package org.ocpsoft.rewrite.showcase.bookstore.dao; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import org.ocpsoft.rewrite.showcase.bookstore.model.Book; import org.ocpsoft.rewrite.showcase.bookstore.model.Category; @ApplicationScoped public class TestDataRepository { private final List<Category> categories = new ArrayList<Category>(); private final List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(); @PostConstruct public void init() { Category thriller = new Category(); thriller.setId(1L); thriller.setName("Thriller"); thriller.setSeoKey("thriller"); thriller.setDescription("Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film, " + "and television programming that uses suspense, tension and excitement " + "as the main elements. Thrillers heavily stimulate the viewer's moods " + "giving them a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, " + "uncertainty, surprise, anxiety and/or terror."); Category fantasy = new Category(); fantasy.setId(2L); fantasy.setName("Fantasy"); fantasy.setSeoKey("fantasy"); fantasy.setDescription("Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses " + "magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, " + "theme, or setting. Many works within the genre take place in imaginary " + "worlds where magic is common."); categories.add(thriller); categories.add(fantasy); Book book1 = new Book(); book1.setId(101L); book1.setCategory(thriller); book1.setPrice(8.99f); book1.setStock(3); book1.setYear(2012); book1.setTitle("The Bubble Gum Thief"); book1.setAuthor("Jeff Miller"); book1.setIsbn(9781612184838L); Book book2 = new Book(); book2.setId(102L); book2.setCategory(thriller); book2.setPrice(15.99f); book2.setStock(1); book2.setYear(2012); book2.setTitle("May We Be Forgiven: A Novel"); book2.setAuthor("A. M. Homes"); book2.setIsbn(9780670025480L); books.add(book1); books.add(book2); } public List<Category> getCategories() { return categories; } public List<Book> getBooks() { return books; } }