package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType; import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType; import javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType; import javax.lang.model.type.IntersectionType; import javax.lang.model.type.NoType; import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVisitor; import javax.lang.model.type.WildcardType; import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor8; import javax.lang.model.util.Types; import; import; import; import org.revapi.Archive; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.revapi.query.Filter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @author Lukas Krejci * @since 0.11.0 */ final class ClasspathScanner { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClasspathScanner.class); private static final List<Modifier> ACCESSIBLE_MODIFIERS = Arrays.asList(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.PROTECTED); private static final String SYSTEM_CLASSPATH_NAME = "<system classpath>"; private final StandardJavaFileManager fileManager; private final ProbingEnvironment environment; private final Map<Archive, File> classPath; private final Map<Archive, File> additionalClassPath; private final AnalysisConfiguration.MissingClassReporting missingClassReporting; private final boolean ignoreMissingAnnotations; private final InclusionFilter inclusionFilter; private final boolean defaultInclusionCase; ClasspathScanner(StandardJavaFileManager fileManager, ProbingEnvironment environment, Map<Archive, File> classPath, Map<Archive, File> additionalClassPath, AnalysisConfiguration.MissingClassReporting missingClassReporting, boolean ignoreMissingAnnotations, InclusionFilter inclusionFilter) { this.fileManager = fileManager; this.environment = environment; this.classPath = classPath; this.additionalClassPath = additionalClassPath; this.missingClassReporting = missingClassReporting == null ? AnalysisConfiguration.MissingClassReporting.ERROR : missingClassReporting; this.ignoreMissingAnnotations = ignoreMissingAnnotations; this.inclusionFilter = inclusionFilter; this.defaultInclusionCase = inclusionFilter.defaultCase(); } void initTree() throws IOException { List<ArchiveLocation> classPathLocations = classPath.keySet().stream().map(ArchiveLocation::new) .collect(toList()); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(); for (ArchiveLocation loc : classPathLocations) { scanner.scan(loc, classPath.get(loc.getArchive()), true); } Set<TypeElement> lastUnknowns = Collections.emptySet(); Map<String, ArchiveLocation> cachedArchives = new HashMap<>(additionalClassPath.size()); while (!scanner.requiredTypes.isEmpty() && !lastUnknowns.equals(scanner.requiredTypes.keySet())) { lastUnknowns = new HashSet<>(scanner.requiredTypes.keySet()); for (TypeElement t : lastUnknowns) { try { Field f = t.getClass().getField("classfile"); JavaFileObject jfo = (JavaFileObject) f.get(t); if (jfo == null) { t = environment.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(t.getQualifiedName()); if (t == null) { //this type is really missing... continue; } jfo = (JavaFileObject) f.get(t); } URI uri = jfo.toUri(); String path; if ("jar".equals(uri.getScheme())) { path = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart(); //jar:file:/path .. let's get rid of the "file:" part int colonIdx = path.indexOf(':'); if (colonIdx >= 0) { path = path.substring(colonIdx + 1); } //separate the file path from the in-jar path path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('!')); } else { path = uri.getPath(); } ArchiveLocation loc = cachedArchives.get(path); if (loc == null) { Archive ar = null; for (Map.Entry<Archive, File> e : additionalClassPath.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue().getAbsolutePath().equals(path)) { ar = e.getKey(); break; } } if (ar != null) { loc = new ArchiveLocation(ar); cachedArchives.put(path, loc); } } if (loc != null) { scanner.scanClass(loc, t, false); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { //TODO fallback to manually looping through archives } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { //should not happen throw new AssertionError("Illegal access after setAccessible(true) on a field. Wha?", e); } } } //ok, so scanning the archives doesn't give us any new resolved classes that we need in the API... //let's scan the system classpath. What will be left after this will be the truly missing classes. //making a copy because the required types might be modified during scanning Map<TypeElement, Boolean> rts = new HashMap<>(scanner.requiredTypes); ArchiveLocation systemClassPath = new ArchiveLocation(new Archive() { @Nonnull @Override public String getName() { return SYSTEM_CLASSPATH_NAME; } @Nonnull @Override public InputStream openStream() throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }); for (Map.Entry<TypeElement, Boolean> e : rts.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().asType().getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) { scanner.scanClass(systemClassPath, e.getKey(), false); } } scanner.initEnvironment(); } private final class Scanner { final Set<TypeElement> processed = new HashSet<>(); final Map<TypeElement, Boolean> requiredTypes = new IdentityHashMap<>(); final Map<TypeElement, TypeRecord> types = new IdentityHashMap<>(); final TypeVisitor<TypeElement, Void> getTypeElement = new SimpleTypeVisitor8<TypeElement, Void>() { @Override protected TypeElement defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void ignored) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine the element of a type: " + e); } @Override public TypeElement visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void ignored) { return (TypeElement) t.asElement(); } @Override public TypeElement visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable t, Void ignored) { return t.getUpperBound().accept(this, null); } @Override public TypeElement visitArray(ArrayType t, Void ignored) { return t.getComponentType().accept(this, null); } @Override public TypeElement visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void ignored) { return null; } @Override public TypeElement visitIntersection(IntersectionType t, Void aVoid) { return t.getBounds().get(0).accept(this, null); } @Override public TypeElement visitWildcard(WildcardType t, Void aVoid) { if (t.getExtendsBound() != null) { return t.getExtendsBound().accept(this, null); } else if (t.getSuperBound() != null) { return t.getSuperBound().accept(this, null); } else { return environment.getElementUtils().getTypeElement("java.lang.Object"); } } @Override public TypeElement visitNoType(NoType t, Void aVoid) { return null; } }; void scan(ArchiveLocation location, File path, boolean primaryApi) throws IOException { fileManager.setLocation(location, Collections.singleton(path)); Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> jfos = fileManager.list(location, "", EnumSet.of(JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS), true); for (JavaFileObject jfo : jfos) { TypeElement type = Util.findTypeByBinaryName(environment.getElementUtils(), fileManager.inferBinaryName(location, jfo)); //type can be null if it represents an anonymous or member class... if (type != null) { scanClass(location, type, primaryApi); } } } void scanClass(ArchiveLocation loc, TypeElement type, boolean primaryApi) { try { if (processed.contains(type)) { return; } processed.add(type); Boolean wasAnno = requiredTypes.remove(type); String bn = environment.getElementUtils().getBinaryName(type).toString(); String cn = type.getQualifiedName().toString(); boolean includes = inclusionFilter.accepts(bn, cn); boolean excludes = inclusionFilter.rejects(bn, cn); //technically, we could find this out later on in the method, but doing this here ensures that the //javac tries to fully load the class (and therefore throw any completion failures. //Doing this then ensures that we get a correct TypeKind after this call. TypeElement superType = getTypeElement.visit(; //type.asType() possibly not completely correct when dealing with inner class of a parameterized class TypeMirror typeType = type.asType(); if (typeType.getKind() == TypeKind.ERROR) { //just re-add the missing type and return. It will be dealt with accordingly //in initEnvironment requiredTypes.put(type, wasAnno); return; } t = new, loc.getArchive(), type, (DeclaredType) type.asType()); TypeRecord tr = getTypeRecord(type); tr.modelElement = t; //this will be revisited... in here we're just establishing the types that are in the API for sure... tr.inApi = !excludes && (primaryApi && !shouldBeIgnored(type) && !(type.getEnclosingElement() instanceof TypeElement)); tr.primaryApi = primaryApi; tr.explicitlyExcluded = excludes; tr.explicitlyIncluded = includes; if (tr.explicitlyExcluded) { return; } if (superType != null) { addUse(tr, type, superType, UseSite.Type.IS_INHERITED); tr.superTypes.add(getTypeRecord(superType)); if (!processed.contains(superType)) { requiredTypes.put(superType, false); } } .forEach(e -> { if (!processed.contains(e)) { requiredTypes.put(e, false); } addUse(tr, type, e, UseSite.Type.IS_IMPLEMENTED); tr.superTypes.add(getTypeRecord(e)); }); addTypeParamUses(tr, type, type.asType()); for (Element e : { switch (e.getKind()) { case ANNOTATION_TYPE: case CLASS: case ENUM: case INTERFACE: addUse(tr, type, (TypeElement) e, UseSite.Type.CONTAINS); //the contained classes by default inherit the API status of their containing class scanClass(loc, (TypeElement) e, tr.inApi); break; case CONSTRUCTOR: case METHOD: scanMethod(tr, (ExecutableElement) e); break; case ENUM_CONSTANT: case FIELD: scanField(tr, (VariableElement) e); break; } } type.getAnnotationMirrors().forEach(a -> scanAnnotation(tr, type, a)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to scan class " + type.getQualifiedName().toString() + ". Analysis results may be skewed.", e); } } void placeInTree(TypeRecord typeRecord) { TypeElement type = typeRecord.modelElement.getDeclaringElement(); if (!(type.getEnclosingElement() instanceof TypeElement)) { environment.getTree().getRootsUnsafe().add(typeRecord.modelElement); } else { ArrayDeque<String> nesting = new ArrayDeque<>(); type = (TypeElement) type.getEnclosingElement(); while (type != null) { nesting.push(type.getQualifiedName().toString()); type = type.getEnclosingElement() instanceof TypeElement ? (TypeElement) type.getEnclosingElement() : null; } Function<String, Filter<>> findByCN = cn -> -> cn.equals(e.getCanonicalName())); List<> parents = Collections.emptyList(); while (parents.isEmpty() && !nesting.isEmpty()) { parents = environment.getTree().searchUnsafe(, false, findByCN.apply(nesting.pop()), null); } parent = parents.isEmpty() ? null : parents.get(0); while (!nesting.isEmpty()) { String cn = nesting.pop(); parents = environment.getTree().searchUnsafe(, false, findByCN.apply(cn), parent); if (parents.isEmpty()) { //we found a "gap" in the parents included in the model. let's start from the top //again do { parents = environment.getTree().searchUnsafe(, false, findByCN.apply(cn), null); if (parents.isEmpty() && !nesting.isEmpty()) { cn = nesting.pop(); } else { break; } } while (!nesting.isEmpty()); } parent = parents.isEmpty() ? null : parents.get(0); } if (parent == null) { environment.getTree().getRootsUnsafe().add(typeRecord.modelElement); } else { parent.getChildren().add(typeRecord.modelElement); } } } void scanField(TypeRecord owningType, VariableElement field) { if (shouldBeIgnored(field)) { owningType.inaccessibleDeclaredNonClassMembers.add(field); return; } owningType.accessibleDeclaredNonClassMembers.add(field); TypeElement fieldType = field.asType().accept(getTypeElement, null); //fieldType == null means primitive type, if no type can be found, exception is thrown if (fieldType == null) { return; } addUse(owningType, field, fieldType, UseSite.Type.HAS_TYPE); addType(fieldType, false); addTypeParamUses(owningType, field, field.asType()); field.getAnnotationMirrors().forEach(a -> scanAnnotation(owningType, field, a)); } void scanMethod(TypeRecord owningType, ExecutableElement method) { if (shouldBeIgnored(method)) { owningType.inaccessibleDeclaredNonClassMembers.add(method); return; } owningType.accessibleDeclaredNonClassMembers.add(method); TypeElement returnType = method.getReturnType().accept(getTypeElement, null); if (returnType != null) { addUse(owningType, method, returnType, UseSite.Type.RETURN_TYPE); addType(returnType, false); addTypeParamUses(owningType, method, method.getReturnType()); } int idx = 0; for (VariableElement p : method.getParameters()) { TypeElement pt = p.asType().accept(getTypeElement, null); if (pt != null) { addUse(owningType, method, pt, UseSite.Type.PARAMETER_TYPE, idx++); addType(pt, false); addTypeParamUses(owningType, method, p.asType()); } p.getAnnotationMirrors().forEach(a -> scanAnnotation(owningType, p, a)); } method.getThrownTypes().forEach(t -> { TypeElement ex = t.accept(getTypeElement, null); if (ex != null) { addUse(owningType, method, ex, UseSite.Type.IS_THROWN); addType(ex, false); addTypeParamUses(owningType, method, t); } t.getAnnotationMirrors().forEach(a -> scanAnnotation(owningType, method, a)); }); method.getAnnotationMirrors().forEach(a -> scanAnnotation(owningType, method, a)); } void scanAnnotation(TypeRecord owningType, Element annotated, AnnotationMirror annotation) { TypeElement type = annotation.getAnnotationType().accept(getTypeElement, null); if (type != null) { addUse(owningType, annotated, type, UseSite.Type.ANNOTATES); addType(type, true); } } boolean addType(TypeElement type, boolean isAnnotation) { if (processed.contains(type)) { return true; } requiredTypes.put(type, isAnnotation); return false; } void addTypeParamUses(TypeRecord userType, Element user, TypeMirror usedType) { HashSet<String> visited = new HashSet<>(4); usedType.accept(new SimpleTypeVisitor8<Void, Void>() { @Override public Void visitIntersection(IntersectionType t, Void aVoid) { t.getBounds().forEach(b -> b.accept(this, null)); return null; } @Override public Void visitArray(ArrayType t, Void ignored) { return t.getComponentType().accept(this, null); } @Override public Void visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void ignored) { String type = Util.toUniqueString(t); if (!visited.contains(type)) { visited.add(type); if (t != usedType) { TypeElement typeEl = (TypeElement) t.asElement(); addType(typeEl, false); addUse(userType, user, typeEl, UseSite.Type.TYPE_PARAMETER_OR_BOUND); } t.getTypeArguments().forEach(a -> a.accept(this, null)); } return null; } @Override public Void visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable t, Void ignored) { return t.getUpperBound().accept(this, null); } @Override public Void visitWildcard(WildcardType t, Void ignored) { TypeMirror bound = t.getExtendsBound(); if (bound != null) { bound.accept(this, null); } bound = t.getSuperBound(); if (bound != null) { bound.accept(this, null); } return null; } }, null); } void addUse(TypeRecord userType, Element user, TypeElement used, UseSite.Type useType) { addUse(userType, user, used, useType, -1); } void addUse(TypeRecord userType, Element user, TypeElement used, UseSite.Type useType, int indexInParent) { TypeRecord usedTr = getTypeRecord(used); Set<ClassPathUseSite> sites = usedTr.useSites; sites.add(new ClassPathUseSite(useType, user, indexInParent)); Set<TypeRecord> usedTypes = userType.usedTypes.get(useType); if (usedTypes == null) { usedTypes = new HashSet<>(4); userType.usedTypes.put(useType, usedTypes); } usedTypes.add(usedTr); } TypeRecord getTypeRecord(TypeElement type) { TypeRecord rec = types.get(type); if (rec == null) { rec = new TypeRecord(); rec.javacElement = type; int depth = 0; Element e = type.getEnclosingElement(); while (e != null && e instanceof TypeElement) { depth++; e = e.getEnclosingElement(); } rec.nestingDepth = depth; types.put(type, rec); } return rec; } void initEnvironment() { if (ignoreMissingAnnotations && !requiredTypes.isEmpty()) { removeAnnotatesUses(); } moveInnerClassesOfPrimariesToApi(); determineApiStatus(); initChildren(); Set<TypeRecord> types = constructTree(); if (!requiredTypes.isEmpty()) { handleMissingClasses(types); } environment.setTypeMap( -> tr.javacElement, tr -> tr.modelElement))); } private void handleMissingClasses(Set<TypeRecord> types) { Elements els = environment.getElementUtils(); switch (missingClassReporting) { case ERROR: List<String> reallyMissing = requiredTypes.keySet().stream() .map(t -> els.getTypeElement(t.getQualifiedName())) .filter(t -> els.getTypeElement(t.getQualifiedName()) == null) .map(t -> t.getQualifiedName().toString()) .sorted() .collect(toList()); if (!reallyMissing.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The following classes that contribute to the public API of " + environment.getApi() + " could not be located: " + reallyMissing); } break; case REPORT: for (TypeElement t : requiredTypes.keySet()) { TypeElement type = els.getTypeElement(t.getQualifiedName()); if (type == null) { TypeRecord tr = this.types.get(t); String bin = els.getBinaryName(t).toString(); MissingClassElement mce = new MissingClassElement(environment, bin, t.getQualifiedName().toString()); if (tr == null) { tr = new TypeRecord(); } mce.setInApi(tr.inApi); mce.setInApiThroughUse(tr.inApiThroughUse); mce.setRawUseSites(tr.useSites); tr.javacElement = mce.getDeclaringElement(); tr.modelElement = mce; types.add(tr); environment.getTree().getRootsUnsafe().add(mce); } } } } private Set<TypeRecord> constructTree() { Set<TypeRecord> types = new HashSet<>(); Set<TypeElement> ignored = new HashSet<>(); Comparator<Map.Entry<TypeElement, TypeRecord>> byNestingDepth = (a, b) -> { TypeRecord ar = a.getValue(); TypeRecord br = b.getValue(); int ret = ar.nestingDepth - br.nestingDepth; if (ret == 0) { ret = a.getKey().getQualifiedName().toString().compareTo(b.getKey().getQualifiedName().toString()); } //the less nested classes need to come first return ret; }; this.types.entrySet().stream().sorted(byNestingDepth).forEach(e -> { TypeElement t = e.getKey(); TypeRecord r = e.getValue(); //the model element will be null for missing types. Additionally, we don't want the system classpath //in our tree, because that is superfluous. if (r.modelElement != null && !r.modelElement.getArchive().getName().equals(SYSTEM_CLASSPATH_NAME)) { String cn = t.getQualifiedName().toString(); boolean includes = r.explicitlyIncluded; boolean excludes = r.explicitlyExcluded; if (includes) { environment.addExplicitInclusion(cn); } if (excludes) { environment.addExplicitExclusion(cn); ignored.add(t); } else { boolean include = defaultInclusionCase || includes; Element owner = t.getEnclosingElement(); if (owner != null && owner instanceof TypeElement) { ArrayDeque<TypeElement> owners = new ArrayDeque<>(); while (owner != null && owner instanceof TypeElement) { owners.push((TypeElement) owner); owner = owner.getEnclosingElement(); } //find the first owning class that is part of our model List<TypeElement> siblings = environment.getTree().getRootsUnsafe().stream().map(; while (!owners.isEmpty()) { if (ignored.contains(owners.peek()) || siblings.contains(owners.peek())) { break; } owners.pop(); } //if the user doesn't want this type included explicitly, we need to check in the parents //if some of them wasn't explicitly excluded if (!includes && !owners.isEmpty()) { do { TypeElement o = owners.pop(); include = !ignored.contains(o) && siblings.contains(o); siblings = ElementFilter.typesIn(o.getEnclosedElements()); } while (include && !owners.isEmpty()); } } if (include) { placeInTree(r); r.modelElement.setRawUseSites(r.useSites); types.add(r); r.modelElement.setInApi(r.inApi); r.modelElement.setInApiThroughUse(r.inApiThroughUse); } } } }); return types; } private void determineApiStatus() { Set<TypeRecord> undetermined = new HashSet<>(this.types.values()); while (!undetermined.isEmpty()) { undetermined = .filter(tr -> !tr.explicitlyExcluded) .filter(tr -> tr.inApi) .flatMap(tr -> tr.usedTypes.entrySet().stream() .map(e -> new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(tr, e))) .filter(e -> movesToApi(e.getValue().getKey())) .flatMap(e -> e.getValue().getValue().stream()) .filter(usedTr -> !usedTr.inApi) .filter(usedTr -> !usedTr.explicitlyExcluded) .map(usedTr -> { usedTr.inApi = true; usedTr.inApiThroughUse = true; return usedTr; }) .collect(toSet()); } } private void moveInnerClassesOfPrimariesToApi() { Set<TypeRecord> primaries = this.types.values().stream() .filter(tr -> tr.primaryApi) .filter(tr -> tr.inApi) .filter(tr -> tr.nestingDepth == 0) .collect(toSet()); while (!primaries.isEmpty()) { primaries = .flatMap(tr -> tr.usedTypes.getOrDefault(UseSite.Type.CONTAINS, Collections.emptySet()).stream()) .filter(containedTr -> containedTr.modelElement != null) .filter(containedTr -> !shouldBeIgnored(containedTr.modelElement.getDeclaringElement())) .map(containedTr -> { containedTr.inApi = true; return containedTr; }) .collect(toSet()); } } private void removeAnnotatesUses() { Map<TypeElement, Boolean> newTypes = requiredTypes.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> { boolean isAnno = e.getValue(); if (isAnno) { this.types.get(e.getKey()).useSites.clear(); } return !isAnno; }).collect(toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)); requiredTypes.clear(); requiredTypes.putAll(newTypes); } private void initChildren() { for (TypeRecord tr : this.types.values()) { if (tr.modelElement == null) { continue; } //the set of methods' override-sensitive signatures - I.e. this is the list of methods //actually visible on a type. Set<String> methods = new HashSet<>(8); Function<JavaElementBase<?, ?>, JavaElementBase<?, ?>> addOverride = e -> { if (e instanceof MethodElement) { MethodElement me = (MethodElement) e; methods.add(getOverrideMapKey(me.getDeclaringElement())); } return e; }; Function<JavaElementBase<?, ?>, JavaElementBase<?, ?>> initChildren = e -> { initNonClassElementChildrenAndMoveToApi(tr, e, false); return e; }; //add declared stuff .map(e -> elementFor(e, e.asType(), environment, tr.modelElement.getArchive())) .map(addOverride) .map(initChildren) .forEach(c -> tr.modelElement.getChildren().add(c)); .map(e -> elementFor(e, e.asType(), environment, tr.modelElement.getArchive())) .map(addOverride) .map(initChildren) .forEach(c -> tr.modelElement.getChildren().add(c)); //now add inherited stuff tr.superTypes.forEach(str -> addInherited(tr, str, methods)); //and finally the annotations for (AnnotationMirror m : tr.javacElement.getAnnotationMirrors()) { tr.modelElement.getChildren().add(new AnnotationElement(environment, tr.modelElement.getArchive(), m)); } } } private void addInherited(TypeRecord target, TypeRecord superType, Set<String> methodOverrideMap) { Types types = environment.getTypeUtils(); .map(e -> { if (e instanceof ExecutableElement) { ExecutableElement me = (ExecutableElement) e; if (!shouldAddInheritedMethodChild(me, methodOverrideMap)) { return null; } } TypeMirror elementType = types.asMemberOf((DeclaredType) target.javacElement.asType(), e); JavaElementBase<?, ?> element = JavaElementFactory .elementFor(e, elementType, environment, superType.modelElement.getArchive()); element.setInherited(true); initNonClassElementChildrenAndMoveToApi(target, element, true); return element; }) .filter(e -> e != null) .forEach(c -> target.modelElement.getChildren().add(c)); for (TypeRecord st : superType.superTypes) { addInherited(target, st, methodOverrideMap); } } private boolean shouldAddInheritedMethodChild(ExecutableElement methodElement, Set<String> overrideMap) { if (methodElement.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR) { return false; } String overrideKey = getOverrideMapKey(methodElement); boolean alreadyIncludedMethod = overrideMap.contains(overrideKey); if (alreadyIncludedMethod) { return false; } else { //remember this to check if the next super type doesn't declare a method this one overrides overrideMap.add(overrideKey); return true; } } private void initNonClassElementChildrenAndMoveToApi(TypeRecord targetType, JavaElementBase<?, ?> parent, boolean inherited) { Types types = environment.getTypeUtils(); if (targetType.inApi && !shouldBeIgnored(parent.getDeclaringElement())) { TypeMirror representation = types.asMemberOf(targetType.modelElement.getModelRepresentation(), parent.getDeclaringElement()); representation.accept(new SimpleTypeVisitor8<Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void defaultAction(TypeMirror e, Void aVoid) { if (e.getKind().isPrimitive() || e.getKind() == TypeKind.VOID) { return null; } TypeElement childType = getTypeElement.visit(e); if (childType != null) { TypeRecord tr = Scanner.this.types.get(childType); if (tr != null && tr.modelElement != null) { if (!tr.inApi) { tr.inApiThroughUse = true; } tr.inApi = true; } } return null; } @Override public Void visitExecutable(ExecutableType t, Void aVoid) { t.getReturnType().accept(this, null); t.getParameterTypes().forEach(p -> p.accept(this, null)); return null; } }, null); } for (Element child : parent.getDeclaringElement().getEnclosedElements()) { if (child.getKind().isClass() || child.getKind().isInterface()) { continue; } TypeMirror representation = types.asMemberOf(targetType.modelElement.getModelRepresentation(), child); JavaElementBase<?, ?> childEl = JavaElementFactory.elementFor(child, representation, environment, parent.getArchive()); childEl.setInherited(inherited); parent.getChildren().add(childEl); initNonClassElementChildrenAndMoveToApi(targetType, childEl, inherited); } for (AnnotationMirror m : parent.getDeclaringElement().getAnnotationMirrors()) { parent.getChildren().add(new AnnotationElement(environment, parent.getArchive(), m)); } } } private static String getOverrideMapKey(ExecutableElement method) { return method.getSimpleName() + "#" + Util.toUniqueString(method.asType()); } private static final class ArchiveLocation implements JavaFileManager.Location { private final Archive archive; private ArchiveLocation(Archive archive) { this.archive = archive; } Archive getArchive() { return archive; } @Override public String getName() { return "archiveLocation_" + archive.getName(); } @Override public boolean isOutputLocation() { return false; } } private static final class TypeRecord { Set<ClassPathUseSite> useSites = new HashSet<>(2); TypeElement javacElement; modelElement; Map<UseSite.Type, Set<TypeRecord>> usedTypes = new EnumMap<>(UseSite.Type.class); Set<Element> accessibleDeclaredNonClassMembers = new HashSet<>(4); Set<Element> inaccessibleDeclaredNonClassMembers = new HashSet<>(4); //important for this to be a linked hashset so that superclasses are processed prior to implemented interfaces Set<TypeRecord> superTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>(2); boolean explicitlyExcluded; boolean explicitlyIncluded; boolean inApi; boolean inApiThroughUse; boolean primaryApi; int nestingDepth; @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("TypeRecord["); sb.append("inApi=").append(inApi); sb.append(", modelElement=").append(modelElement); sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } } private static boolean movesToApi(UseSite.Type useType) { return useType.isMovingToApi(); } static boolean shouldBeIgnored(Element element) { return Collections.disjoint(element.getModifiers(), ACCESSIBLE_MODIFIERS); } }