package; /** * Represents a single element in the array of pagination controls displayed on pages such * as the blog index or search results. * * An element is represented at the view layer by a label, and typically this value will * correspond to the target page number, but may also represent a collection of pages * beyond the scope of the current pagination control, usually represented by an * ellipsis ("..."). * * A page element may be navigable or non-navigable, which translates at the view layer to * whether it is rendered as a link. For example, the current page is treated as * non-navigable as is any element representing "additional pages", i.e. the ellipsis * mentioned above. */ class PageElement { private final String label; private final boolean isNavigable; private final boolean isCurrentPage; public PageElement(long pageNumber, boolean isNavigable, boolean isCurrentPage) { this(pageNumber + "", isNavigable, isCurrentPage); } public PageElement(String label, boolean isNavigable, boolean isCurrentPage) { this.label = label; this.isNavigable = isNavigable; this.isCurrentPage = isCurrentPage; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public boolean isNavigable() { return isNavigable; } public boolean isCurrentPage() { return isCurrentPage; } }