package restx; import; import; import; import; import; import; import restx.common.MoreResources; import restx.http.HTTP; import restx.http.HttpStatus; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static; /** * Resources route allows to serves files from the classpath. * * Example: * <pre>new ResourcesRoute("myResources", "/")</pre> */ public class ResourcesRoute implements RestxRoute, RestxHandler { /** * Resource name, for toString only. */ private final String name; /** * Base restx path from which resources should be served. * Sanitized will always a leading and trailing slash. */ private final String baseRestPath; /** * Base resource name path from which resources should be located in classpath. * Sanitized with no leading slash, dots replaced with slashes and always a trailing slash. */ private final String baseResourcePath; private final ImmutableMap<String, String> aliases; private final ImmutableList<CachedResourcePolicy> cachedResourcePolicies; public static class ResourceInfo { final String contentType; final String path; public ResourceInfo(String contentType, String path) { this.contentType = contentType; this.path = path; } public String getContentType() { return contentType; } public String getPath() { return path; } } public static class CachedResourcePolicy { final Predicate<ResourceInfo> matcher; final String cacheValue; public CachedResourcePolicy(Predicate<ResourceInfo> matcher, String cacheValue) { this.matcher = matcher; this.cacheValue = cacheValue; } public boolean matches(String contentType, String path) { return matcher.apply(new ResourceInfo(contentType, path)); } public String getCacheValue() { return cacheValue; } } public ResourcesRoute(String name, String baseRestPath, String baseResourcePath) { this(name, baseRestPath, baseResourcePath, ImmutableMap.<String, String>of()); } public ResourcesRoute(String name, String baseRestPath, String baseResourcePath, ImmutableMap<String, String> aliases) { this(name, baseRestPath, baseResourcePath, aliases, Collections.<CachedResourcePolicy>emptyList()); } public ResourcesRoute(String name, String baseRestPath, String baseResourcePath, ImmutableMap<String, String> aliases, List<CachedResourcePolicy> cachedResourcePolicies) { = checkNotNull(name); this.baseRestPath = ("/" + checkNotNull(baseRestPath) + "/").replaceAll("/+", "/"); this.baseResourcePath = checkNotNull(baseResourcePath) .replace('.', '/').replaceAll("^/", "").replaceAll("/$", "") + "/"; this.aliases = checkNotNull(aliases); this.cachedResourcePolicies = ImmutableList.copyOf(cachedResourcePolicies); } @Override public Optional<RestxHandlerMatch> match(RestxRequest req) { if (req.getHttpMethod().equals("GET") && req.getRestxPath().startsWith(baseRestPath)) { return Optional.of(new RestxHandlerMatch( new StdRestxRequestMatch(baseRestPath + "*", req.getRestxPath()), this)); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } @Override public void handle(RestxRequestMatch match, RestxRequest req, RestxResponse resp, RestxContext ctx) throws IOException { String relativePath = this.requestRelativePath(req); relativePath = Optional.fromNullable(aliases.get(relativePath)).or(relativePath); try { URL resource = MoreResources.getResource( baseResourcePath + relativePath, RestxContext.Modes.DEV.equals(ctx.getMode()) || RestxContext.Modes.TEST.equals(ctx.getMode()) || RestxContext.Modes.INFINIREST.equals(ctx.getMode()) ); serveCacheableResource(resp, resource, relativePath); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { notFound(resp, relativePath); } } protected String requestRelativePath(RestxRequest req) { return req.getRestxPath().substring(baseRestPath.length()); } protected void serveCacheableResource(RestxResponse resp, URL resource, String relativePath) throws IOException { String contentType = HTTP.getContentTypeFromExtension(relativePath).or("application/octet-stream"); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> headers = ImmutableMap.builder(); Optional<CachedResourcePolicy> cachedResourcePolicy = cachePolicyMatching(contentType, relativePath); if(cachedResourcePolicy.isPresent()) { headers.put("Cache-Control", cachedResourcePolicy.get().getCacheValue()); } serveResource(resp, resource, contentType,; } protected void serveResource(RestxResponse resp, URL resource, String contentType) throws IOException { serveResource(resp, resource, contentType, ImmutableMap.<String, String>of()); } protected void serveResource(RestxResponse resp, URL resource, String contentType, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException { resp.setLogLevel(RestxLogLevel.QUIET); resp.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK); for(Map.Entry<String,String> headerEntry: headers.entrySet()) { resp.setHeader(headerEntry.getKey(), headerEntry.getValue()); } resp.setContentType(contentType); Resources.asByteSource(resource).copyTo(resp.getOutputStream()); } protected Optional<CachedResourcePolicy> cachePolicyMatching(String contentType, String path) { for(CachedResourcePolicy cachedResourcePolicy : cachedResourcePolicies){ if(cachedResourcePolicy.matches(contentType, path)){ return Optional.of(cachedResourcePolicy); } } return Optional.absent(); } protected void notFound(RestxResponse resp, String relativePath) throws IOException { resp.setStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); resp.setContentType("text/plain"); resp.getWriter().println("Resource route matched '" + this + "', but resource " + relativePath + " not found in " + baseResourcePath + "."); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getBaseRestPath() { return baseRestPath; } public String getBaseResourcePath() { return baseResourcePath; } @Override public String toString() { return "GET " + baseRestPath + "* => " + name; } }