package com.github.bjuvensjo.rsimulator.example.unittest.transfer; import com.github.bjuvensjo.rsimulator.example.unittest.transfer.account.Account; import com.github.bjuvensjo.rsimulator.example.unittest.transfer.transfer.TransferResponse; import java.util.List; /** * TransferBean. * * @author Magnus Bjuvensjö */ public interface TransferBean { /** * Returns the account for the user with the specified userId. * * @param userId user id * @return the account for the user with the specified userId */ List<Account> getAccounts(String userId); /** * Returns a receipt of the transfer. * * @param from the from account * @param to the to account * @param amount the amount * @return a receipt of the transfer */ TransferResponse.Receipt transfer(Account from, Account to, double amount); }