package org.rendersnake.jquery; import; import org.rendersnake.Hash; import org.rendersnake.ToJavascript; import; /** * JQueryCanvas can write jQuery expressions. * Use {@link toJavascript} to pass the expression String to an Html attribute. * * @author ernestmicklei */ public class JQueryCanvas implements ToJavascript { private StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); public JQueryCanvas jQuery(String selector) { out.write("$('"); out.write(selector); out.write("')"); return this; } public JQueryCanvas jQuery(String selector,String context) { out.write("$('"); out.write(selector); out.write("',"); out.write(context); out.write(')'); return this; } public JQueryCanvas jQuery() { out.write("$"); return this; } public String toJavascript() { out.write(';'); return out.toString(); } public JQueryCanvas ajaxSetup(Hash hash) { out.write(".ajaxSetup("); out.write(hash.toJavascript()); out.write(')'); return this; } public JQueryCanvas addClass(String cssClass) { out.write(".addClass('"); out.write(cssClass); out.write("')"); return this; } public JQueryCanvas dialog() { out.write(".dialog()"); return this; } /** * * @param url A string containing the URL to which the request is sent. * @param args * <ul> * <li>A map or string that is sent to the server with the request. * <li>complete(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) A callback function that is executed when the request completes. * </ul> * * @return */ public JQueryCanvas load(String url,Object ... args) { out.write(".load('"); out.write(url); out.write("')"); return this; } public JQMobileCanvas mobile() { return new JQMobileCanvas(); } }