package org.wiztools.restclient.util; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.wiztools.commons.Charsets; import org.wiztools.commons.MultiValueMap; import org.wiztools.commons.StringUtil; import org.wiztools.restclient.bean.ContentType; import org.wiztools.restclient.bean.ContentTypeBean; import org.wiztools.restclient.bean.HTTPMethod; /** * * @author subwiz */ public final class HttpUtil { public static final ContentType DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = new ContentTypeBean("text/plain", Charsets.UTF_8); public static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = Charsets.UTF_8; public static ContentType getContentType(String header) { final String[] arr = header.split("\\s*;\\s*"); if(arr.length == 1) { return new ContentTypeBean(header, null); } else { final String contentType = arr[0]; for(int i=1; i<arr.length; i++) { final String headerPart = arr[i]; if(headerPart.contains("charset=")) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("charset=(.+)"); Matcher m = p.matcher(headerPart); if(m.matches()) { Charset charset = Charset.forName(; return new ContentTypeBean(contentType, charset); } } } return new ContentTypeBean(contentType, null); } } public static ContentType getContentType(MultiValueMap<String, String> headers) { for(String key: headers.keySet()) { if("content-type".equalsIgnoreCase(key.trim())) { return getContentType(headers.get(key).iterator().next()); } } return null; } /** * Parses the HTTP response status line, and returns the status code. * @param statusLine The HTTP status line. * @return The status code from HTTP response status line. */ public static int getStatusCodeFromStatusLine(final String statusLine){ int retVal = -1; final String STATUS_PATTERN = "[^\\s]+\\s([0-9]{3})\\s.*"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(STATUS_PATTERN); Matcher m = p.matcher(statusLine); if(m.matches()){ retVal = Integer.parseInt(; } return retVal; } /** * Method formats content-type and charset for use as HTTP header value * @param contentType The content type string. * @param charset The charset string. * @return The formatted content-type and charset. */ public static String getFormattedContentType(final String contentType, final String charset){ String charsetFormatted = StringUtil.isEmpty(charset)? "": "; charset=" + charset; return contentType + charsetFormatted; } public static String getFormattedContentType(final String contentType, final Charset charset){ return getFormattedContentType(contentType, (charset!=null? null)); } public static String getFormattedContentType(final ContentType contentType){ return getFormattedContentType(contentType.getContentType(), contentType.getCharset()); } public static String getCharsetFromContentType(final String contentType) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^.+charset=([^;]+).*$"); Matcher m = p.matcher(contentType); if(m.matches()) { return; } return null; } /** * Parses the Content-Type HTTP header and returns the MIME type part of the * response. For example, when receiving Content-Type header like: * * application/xml;charset=UTF-8 * * This method will return "application/xml". * @param contentType The content-type string. * @return The mime part of the content-type string. */ public static String getMimeFromContentType(final String contentType) { final int occurance = contentType.indexOf(';'); if(occurance == -1) { return contentType; } else { return contentType.substring(0, occurance); } } private static String getContentTypeBeforeSemiColon(String contentType) { return (contentType.indexOf(';') != -1)? contentType.split(";")[0]: contentType; } public static boolean isWebImageContentType(final String contentType) { final String ct = getContentTypeBeforeSemiColon(contentType); return ct.equals("image/jpeg") || ct.equals("image/png") || ct.equals("image/gif"); } // All text content that needs to be rendered as text except those // starting with `text/`: private static List<String> TEXT_CT = Arrays.asList(new String[]{ "application/x-javascript", "application/javascript" }); public static boolean isTextContentType(final String contentType) { final String ct = getContentTypeBeforeSemiColon(contentType); return ct.startsWith("text/") || isXmlContentType(ct) || isJsonContentType(ct) || TEXT_CT.contains(ct); } public static boolean isXmlContentType(final String contentType) { final String ct = getContentTypeBeforeSemiColon(contentType); return ct.startsWith("application/xml") || ct.startsWith("text/xml") || ct.endsWith("+xml"); } public static boolean isJsonContentType(final String contentType) { final String ct = getContentTypeBeforeSemiColon(contentType); return ct.startsWith("application/json") || ct.endsWith("+json"); } public static boolean isJsContentType(final String contentType) { final String ct = getContentTypeBeforeSemiColon(contentType); return ct.startsWith("application/javascript") || ct.startsWith("application/x-javascript") || ct.startsWith("text/javascript"); } public static boolean isCssContentType(final String contentType) { final String ct = getContentTypeBeforeSemiColon(contentType); return ct.startsWith("text/css"); } public static boolean isHTMLContentType(final String contentType) { final String ct = getContentTypeBeforeSemiColon(contentType); return ct.startsWith("text/html") || ct.endsWith("+html"); } public static Charset getCharsetDefault(final ContentType type) { return type != null? (type.getCharset() != null? type.getCharset(): DEFAULT_CHARSET) : DEFAULT_CHARSET; } private static final List<String> entityEnclosingMethods = Collections.unmodifiableList( Arrays.asList(new String[]{"GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"})); public static boolean isEntityEnclosingMethod(final String method) { return entityEnclosingMethods.contains(method); } public static boolean isEntityEnclosingMethod(final HTTPMethod method) { return isEntityEnclosingMethod(; } }