package resa.util; import backtype.storm.generated.*; import backtype.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails; import backtype.storm.scheduler.Topologies; import backtype.storm.scheduler.TopologyDetails; import backtype.storm.task.GeneralTopologyContext; import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; import backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient; import backtype.storm.utils.ThriftTopologyUtils; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import org.apache.thrift7.TException; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import; import; import; /** * Helper class to get access online topology running details. * * @author Troy Ding */ public class TopologyHelper { /** * Get all running topology's details. * * @param conf storm's conf, used to connect nimbus * @return null if nimbus is not available, otherwise all TopologyDetails */ public static Topologies getTopologyDetails(Map<String, Object> conf) { NimbusClient nimbusClient = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); try { Nimbus.Client nimbus = nimbusClient.getClient(); Map<String, TopologyDetails> topologies = nimbus.getClusterInfo().get_topologies().stream() .map(topoSummary -> getTopologyDetails(nimbus, topoSummary)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .collect(Collectors.toMap(topoDetails -> topoDetails.getId(), topoDetails -> topoDetails)); return new Topologies(topologies); } catch (TException e) { } finally { nimbusClient.close(); } return null; } public static Map<Integer, String> getTask2Host(Map<String, Object> conf, String topoId) { NimbusClient nimbusClient = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); try { Nimbus.Client nimbus = nimbusClient.getClient(); TopologyInfo topoInfo = nimbus.getTopologyInfo(topoId); Map<Integer, String> task2Host = new HashMap<>(); topoInfo.get_executors().forEach(e -> { ExecutorInfo eInfo = e.get_executor_info(); for (int i = eInfo.get_task_start(); i <= eInfo.get_task_end(); i++) { task2Host.put(i, e.get_host()); } }); return task2Host; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { nimbusClient.close(); } return null; } public static Map<String, Map<ExecutorDetails, String>> getAssignment(Map<String, Object> conf, String topoId) { NimbusClient nimbusClient = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); try { Nimbus.Client nimbus = nimbusClient.getClient(); TopologyInfo topoInfo = nimbus.getTopologyInfo(topoId); Map<String, Map<ExecutorDetails, String>> assignment = new HashMap<>(); topoInfo.get_executors().forEach(e -> { ExecutorInfo eInfo = e.get_executor_info(); assignment.computeIfAbsent(e.get_component_id(), (k) -> new HashMap<>()) .put(new ExecutorDetails(eInfo.get_task_start(), eInfo.get_task_end()), e.get_host() + ":" + e.get_port()); }); return assignment; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { nimbusClient.close(); } return null; } /** * Kill a specified topology. * * @param topoName * @param conf */ public static void killTopology(String topoName, Map<String, Object> conf) { NimbusClient nimbusClient = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); try { Nimbus.Client nimbus = nimbusClient.getClient(); nimbus.killTopology(topoName); } catch (NotAliveException | TException e) { } finally { nimbusClient.close(); } } public static void killTopology(String topoName, int waitSecs, Map<String, Object> conf) { NimbusClient nimbusClient = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); try { Nimbus.Client nimbus = nimbusClient.getClient(); KillOptions killOptions = new KillOptions(); killOptions.set_wait_secs(waitSecs); nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts(topoName, killOptions); } catch (NotAliveException | TException e) { } finally { nimbusClient.close(); } } private static TopologyDetails getTopologyDetails(Nimbus.Client nimbus, TopologySummary topologySummary) { String topoId = topologySummary.get_id(); int numWorkers = topologySummary.get_num_workers(); StormTopology topology; TopologyInfo topologyInfo; Map topologyConf; try { topology = nimbus.getUserTopology(topoId); topologyInfo = nimbus.getTopologyInfo(topoId); topologyConf = (Map) JSONValue.parse(nimbus.getTopologyConf(topoId)); } catch (NotAliveException | TException e) { return null; } Map<ExecutorDetails, String> exe2Components = topologyInfo.get_executors().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> toExecutorDetails(e.get_executor_info()), e -> e.get_component_id())); return new TopologyDetails(topologyInfo.get_id(), topologyConf, topology, numWorkers, exe2Components); } public static Map<String, Integer> getComponentExecutorCount(TopologyDetails topoDetails) { return topoDetails.getExecutorToComponent().entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.reducing(0, e -> 1, (i, j) -> i + j))); } /** * Get a running topology's details. * * @param topoName topology's name * @param conf storm's conf, used to connect nimbus * @return null if topology is not exist, otherwise a TopologyDetails instance */ public static TopologyDetails getTopologyDetails(String topoName, Map<String, Object> conf) { NimbusClient nimbusClient = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); try { Nimbus.Client nimbus = nimbusClient.getClient(); ClusterSummary cluster = nimbus.getClusterInfo(); Optional<TopologySummary> topo = cluster.get_topologies().stream() .filter(e -> e.get_name().equals(topoName)).findFirst(); return -> topoSummary == null ? null : getTopologyDetails(nimbus, topoSummary)).get(); } catch (TException e) { } finally { nimbusClient.close(); } return null; } /** * Get component tasks from TopologyDetails object * * @param topoDetails * @param ignoreSystemComp whether system component should be ignore * @return */ public static Map<String, List<Integer>> componentToTasks(TopologyDetails topoDetails, boolean ignoreSystemComp) { Predicate<Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, String>> p = null; if (ignoreSystemComp) { p = e -> !Utils.isSystemId(e.getValue()); } return componentToTasks(topoDetails, p); } /** * Get bolt component tasks from TopologyDetails object * * @param topoDetails * @return */ public static Map<String, List<Integer>> boltComponentToTasks(TopologyDetails topoDetails) { Set<String> bolts = topoDetails.getTopology().get_bolts().keySet(); Predicate<Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, String>> p = e -> bolts.contains(e.getValue()); return componentToTasks(topoDetails, p); } /** * Get spout component tasks from TopologyDetails object * * @param topoDetails * @return */ public static Map<String, List<Integer>> spoutComponentToTasks(TopologyDetails topoDetails) { Set<String> spouts = topoDetails.getTopology().get_spouts().keySet(); Predicate<Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, String>> p = e -> spouts.contains(e.getValue()); return componentToTasks(topoDetails, p); } /** * Get component tasks from TopologyDetails object * * @param topoDetails * @return */ private static Map<String, List<Integer>> componentToTasks(TopologyDetails topoDetails, Predicate<Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, String>> p) { Stream<Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, String>> stream = topoDetails.getExecutorToComponent().entrySet().stream(); if (p != null) { stream = stream.filter(p); } return stream.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.mapping(e -> getTaskIds(e.getKey()), Collector.of(ArrayList::new, (all, l) -> all.addAll(l), (all, l) -> { all.addAll(l); return all; } ) ) ) ); } /** * Get component tasks from TopologyDetails object * * @param topoDetails * @return */ public static Map<String, List<Integer>> componentToTasks(TopologyDetails topoDetails) { return componentToTasks(topoDetails, false); } private static ExecutorDetails toExecutorDetails(ExecutorInfo executorInfo) { return new ExecutorDetails(executorInfo.get_task_start(), executorInfo.get_task_end()); } private static List<Integer> getTaskIds(ExecutorInfo executorInfo) { int start = executorInfo.get_task_start(); int end = executorInfo.get_task_end(); return start == end ? Arrays.asList(start) : IntStream.rangeClosed(start, end).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()); } public static List<Integer> getTaskIds(ExecutorDetails executorDetails) { int start = executorDetails.getStartTask(); int end = executorDetails.getEndTask(); return start == end ? Arrays.asList(start) : IntStream.rangeClosed(start, end).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()); } public static String topologyId2Name(String topologyId) { int split = topologyId.indexOf('-'); return topologyId.substring(0, split); } public static Map<String, List<ExecutorDetails>> getTopologyExecutors(Nimbus.Client nimbus, String topoId) { try { TopologyInfo topoInfo = nimbus.getTopologyInfo(topoId); return parseCompExecutors(topoInfo); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } public static Map<String, List<ExecutorDetails>> getTopologyExecutors(String topoName, Map<String, Object> conf) { NimbusClient nimbusClient = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); try { Nimbus.Client nimbus = nimbusClient.getClient(); String topoId = getTopologyId(nimbus, topoName); return getTopologyExecutors(nimbus, topoId); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { nimbusClient.close(); } return null; } public static Map<String, List<ExecutorDetails>> parseCompExecutors(TopologyInfo topoInfo) { return topoInfo.get_executors().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ExecutorSummary::get_component_id, Collectors.mapping(e -> toExecutorDetails(e.get_executor_info()), Collectors.toList()))); } public static String getTopologyId(String topoName, Map<String, Object> conf) { NimbusClient nimbusClient = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); try { Nimbus.Client nimbus = nimbusClient.getClient(); return getTopologyId(nimbus, topoName); } finally { nimbusClient.close(); } } public static String getTopologyId(Nimbus.Client nimbus, String topoName) { try { ClusterSummary cluster = nimbus.getClusterInfo(); return cluster.get_topologies().stream() .filter(e -> e.get_name().equals(topoName)).findFirst() .map(topoSummary -> topoSummary == null ? null : topoSummary.get_id()).get(); } catch (TException e) { } return null; } public static GeneralTopologyContext getGeneralTopologyContext(String topoName, Map<String, Object> conf) { NimbusClient nimbusClient = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); try { Nimbus.Client nimbus = nimbusClient.getClient(); return getGeneralTopologyContext(nimbus, topoName); } finally { nimbusClient.close(); } } private static Map<String, Fields> getStream2fields(String comp, StormTopology topo) { return ThriftTopologyUtils.getComponentCommon(topo, comp).get_streams().entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, e -> new Fields(e.getValue().get_output_fields()))); } public static GeneralTopologyContext getGeneralTopologyContext(Nimbus.Client nimbus, String topoName) { try { ClusterSummary cluster = nimbus.getClusterInfo(); Optional<TopologySummary> topo = cluster.get_topologies().stream() .filter(e -> e.get_name().equals(topoName)).findFirst(); if (!topo.isPresent()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topology is not exist: " + topoName); } String topoId = topo.get().get_id(); TopologyInfo topologyInfo = nimbus.getTopologyInfo(topoId); Map topologyConf = (Map) JSONValue.parse(nimbus.getTopologyConf(topoId)); Map<String, List<Integer>> comp2Tasks = new HashMap<>(); topologyInfo.get_executors().forEach(e -> comp2Tasks.computeIfAbsent(e.get_component_id(), (k) -> new ArrayList<Integer>()).addAll(getTaskIds(e.get_executor_info()))); Map<Integer, String> task2Comp = new HashMap<>(); comp2Tasks.forEach((comp, tasks) -> tasks.forEach((t) -> task2Comp.put(t, comp))); StormTopology sysTopology = nimbus.getTopology(topoId); Map<String, Map<String, Fields>> component2Stream2Fields = ThriftTopologyUtils.getComponentIds(sysTopology) .stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(comp -> comp, comp -> getStream2fields(comp, sysTopology))); return new GeneralTopologyContext(nimbus.getUserTopology(topoId), topologyConf, task2Comp, comp2Tasks, component2Stream2Fields, topoId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }