package com.sample.get; import com.sample.interfaces.SumFunctionalI; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.Map; import static spark.Spark.get; public class GetRequests { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GetRequests.class); /** * Sample get request to print a greeting on the browser */ public static void greet() { get("/helloWorld", (arg0, arg1) -> "This is from the Get method. Hello world"); } /** * Get request to print the query parameters passed * Sample request can look like <code>http://localhost:4567/helloWorld2?a=1,2&b=a&a=5</code> */ public static void getQueryParams() { String result = ""; get("/helloWorld2", (req, res) -> { Map<String, String[]> queryParamsMap = req.queryMap().toMap(); for (String p : queryParamsMap.keySet()) { String[] vals = queryParamsMap.get(p); for (String val : vals) { + "::" + val); } } return result; }); } public static void add() { get("/sumop", (req, res) -> { SumFunctionalI functionalI = (String tokenA, String tokenB) -> tokenA + tokenB; return functionalI.concatStrings("Hello", "World"); }); } }