package org.restdoc.server.impl; /* * #%L Java Server implementation %% Copyright (C) 2012 RestDoc org %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. #L% */ import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.restdoc.annotations.RestDocAccept; import org.restdoc.annotations.RestDocHeader; import org.restdoc.annotations.RestDocIgnore; import org.restdoc.annotations.RestDocParam; import org.restdoc.annotations.RestDocResponse; import org.restdoc.annotations.RestDocReturnCode; import org.restdoc.annotations.RestDocReturnCodes; import org.restdoc.annotations.RestDocType; import org.restdoc.annotations.RestDocValidation; import org.restdoc.api.GlobalHeader; import org.restdoc.api.HeaderDefinition; import org.restdoc.api.MethodDefinition; import org.restdoc.api.ParamDefinition; import org.restdoc.api.ParamValidation; import org.restdoc.api.Representation; import org.restdoc.api.ResponseDefinition; import org.restdoc.api.RestDoc; import org.restdoc.api.RestResource; import org.restdoc.api.Schema; import org.restdoc.api.util.RestDocParser; import org.restdoc.server.impl.util.MediaTypeResolver; import org.restdoc.server.impl.util.SchemaResolver; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; /** * Use this class to generate RestDoc */ public class RestDocGenerator { private static final String VALIDATION_MATCH = "match"; private static final String PATTERN_BOOL = "true|false"; private static final String PATTERN_SIGNED_DECIMAL = "[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+"; private static final String PATTERN_SIGNED_INT = "[-+]?[0-9]+"; private final AtomicBoolean initialized = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private final Map<String, RestResource> resources = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<String, HeaderDefinition> requestHeaderMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private final Map<String, HeaderDefinition> responseHeaderMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private final Map<String, Schema> schemaMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private final Map<String, Object> globalAdditional = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private final RDGEWrapper ext = new RDGEWrapper(); /** * initialize the RestDoc Generator * * @param classes the array of JAX-RS classes * @param globalHeader the global headers * @param baseURI an optional base uri like "/api" */ public void init(final Class<?>[] classes, final GlobalHeader globalHeader, final String baseURI) { if (!this.initialized.compareAndSet(false, true)) { throw new RestDocException("Generator already initialized"); }"Starting generation of RestDoc");"Searching for RestDoc API classes"); if (globalHeader != null) { if (globalHeader.getRequestHeader() != null) { this.requestHeaderMap.putAll(globalHeader.getRequestHeader()); } if (globalHeader.getResponseHeader() != null) { this.responseHeaderMap.putAll(globalHeader.getResponseHeader()); } if ((globalHeader.getAdditionalFields() != null) && !globalHeader.getAdditionalFields().isEmpty()) { this.globalAdditional.putAll(globalHeader.getAdditionalFields()); } } for (final Class<?> apiClass : classes) { // check if class provides predefined RestDoc boolean scanNeeded = true; if (Arrays.asList(apiClass.getInterfaces()).contains(IProvideRestDoc.class)) { try {"Class {} provides predefined RestDoc", apiClass.getCanonicalName()); final IProvideRestDoc apiObject = (IProvideRestDoc) apiClass.newInstance(); final RestResource[] restDocResources = apiObject.getRestDocResources(); for (final RestResource restResource : restDocResources) { this.resources.put(restResource.getPath(), restResource); } this.schemaMap.putAll(apiObject.getRestDocSchemas()); scanNeeded = false; } catch (final Exception e) { // ignore it and fall back to annotation scan } } if (scanNeeded) { this.addResourcesOfClass(apiClass, baseURI); } } } private void addResourcesOfClass(final Class<?> apiClass, final String baseURI) {"Scanning class: {}", apiClass.getCanonicalName()); String basepath = baseURI != null ? baseURI : ""; if (apiClass.isAnnotationPresent(Path.class)) { final Path path = apiClass.getAnnotation(Path.class); basepath += path.value(); } // find methods final Method[] methods = apiClass.getMethods(); for (final Method method : methods) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Path.class) || (RestDocGenerator.getHTTPVerb(method) != null)) { this.logger.debug("Generating RestDoc of method: " + method.toString()); this.addResourceMethod(basepath, method); } } } private void addResourceMethod(final String basepath, final Method method) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(RestDocIgnore.class)) {"Ignoring method: " + method); return; } // get needed annotations from method final String methodType = RestDocGenerator.getHTTPVerb(method); final org.restdoc.annotations.RestDoc docAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(org.restdoc.annotations.RestDoc.class); final Path pathAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Path.class); String path = basepath; if (pathAnnotation != null) { path += pathAnnotation.value(); } if ((methodType == null) && (pathAnnotation != null)) { this.addResourcesOfClass(method.getReturnType(), path); return; } // get parameter final Type[] parameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); final Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); // values from parameters final List<String> queryParams = Lists.newArrayList(); final HashMap<String, HeaderDefinition> methodRequestHeader = Maps.newHashMap(); final HashMap<String, ParamDefinition> methodParams = Maps.newHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { this.parseMethodParameter(queryParams, methodRequestHeader, methodParams, parameterTypes[i], parameterAnnotations[i]); } for (final String string : queryParams) { path += "{?" + string + "}"; } final String id; if ((docAnnotation != null) && ( != null) && ! { id =; } else { id = this.getDefaultResourceId(method, path); } final String resourceDescription; if (docAnnotation == null) { if (method.getDeclaringClass().isAnnotationPresent(org.restdoc.annotations.RestDoc.class)) { org.restdoc.annotations.RestDoc doc = method.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(org.restdoc.annotations.RestDoc.class); resourceDescription = doc.resourceDescription(); } else { resourceDescription = null; } } else { resourceDescription = docAnnotation.resourceDescription(); } final String methodDescription = (docAnnotation != null) ? docAnnotation.methodDescription() : method.getName(); if (methodType == null) { throw new RestDocException("No suitable method found for method: " + method.toString()); } RestResource restResource = this.resources.get(path); if (restResource == null) { restResource = new RestResource(); restResource.setPath(path); this.resources.put(path, restResource); } if ((restResource.getId() == null) || restResource.getId().isEmpty()) { restResource.setId(id); restResource.setDescription(resourceDescription); restResource.getParams().putAll(methodParams); this.ext.newResource(restResource); } final MethodDefinition def; if (!restResource.getMethods().containsKey(methodType)) { def = new MethodDefinition(); def.setDescription(methodDescription); def.setResponse(new ResponseDefinition()); } else { def = restResource.getMethods().get(methodType); } def.getHeaders().putAll(methodRequestHeader); def.getAccepts().addAll(this.getAccepts(method, parameterTypes, parameterAnnotations)); def.getStatusCodes().putAll(this.getStatusCodes(method)); this.addMethodResponse(def.getResponse(), method); restResource.getMethods().put(methodType, def); this.ext.newMethod(restResource, def, method); } private String getDefaultResourceId(final Method method, String path) { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); byte[] digest = md.digest(path.getBytes("UTF-8")); BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(1, digest); String hashtext = bigInt.toString(16); // Now we need to zero pad it if you actually want the full 32 chars. while (hashtext.length() < 32) { hashtext = "0" + hashtext; } return hashtext; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { this.logger.warn("Failed to generate MD5 sum", e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { this.logger.warn("Failed to generate MD5 sum", e); } return method.getName(); } /** * @param queryParams * @param methodRequestHeader * @param methodParams * @param paramType * @param paramAnnotations */ protected void parseMethodParameter(final List<String> queryParams, final Map<String, HeaderDefinition> methodRequestHeader, final Map<String, ParamDefinition> methodParams, final Type paramType, final Annotation[] paramAnnotations) { final HeaderDefinition headerDefinition = new HeaderDefinition(); final AnnotationMap map = new AnnotationMap(paramAnnotations); if (map.hasAnnotation(QueryParam.class)) { final String name = map.getAnnotation(QueryParam.class).value(); queryParams.add(name); final ParamDefinition definition = new ParamDefinition(); if (map.hasAnnotation(RestDocParam.class)) { this.parseRestDocParameter(definition, map.getAnnotation(RestDocParam.class), paramType); } this.ext.queryParam(name, definition, paramType, map); methodParams.put(name, definition); } else if (map.hasAnnotation(PathParam.class)) { final String name = map.getAnnotation(PathParam.class).value(); final ParamDefinition definition = new ParamDefinition(); if (map.hasAnnotation(RestDocParam.class)) { this.parseRestDocParameter(definition, map.getAnnotation(RestDocParam.class), paramType); } this.ext.pathParam(name, definition, paramType, map); methodParams.put(name, definition); } else if (map.hasAnnotation(HeaderParam.class)) { final String name = map.getAnnotation(HeaderParam.class).value(); final HeaderDefinition definition = new HeaderDefinition(); if (!this.requestHeaderMap.containsKey(name)) { if (map.hasAnnotation(RestDocHeader.class)) { final RestDocHeader docHeader = map.getAnnotation(RestDocHeader.class); headerDefinition.setDescription(docHeader.description()); headerDefinition.setRequired(docHeader.required()); } this.ext.headerParam(name, definition, paramType, map); methodRequestHeader.put(name, headerDefinition); } } else if (map.hasAnnotation(BeanParam.class)) { if (paramType instanceof Class) { Class<?> beanParamClass = (Class<?>) paramType; Field[] fields = beanParamClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field f : fields) { this.parseMethodParameter(queryParams, methodRequestHeader, methodParams, f.getType(), f.getAnnotations()); } } } else { // Param is body type } } private void addMethodResponse(final ResponseDefinition def, final Method method) { boolean typeFound = false; if (method.isAnnotationPresent(RestDocResponse.class)) { final RestDocResponse docResponse = method.getAnnotation(RestDocResponse.class); final RestDocType[] types = docResponse.types(); for (final RestDocType restDocType : types) { if (!restDocType.schemaClass().equals(Object.class)) { final String schema = SchemaResolver.getSchemaFromType(restDocType.schemaClass(), this.schemaMap, this.ext); def.type(restDocType.type(), schema); typeFound = true; } else { def.type(restDocType.type(), restDocType.schema()); typeFound = true; } } final RestDocHeader[] headers = docResponse.headers(); for (final RestDocHeader restDocHeader : headers) { def.header(, restDocHeader.description(), restDocHeader.required()); } } if (!typeFound && !method.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE)) { final String schema = SchemaResolver.getSchemaFromTypeOrNull(method.getGenericReturnType(), this.schemaMap, this.ext); String[] mediaTypes = MediaTypeResolver.getProducesMediaType(method); if (mediaTypes != null) { for (String mt : mediaTypes) { def.type(mt, schema); } } } } private Map<String, String> getStatusCodes(final Method method) { final Map<String, String> codeMap = Maps.newHashMap(); if (method.isAnnotationPresent(RestDocReturnCodes.class)) { final RestDocReturnCode[] returnCodes = method.getAnnotation(RestDocReturnCodes.class).value(); for (final RestDocReturnCode rdrc : returnCodes) { String description = rdrc.description(); if (description.isEmpty()) { description = Status.fromStatusCode(Integer.valueOf(rdrc.code())).getReasonPhrase(); } codeMap.put(rdrc.code(), description); } } if (method.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE)) { codeMap.put(String.valueOf(Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()), Status.NO_CONTENT.getReasonPhrase()); } return codeMap; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Collection<Representation> getAccepts(final Method method, Type[] parameterTypes, Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations) { final Collection<Representation> list = Lists.newArrayList(); if (method.isAnnotationPresent(RestDocAccept.class)) { final RestDocAccept docAccept = method.getAnnotation(RestDocAccept.class); final RestDocType[] types = docAccept.value(); for (final RestDocType restDocType : types) { if (!restDocType.schemaClass().equals(Object.class)) { final String schema = SchemaResolver.getSchemaFromType(restDocType.schemaClass(), this.schemaMap, this.ext); list.add(new Representation(restDocType.type(), schema)); } else { list.add(new Representation(restDocType.type(), restDocType.schema())); } } } else { String[] mediaTypes = MediaTypeResolver.getConsumesMediaType(method); if (mediaTypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { Type param = parameterTypes[i]; final AnnotationMap map = new AnnotationMap(parameterAnnotations[i]); if (!map.hasAnnotation(PathParam.class, QueryParam.class, HeaderParam.class)) { final String schema = SchemaResolver.getSchemaFromType(param, this.schemaMap, this.ext); for (String mt : mediaTypes) { list.add(new Representation(mt, schema)); } } } } } return list; } private void parseRestDocParameter(final ParamDefinition definition, final RestDocParam docParam, final Type paramType) { definition.setDescription(docParam.description()); final RestDocValidation[] restDocValidations = docParam.validations(); for (final RestDocValidation validation : restDocValidations) { final ParamValidation v = new ParamValidation(); v.setType(validation.type()); v.setPattern(validation.pattern()); definition.getValidations().add(v); } if (paramType.equals(Long.class)) { definition.getValidations().add(new ParamValidation(RestDocGenerator.VALIDATION_MATCH, RestDocGenerator.PATTERN_SIGNED_INT)); } else if (paramType.equals(Integer.class)) { definition.getValidations().add(new ParamValidation(RestDocGenerator.VALIDATION_MATCH, RestDocGenerator.PATTERN_SIGNED_INT)); } else if (paramType.equals(Double.class)) { definition.getValidations().add(new ParamValidation(RestDocGenerator.VALIDATION_MATCH, RestDocGenerator.PATTERN_SIGNED_DECIMAL)); } else if (paramType.equals(BigDecimal.class)) { definition.getValidations().add(new ParamValidation(RestDocGenerator.VALIDATION_MATCH, RestDocGenerator.PATTERN_SIGNED_DECIMAL)); } else if (paramType.equals(Boolean.class)) { definition.getValidations().add(new ParamValidation(RestDocGenerator.VALIDATION_MATCH, RestDocGenerator.PATTERN_BOOL)); } else if ((paramType instanceof Class) && ((Class<?>) paramType).isEnum()) { List<?> values = Arrays.asList(((Class<?>) paramType).getEnumConstants()); String join = Joiner.on('|').join(values); definition.getValidations().add(new ParamValidation(RestDocGenerator.VALIDATION_MATCH, join)); } } private static String getHTTPVerb(final Method method) { final Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations(); for (final Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation.annotationType().isAnnotationPresent(HttpMethod.class)) { final HttpMethod httpMethod = annotation.annotationType().getAnnotation(HttpMethod.class); return httpMethod.value(); } } return null; } // ###################################################### // Retrieving RestDoc for given path // ###################################################### /** * @param path the basepath to start * @return the {@link RestDoc} as string * @throws RestDocException on generation error */ public String getRestDocStringForPath(final String path) { if (!this.initialized.get()) { throw new RestDocException("Generator is not yet initialized"); } try { final RestDoc doc = this.getDoc(path); return RestDocParser.writeRestDoc(doc); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RestDocException(e); } } private RestDoc getDoc(final String path) { final RestDoc doc = new RestDoc(); // populate schemas doc.setSchemas(new HashMap<String, Schema>(this.schemaMap)); // populate header section doc.getHeaders().getRequestHeader().putAll(this.requestHeaderMap); doc.getHeaders().getResponseHeader().putAll(this.responseHeaderMap); doc.getHeaders().getAdditionalFields().putAll(this.globalAdditional); // populate resource section final Set<Entry<String, RestResource>> entrySet = this.resources.entrySet(); for (final Entry<String, RestResource> entry : entrySet) { if (entry.getKey().startsWith(path)) { doc.getResources().add(entry.getValue()); } } this.ext.renderDoc(path, doc); return doc; } // ############################################## // Extension registry and wrapper // ############################################## /** * @param extension the {@link IRestDocGeneratorExtension} to register */ public void registerGeneratorExtension(final IRestDocGeneratorExtension extension) { this.ext.exts.add(extension); } private class RDGEWrapper implements IRestDocGeneratorExtension { private final List<IRestDocGeneratorExtension> exts = new LinkedList<IRestDocGeneratorExtension>(); @Override public void newResource(final RestResource restResource) { for (final IRestDocGeneratorExtension e : this.exts) { e.newResource(restResource); } } @Override public void queryParam(final String name, final ParamDefinition definition, final Type paramType, final AnnotationMap map) { for (final IRestDocGeneratorExtension e : this.exts) { e.queryParam(name, definition, paramType, map); } } @Override public void pathParam(final String name, final ParamDefinition definition, final Type paramType, final AnnotationMap map) { for (final IRestDocGeneratorExtension e : this.exts) { e.pathParam(name, definition, paramType, map); } } @Override public void headerParam(final String name, final HeaderDefinition definition, final Type paramType, final AnnotationMap map) { for (final IRestDocGeneratorExtension e : this.exts) { e.headerParam(name, definition, paramType, map); } } @Override public void newMethod(final RestResource restResource, final MethodDefinition def, final Method method) { for (final IRestDocGeneratorExtension e : this.exts) { e.newMethod(restResource, def, method); } } @Override public void newSchema(final String schemaURI, final Schema s, final Class<?> schemaClass) { for (final IRestDocGeneratorExtension e : this.exts) { e.newSchema(schemaURI, s, schemaClass); } } @Override public void renderDoc(final String path, final RestDoc doc) { for (final IRestDocGeneratorExtension e : this.exts) { e.renderDoc(path, doc); } } } }