package org.robolectric.shadows; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.Choreographer; import android.view.IWindowFocusObserver; import android.view.IWindowId; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.view.WindowId; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.Transformation; import org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment; import org.robolectric.annotation.*; import org.robolectric.annotation.HiddenApi; import; import org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers; import org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers.ClassParameter; import org.robolectric.util.TimeUtils; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2; import static org.robolectric.Shadows.shadowOf; import static org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow.directlyOn; import static org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow.invokeConstructor; import static org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers.getField; import static org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers.setField; @Implements(View.class) public class ShadowView { @RealObject protected View realView; private View.OnClickListener onClickListener; private View.OnLongClickListener onLongClickListener; private View.OnFocusChangeListener onFocusChangeListener; private View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener onSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener; private boolean wasInvalidated; private View.OnTouchListener onTouchListener; protected AttributeSet attributeSet; public Point scrollToCoordinates = new Point(); private boolean didRequestLayout; private MotionEvent lastTouchEvent; private float scaleX = 1.0f; private float scaleY = 1.0f; private int hapticFeedbackPerformed = -1; private boolean onLayoutWasCalled; private View.OnCreateContextMenuListener onCreateContextMenuListener; private Rect globalVisibleRect; /** * Calls {@code performClick()} on a {@code View} after ensuring that it and its ancestors are visible and that it * is enabled. * * @param view the view to click on * @return true if {@code View.OnClickListener}s were found and fired, false otherwise. * @throws RuntimeException if the preconditions are not met. */ public static boolean clickOn(View view) { return shadowOf(view).checkedPerformClick(); } /** * Returns a textual representation of the appearance of the object. * * @param view the view to visualize * @return Textual representation of the appearance of the object. */ public static String visualize(View view) { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); view.draw(canvas); return shadowOf(canvas).getDescription(); } /** * Emits an xml-like representation of the view to System.out. * * @param view the view to dump */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public static void dump(View view) { shadowOf(view).dump(); } /** * Returns the text contained within this view. * * @param view the view to scan for text * @return Text contained within this view. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public static String innerText(View view) { return shadowOf(view).innerText(); } public void __constructor__(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet, int defStyle) { if (context == null) throw new NullPointerException("no context"); this.attributeSet = attributeSet; invokeConstructor(View.class, realView, ClassParameter.from(Context.class, context), ClassParameter.from(AttributeSet.class, attributeSet), ClassParameter.from(int.class, defStyle)); } /** * Build drawable, either LayerDrawable or BitmapDrawable. * * @param resourceId Resource id * @return Drawable */ protected Drawable buildDrawable(int resourceId) { return realView.getResources().getDrawable(resourceId); } /** * This will be removed in Robolectric 3.4 use {@link RuntimeEnvironment#getQualifiers()} instead, however * the correct way to configure qualifiers is using {@link Config#qualifiers()} so a constant can be used if this * is important to your tests. However, qualifier strings are typically just used to initialize the test environment * in a certain configuration. {@link android.content.res.Configuration} changes should be managed through * {@link} * @deprecated */ @Deprecated protected String getQualifiers() { return RuntimeEnvironment.getQualifiers(); } /** * @return the resource ID of this view's background * @deprecated Use FEST assertions instead. */ @Deprecated public int getBackgroundResourceId() { Drawable drawable = realView.getBackground(); return drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable ? shadowOf(((BitmapDrawable) drawable).getBitmap()).getCreatedFromResId() : -1; } /** * @return the color of this view's background, or 0 if it's not a solid color * @deprecated Use FEST assertions instead. */ @Deprecated public int getBackgroundColor() { Drawable drawable = realView.getBackground(); return drawable instanceof ColorDrawable ? ((ColorDrawable) drawable).getColor() : 0; } @HiddenApi @Implementation public void computeOpaqueFlags() { } @Implementation public void setOnFocusChangeListener(View.OnFocusChangeListener l) { onFocusChangeListener = l; directly().setOnFocusChangeListener(l); } @Implementation public void setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener onClickListener) { this.onClickListener = onClickListener; directly().setOnClickListener(onClickListener); } @Implementation public void setOnLongClickListener(View.OnLongClickListener onLongClickListener) { this.onLongClickListener = onLongClickListener; directly().setOnLongClickListener(onLongClickListener); } @Implementation public void setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener onSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener) { this.onSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener = onSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener; directly().setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener(onSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener); } @Implementation public void setOnCreateContextMenuListener(View.OnCreateContextMenuListener onCreateContextMenuListener) { this.onCreateContextMenuListener = onCreateContextMenuListener; directly().setOnCreateContextMenuListener(onCreateContextMenuListener); } @Implementation public void draw( canvas) { Drawable background = realView.getBackground(); if (background != null) { shadowOf(canvas).appendDescription("background:"); background.draw(canvas); } } @Implementation public void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { onLayoutWasCalled = true; directlyOn(realView, View.class, "onLayout", ClassParameter.from(boolean.class, changed), ClassParameter.from(int.class, left), ClassParameter.from(int.class, top), ClassParameter.from(int.class, right), ClassParameter.from(int.class, bottom)); } public boolean onLayoutWasCalled() { return onLayoutWasCalled; } @Implementation public void requestLayout() { didRequestLayout = true; directly().requestLayout(); } public boolean didRequestLayout() { return didRequestLayout; } public void setDidRequestLayout(boolean didRequestLayout) { this.didRequestLayout = didRequestLayout; } public void setViewFocus(boolean hasFocus) { if (onFocusChangeListener != null) { onFocusChangeListener.onFocusChange(realView, hasFocus); } } @Implementation public void invalidate() { wasInvalidated = true; directly().invalidate(); } @Implementation public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { lastTouchEvent = event; return directly().onTouchEvent(event); } @Implementation public void setOnTouchListener(View.OnTouchListener onTouchListener) { this.onTouchListener = onTouchListener; directly().setOnTouchListener(onTouchListener); } public MotionEvent getLastTouchEvent() { return lastTouchEvent; } /** * Returns a string representation of this {@code View}. Unless overridden, it will be an empty string. * * Robolectric extension. * @return String representation of this view. */ public String innerText() { return ""; } /** * Dumps the status of this {@code View} to {@code System.out} */ public void dump() { dump(System.out, 0); } /** * Dumps the status of this {@code View} to {@code System.out} at the given indentation level * @param out Output stream. * @param indent Indentation level. */ public void dump(PrintStream out, int indent) { dumpFirstPart(out, indent); out.println("/>"); } protected void dumpFirstPart(PrintStream out, int indent) { dumpIndent(out, indent); out.print("<" + realView.getClass().getSimpleName()); dumpAttributes(out); } protected void dumpAttributes(PrintStream out) { if (realView.getId() > 0) { dumpAttribute(out, "id", realView.getContext().getResources().getResourceName(realView.getId())); } switch (realView.getVisibility()) { case View.VISIBLE: break; case View.INVISIBLE: dumpAttribute(out, "visibility", "INVISIBLE"); break; case View.GONE: dumpAttribute(out, "visibility", "GONE"); break; } } protected void dumpAttribute(PrintStream out, String name, String value) { out.print(" " + name + "=\"" + (value == null ? null : TextUtils.htmlEncode(value)) + "\""); } protected void dumpIndent(PrintStream out, int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) out.print(" "); } /** * @return whether or not {@link #invalidate()} has been called */ public boolean wasInvalidated() { return wasInvalidated; } /** * Clears the wasInvalidated flag */ public void clearWasInvalidated() { wasInvalidated = false; } /** * Utility method for clicking on views exposing testing scenarios that are not possible when using the actual app. * * @throws RuntimeException if the view is disabled or if the view or any of its parents are not visible. * @return Return value of the underlying click operation. */ public boolean checkedPerformClick() { if (!realView.isShown()) { throw new RuntimeException("View is not visible and cannot be clicked"); } if (!realView.isEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("View is not enabled and cannot be clicked"); } AccessibilityUtil.checkViewIfCheckingEnabled(realView); return realView.performClick(); } /** * @return Touch listener, if set. */ public View.OnTouchListener getOnTouchListener() { return onTouchListener; } /** * @return Returns click listener, if set. */ public View.OnClickListener getOnClickListener() { return onClickListener; } /** * @return Returns long click listener, if set. */ public View.OnLongClickListener getOnLongClickListener() { return onLongClickListener; } /** * @return Returns system ui visibility change listener. */ public View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener getOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener() { return onSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener; } /** * @return Returns create ContextMenu listener, if set. */ public View.OnCreateContextMenuListener getOnCreateContextMenuListener() { return onCreateContextMenuListener; } @Implementation public Bitmap getDrawingCache() { return ReflectionHelpers.callConstructor(Bitmap.class); } @Implementation public void post(Runnable action) { ShadowApplication.getInstance().getForegroundThreadScheduler().post(action); } @Implementation public void postDelayed(Runnable action, long delayMills) { ShadowApplication.getInstance().getForegroundThreadScheduler().postDelayed(action, delayMills); } @Implementation public void postInvalidateDelayed(long delayMilliseconds) { ShadowApplication.getInstance().getForegroundThreadScheduler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { realView.invalidate(); } }, delayMilliseconds); } @Implementation public void removeCallbacks(Runnable callback) { shadowOf(Looper.getMainLooper()).getScheduler().remove(callback); } @Implementation public void scrollTo(int x, int y) { try { Method method = View.class.getDeclaredMethod("onScrollChanged", new Class[]{int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class}); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(realView, x, y, scrollToCoordinates.x, scrollToCoordinates.y); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } scrollToCoordinates = new Point(x, y); } @Implementation public int getScrollX() { return scrollToCoordinates != null ? scrollToCoordinates.x : 0; } @Implementation public int getScrollY() { return scrollToCoordinates != null ? scrollToCoordinates.y : 0; } @Implementation public void setScrollX(int scrollX) { scrollTo(scrollX, scrollToCoordinates.y); } @Implementation public void setScrollY(int scrollY) { scrollTo(scrollToCoordinates.x, scrollY); } @Implementation public void setAnimation(final Animation animation) { directly().setAnimation(animation); if (animation != null) { new AnimationRunner(animation); } } private AnimationRunner animationRunner; private class AnimationRunner implements Runnable { private final Animation animation; private long startTime, startOffset, elapsedTime; AnimationRunner(Animation animation) { this.animation = animation; start(); } private void start() { startTime = animation.getStartTime(); startOffset = animation.getStartOffset(); Choreographer choreographer = ShadowChoreographer.getInstance(); if (animationRunner != null) { choreographer.removeCallbacks(Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, animationRunner, null); } animationRunner = this; int startDelay; if (startTime == Animation.START_ON_FIRST_FRAME) { startDelay = (int) startOffset; } else { startDelay = (int) ((startTime + startOffset) - SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); } choreographer.postCallbackDelayed(Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, this, null, startDelay); } @Override public void run() { // Abort if start time has been messed with, as this simulation is only designed to handle // standard situations. if ((animation.getStartTime() == startTime && animation.getStartOffset() == startOffset) && animation.getTransformation(startTime == Animation.START_ON_FIRST_FRAME ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : (startTime + startOffset + elapsedTime), new Transformation()) && // We can't handle infinitely repeating animations in the current scheduling model, // so abort after one iteration. !(animation.getRepeatCount() == Animation.INFINITE && elapsedTime >= animation.getDuration())) { // Update startTime if it had a value of Animation.START_ON_FIRST_FRAME startTime = animation.getStartTime(); elapsedTime += ShadowChoreographer.getFrameInterval() / TimeUtils.NANOS_PER_MS; ShadowChoreographer.getInstance().postCallback(Choreographer.CALLBACK_ANIMATION, this, null); } else { animationRunner = null; } } } @Implementation public boolean isAttachedToWindow() { return getAttachInfo() != null; } private Object getAttachInfo() { return getField(realView, "mAttachInfo"); } public void callOnAttachedToWindow() { invokeReflectively("onAttachedToWindow"); } public void callOnDetachedFromWindow() { invokeReflectively("onDetachedFromWindow"); } @Implementation(minSdk = JELLY_BEAN_MR2) public Object getWindowId() { return WindowIdHelper.getWindowId(this); } private void invokeReflectively(String methodName) { ReflectionHelpers.callInstanceMethod(realView, methodName); } @Implementation public boolean performHapticFeedback(int hapticFeedbackType) { hapticFeedbackPerformed = hapticFeedbackType; return true; } @Implementation public boolean getGlobalVisibleRect(Rect rect, Point globalOffset) { if (globalVisibleRect == null) { return directly().getGlobalVisibleRect(rect, globalOffset); } if (!globalVisibleRect.isEmpty()) { rect.set(globalVisibleRect); if (globalOffset != null) { rect.offset(-globalOffset.x, -globalOffset.y); } return true; } rect.setEmpty(); return false; } public void setGlobalVisibleRect(Rect rect) { if (rect != null) { globalVisibleRect = new Rect(); globalVisibleRect.set(rect); } else { globalVisibleRect = null; } } public int lastHapticFeedbackPerformed() { return hapticFeedbackPerformed; } public void setMyParent(ViewParent viewParent) { directlyOn(realView, View.class, "assignParent", ClassParameter.from(ViewParent.class, viewParent)); } private View directly() { return directlyOn(realView, View.class); } public static class WindowIdHelper { public static Object getWindowId(ShadowView shadowView) { if (shadowView.isAttachedToWindow()) { Object attachInfo = shadowView.getAttachInfo(); if (getField(attachInfo, "mWindowId") == null) { IWindowId iWindowId = new MyIWindowIdStub(); setField(attachInfo, "mWindowId", new WindowId(iWindowId)); setField(attachInfo, "mIWindowId", iWindowId); } } return shadowView.directly().getWindowId(); } private static class MyIWindowIdStub extends IWindowId.Stub { @Override public void registerFocusObserver(IWindowFocusObserver iWindowFocusObserver) throws RemoteException { } @Override public void unregisterFocusObserver(IWindowFocusObserver iWindowFocusObserver) throws RemoteException { } @Override public boolean isFocused() throws RemoteException { return true; } } } }