package hu.advancedweb.example.step; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import; import; import; import hu.advancedweb.example.Calculator; public class CalculatorSteps { public static Calculator calculator; @Given("^a Calculator") public void a_calculator() throws Throwable { calculator = new Calculator(); } @When("^I enter (\\d+)$") public void i_enter_a_number(int number) throws Throwable { calculator.enter(number); } @When("^I press PLUS") public void i_press_plus() throws Throwable { calculator.pressPlus(); } @When("^I press MULTIPLY$") public void i_press_MULTIPLY() throws Throwable { calculator.pressMultiply(); } @Then("^I should see (\\d+)$") public void i_should_see_the_result(int number) throws Throwable { int result = calculator.getResult(); assertThat(result, equalTo(number)); } @Then("^I should see (\\d+), (\\d+) and (\\d+) if I repeat the operation three times$") public void i_should_see_the_following_numbers(int first, int second, int third) throws Throwable { calculator.pressEnter(); int result = calculator.getResult(); assertThat(result, equalTo(first)); calculator.pressEnter(); result = calculator.getResult(); assertThat(result, equalTo(second)); calculator.pressEnter(); // Oops. Accidentally pressing the button twice. calculator.pressEnter(); result = calculator.getResult(); assertThat(result, equalTo(third)); } }