package com.smash.revolance.ui.materials.mock.webdriver.browser; /* * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Revolance-UI-Materials-Mock-Webdriver-Service * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 RevoLance * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ import org.apache.commons.exec.OS; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.Point; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DriverCommand; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorCodes; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * User: wsmash * Date: 29/09/13 * Time: 13:47 */ public class MockedBrowserController implements JSonWireListener { private MockedBrowser browser; @Override public synchronized void notify(JSonWireEvent event) { String name = (String) event.getProp( "" ); String path = (String) event.getProp( "command.path" ); String elementId = (String) event.getProp( "command.elementId" ); String htmlAttribute = (String) event.getProp( "command.elementHtmlAttribute" ); String cssAttribute = (String) event.getProp( "command.elementCssAttribute" ); System.out.println( "Receiving command: " + name + " with path: " + path ); Map<String, Object> commandPayload = (Map<String, Object>) event.getProp( "command.payload" ); // Just the value part in the payload Map<String, Object> resultPayload = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.NEW_SESSION ) ) { browser = new MockedBrowser(); resultPayload.put( "browserName", this.getClass().getSimpleName() ); resultPayload.put( "browserPlatform", OS.isFamilyUnix() ? "LINUX" : "WINDOWS" ); resultPayload.put( "browserVersion", "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.SET_WINDOW_SIZE ) ) { browser.setSize( (Integer) commandPayload.get( "width" ), (Integer) commandPayload.get( "height" ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_WINDOW_SIZE ) ) { Dimension dim = browser.getDimension(); resultPayload.put( "width", dim.getWidth() ); resultPayload.put( "height", dim.getHeight() ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.SET_WINDOW_POSITION ) ) { browser.setLocation( (Integer) commandPayload.get( "x" ), (Integer) commandPayload.get( "y" ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_WINDOW_POSITION ) ) { Point location = browser.getLocation(); resultPayload.put( "x", location.getX() ); resultPayload.put( "y", location.getY() ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_CURRENT_URL ) ) { resultPayload.put( "url", browser.getUrl() ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET ) ) { try { browser.goToUrl( (String) commandPayload.get( "url" ) ); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( e ); } } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.EXECUTE_SCRIPT ) ) { resultPayload.put( "value", browser.executeJavaScript( (String) commandPayload.get( "script" ), (Object[]) commandPayload.get( "args" ) ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_ALERT_TEXT ) ) { resultPayload.put( "alertStatusCode", ErrorCodes.NO_ALERT_PRESENT ); resultPayload.put( "alertMessage", "No alert is present" ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_TITLE ) ) { resultPayload.put( "title", browser.getTitle() ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.SCREENSHOT ) ) { resultPayload.put( "screenshot", browser.takeScreenshot() ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.FIND_ELEMENTS ) ) { List<String> elements = browser.findElements( (String) commandPayload.get( "value" ) ); resultPayload.put( "elementList", buildElementList( elements ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_ELEMENT_LOCATION ) ) { Point location = browser.getElementLocation( elementId ); resultPayload.put( "elementX", String.valueOf( location.getX() ) ); resultPayload.put( "elementY", String.valueOf( location.getY() ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_ELEMENT_SIZE ) ) { Dimension dim = browser.getElementSize( elementId ); resultPayload.put( "elementW", String.valueOf( dim.getWidth() ) ); resultPayload.put( "elementH", String.valueOf( dim.getHeight() ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_ELEMENT_TAG_NAME ) ) { resultPayload.put( "elementTagName", browser.getElementTag( elementId ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_ELEMENT_TEXT ) ) { resultPayload.put( "elementText", browser.getElementText( elementId ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE ) ) { resultPayload.put( "elementHtmlAttributeValue", browser.getElementHtmlAttribute( elementId, htmlAttribute ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.IS_ELEMENT_DISPLAYED ) ) { resultPayload.put( "isElementDisplayed", browser.isElementDisplayed( elementId ) ); } if ( isCommand( event, DriverCommand.GET_ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_CSS_PROPERTY ) ) { resultPayload.put( "elementCssAttributeValue", browser.getElementCssAttribute( elementId, cssAttribute ) ); } event.setProp( "command.value", resultPayload ); notifyAll(); } private boolean isCommand(JSonWireEvent event, String cmd) { return ( (String) event.getProp( "" ) ).contentEquals( cmd ); } private String buildElementList(java.util.List<String> elementIds) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append( "[" ); for ( String elementId : elementIds ) { str.append( "{" ); str.append( "\"ELEMENT\":\"{" ).append( elementId ).append( "}\"" ); str.append( "}" ); if ( isLastElement( elementId, elementIds ) ) { str.append( "," ); } } str.append( "]" ); return str.toString(); } private boolean isLastElement(String elementId, List<String> elementIds) { return !elementIds.get( elementIds.size() - 1 ).contentEquals( elementId ); } }