package; import org.rstudio.core.client.resources.ImageResource2x; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.OperationWithInput; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.ProgressIndicator; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.WizardPage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class NewRSConnectAuthPage extends WizardPage<NewRSConnectAccountInput, NewRSConnectAccountResult> implements WindowClosedEvent.Handler { public NewRSConnectAuthPage() { super("", "", "Verifying Account", new ImageResource2x(RSConnectResources.INSTANCE.localAccountIcon2x()), new ImageResource2x(RSConnectResources.INSTANCE.localAccountIconLarge2x())); // listen for window close events (this page needs to know when the user // closes the auth dialog RStudioGinjector.INSTANCE.getEventBus().addHandler( WindowClosedEvent.TYPE, this); waitingForAuth_.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> waiting) { if (setOkButtonVisible_ != null) setOkButtonVisible_.execute(!waiting.getValue()); } }); } @Override public void focus() { } @Override public void setIntermediateResult(NewRSConnectAccountResult result) { result_ = result; } @Override public void onActivate(final ProgressIndicator indicator) { if (waitingForAuth_.getValue() || result_ == null) return; // save reference to parent wizard's progress indicator for retries wizardIndicator_ = indicator; indicator.onProgress("Checking server connection..."); server_.validateServerUrl(result_.getServerUrl(), new ServerRequestCallback<RSConnectServerInfo>() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(RSConnectServerInfo info) { if (info.isValid()) { result_.setServerInfo(info); getPreAuthToken(indicator); } else { contents_.showError("Server Validation Failed", "The URL '" + result_.getServerUrl() + "' does not appear to belong to a valid server. Please " + "double check the URL, and contact your administrator " + "if the problem persists.\n\n" + info.getMessage()); indicator.clearProgress(); } } @Override public void onError(ServerError error) { contents_.showError("Error Connecting Account", "The server couldn't be validated. " + error.getMessage()); indicator.clearProgress(); } }); } @Override public void onWindowClosed(WindowClosedEvent event) { if (event.getName().equals(AUTH_WINDOW_NAME)) { waitingForAuth_.setValue(false, true); // check to see if the user successfully authenticated onAuthCompleted(); } } @Override public void onWizardClosing() { // this will cause us to stop polling for auth (if we haven't already) waitingForAuth_.setValue(false, true); } public void setOkButtonVisible(OperationWithInput<Boolean> okButtonVisible) { setOkButtonVisible_ = okButtonVisible; } @Override protected Widget createWidget() { contents_ = new RSConnectAuthWait(); contents_.setOnTryAgain(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { onActivate(wizardIndicator_); } }); return contents_; } @Override protected void initialize(NewRSConnectAccountInput initData) { server_ = initData.getServer(); display_ = initData.getDisplay(); } @Override protected NewRSConnectAccountResult collectInput() { return result_; } @Override protected boolean validate(NewRSConnectAccountResult input) { return input != null && input.getAuthUser() != null; } private void pollForAuthCompleted() { Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { // don't keep polling once auth is complete or window is closed if (!waitingForAuth_.getValue()) return false; // avoid re-entrancy--if we're already running a check but it hasn't // returned for some reason, just wait for it to finish if (runningAuthCompleteCheck_) return true; runningAuthCompleteCheck_ = true; server_.getUserFromToken(result_.getServerInfo().getUrl(), result_.getPreAuthToken(), new ServerRequestCallback<RSConnectAuthUser>() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(RSConnectAuthUser user) { runningAuthCompleteCheck_ = false; // expected if user hasn't finished authenticating yet, // just wait and try again if (!user.isValidUser()) return; // user is valid--cache account info and close the // window result_.setAuthUser(user); waitingForAuth_.setValue(false, true); if (Desktop.isDesktop()) { // on the desktop, we can close the window by name Desktop.getFrame().closeNamedWindow( AUTH_WINDOW_NAME); } onUserAuthVerified(); } @Override public void onError(ServerError error) { // ignore this error runningAuthCompleteCheck_ = false; } }); return true; } }, 1000); } private void onAuthCompleted() { server_.getUserFromToken(result_.getServerInfo().getUrl(), result_.getPreAuthToken(), new ServerRequestCallback<RSConnectAuthUser>() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(RSConnectAuthUser user) { if (!user.isValidUser()) { contents_.showError("Account Not Connected", "Authentication failed. If you did not cancel " + "authentication, try again, or contact your server " + "administrator for assistance."); } else { result_.setAuthUser(user); onUserAuthVerified(); } } @Override public void onError(ServerError error) { contents_.showError("Account Validation Failed", "RStudio failed to determine whether the account was " + "valid. Try again; if the error persists, contact your " + "server administrator.\n\n" + result_.getServerInfo().getInfoString() + "\n" + error.getMessage()); } }); } private void onUserAuthVerified() { // set the account nickname if we didn't already have one if (result_.getAccountNickname().length() == 0) { if (result_.getAuthUser().getUsername().length() > 0) { // if we have a username already, just use it result_.setAccountNickname( result_.getAuthUser().getUsername()); } else { // if we don't have any username, guess one based on user's given name // on the server result_.setAccountNickname( result_.getAuthUser().getFirstName().substring(0, 1) + result_.getAuthUser().getLastName().toLowerCase()); } } contents_.showSuccess(result_.getServerName(), result_.getAccountNickname()); } private void getPreAuthToken(ProgressIndicator indicator) { getPreAuthToken(result_, result_.getServerInfo(), indicator, new OperationWithInput<NewRSConnectAccountResult>() { @Override public void execute(NewRSConnectAccountResult input) { // do nothing if no result returned if (input == null) return; // save intermediate result result_ = input; contents_.setClaimLink(result_.getServerInfo().getName(), result_.getPreAuthToken().getClaimUrl()); // begin waiting for user to complete authentication waitingForAuth_.setValue(true, true); contents_.showWaiting(); // prepare a new window with the auth URL loaded if (canSpawnAuthenticationWindow()) { NewWindowOptions options = new NewWindowOptions(); options.setName(AUTH_WINDOW_NAME); options.setAllowExternalNavigation(true); options.setShowDesktopToolbar(false); display_.openWebMinimalWindow( result_.getPreAuthToken().getClaimUrl(), false, 700, 800, options); } else { Desktop.getFrame().browseUrl(result_.getPreAuthToken().getClaimUrl()); } // close the window automatically when authentication finishes pollForAuthCompleted(); } }); } private void getPreAuthToken( final NewRSConnectAccountResult result, final RSConnectServerInfo serverInfo, final ProgressIndicator indicator, final OperationWithInput<NewRSConnectAccountResult> onResult) { indicator.onProgress("Setting up an account..."); server_.getPreAuthToken(serverInfo.getName(), new ServerRequestCallback<RSConnectPreAuthToken>() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(final RSConnectPreAuthToken token) { NewRSConnectAccountResult newResult = result; newResult.setPreAuthToken(token); newResult.setServerInfo(serverInfo); onResult.execute(newResult); indicator.clearProgress(); } @Override public void onError(ServerError error) { display_.showErrorMessage("Error Connecting Account", "The server appears to be valid, but rejected the " + "request to authorize an account.\n\n"+ serverInfo.getInfoString() + "\n" + error.getMessage()); indicator.clearProgress(); onResult.execute(null); } }); } private boolean canSpawnAuthenticationWindow() { if (!Desktop.isDesktop()) return true; if (Desktop.getFrame().isCentOS()) return false; return true; } private OperationWithInput<Boolean> setOkButtonVisible_; private NewRSConnectAccountResult result_; private RSConnectServerOperations server_; private GlobalDisplay display_; private RSConnectAuthWait contents_; private Value<Boolean> waitingForAuth_ = new Value<Boolean>(false); private boolean runningAuthCompleteCheck_ = false; private ProgressIndicator wizardIndicator_; public final static String AUTH_WINDOW_NAME = "rstudio_rsconnect_auth"; }