().nullIfImpossible() ? new MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding.Anonymous(NullConstant.INSTANCE) : MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding.Illegal.INSTANCE; } Implementation.SpecialMethodInvocation specialMethodInvocation = annotation.loadSilent().fallbackToDefault() ? implementationTarget.invokeDominant(source.asSignatureToken()) : implementationTarget.invokeSuper(source.asSignatureToken()); StackManipulation stackManipulation; if (specialMethodInvocation.isValid()) { stackManipulation = new MethodCallProxy.AssignableSignatureCall(specialMethodInvocation, annotation.loadSilent().serializableProxy()); } else if (annotation.loadSilent().nullIfImpossible()) { stackManipulation = NullConstant.INSTANCE; } else { return MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding.Illegal.INSTANCE; } return new MethodDelegationBinder.ParameterBinding.Anonymous(stackManipulation); } } }