/* * Copyright 2013 Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.switchyard.test.quickstarts; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment; import org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian; import org.jboss.arquillian.test.api.ArquillianResource; import org.jboss.as.arquillian.container.ManagementClient; import org.jboss.as.controller.descriptions.ModelDescriptionConstants; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.switchyard.component.test.mixins.http.HTTPMixIn; import org.switchyard.test.ArquillianUtil; import org.switchyard.test.SwitchYardTestKit; @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class RestBindingQuickstartTest { @Deployment(testable = false) public static JavaArchive createDeployment() { return ArquillianUtil.createJarQSDeployment("switchyard-rest-binding"); } @Test public void testOrders(@ArquillianResource ManagementClient client) throws Exception { HTTPMixIn httpMixIn = new HTTPMixIn(); httpMixIn.initialize(); try { // Create our inventory String response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/inventory/create", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_OPTIONS); Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, response); // Create an order response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/order", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_POST); SwitchYardTestKit.compareXMLToString(response, ORDER); // Add a new item or update order response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/order/item", ORDER1, HTTPMixIn.HTTP_PUT); Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, response); // Add some more items or update order response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/order/item", ORDER2, HTTPMixIn.HTTP_PUT); Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, response); // Look at our order response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/order/1", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_GET); SwitchYardTestKit.compareXMLToString(response, ORDER3); // Delete the first item response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/order/1:1", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_DELETE); Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, response); // Try to delete item with wrong composite ID int status = httpMixIn.sendStringAndGetStatus(BASE_URL + "/order/1", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_DELETE); Assert.assertEquals(400, status); // Look at our order response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/order/1", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_GET); SwitchYardTestKit.compareXMLToString(response, ORDER4); // Update item descriptions in our inventory response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/inventory/update", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_OPTIONS); Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, response); // Look at our order response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/order/1", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_GET); SwitchYardTestKit.compareXMLToString(response, ORDER5); // Look at non existing order status = httpMixIn.sendStringAndGetStatus(BASE_URL + "/order/" + Integer.MAX_VALUE, "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_GET); Assert.assertEquals(404, status); // Get item status = httpMixIn.sendStringAndGetStatus(BASE_URL + "/warehouse/get/26", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_GET); Assert.assertEquals(404, status); // Destroy our inventory response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/inventory/remove", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_OPTIONS); Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, response); // Create our inventory response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/inventory/create", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_OPTIONS); Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, response); // Look at our order response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/order/1", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_GET); SwitchYardTestKit.compareXMLToString(response, ORDER4); final String namespace = "urn:switchyard-quickstart:resteasy-binding:1.0"; final ModelNode operation = new ModelNode(); operation.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.OP_ADDR).add("subsystem", "switchyard"); operation.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.NAME).set("_OrderService_rest_1"); operation.get("service-name").set(new QName(namespace, "OrderService").toString()); operation.get("application-name").set(new QName(namespace, "OrderService").toString()); // stop the gateway operation.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.OP).set("stop-gateway"); ModelNode result = client.getControllerClient().execute(operation); Assert.assertEquals("Failed to stop gateway: " + result.toString(), ModelDescriptionConstants.SUCCESS, result.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.OUTCOME).asString()); // Update item descriptions in our inventory, should fail Assert.assertEquals(404, httpMixIn.sendStringAndGetStatus(BASE_URL + "/inventory/update", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_OPTIONS)); // restart the gateway operation.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.OP).set("start-gateway"); result = client.getControllerClient().execute(operation); Assert.assertEquals("Failed to restart gateway: " + result.toString(), ModelDescriptionConstants.SUCCESS, result.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.OUTCOME).asString()); // Look at our order. if this fails, the item descriptions were // updated or the gateway didn't restart. response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/order/1", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_GET); SwitchYardTestKit.compareXMLToString(response, ORDER4); // Destroy our inventory response = httpMixIn.sendString(BASE_URL + "/inventory/remove", "", HTTPMixIn.HTTP_OPTIONS); Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, response); } finally { httpMixIn.uninitialize(); } } private static final String BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080/rest-binding"; private static final String SUCCESS = "SUCCESS"; private static final String ORDER = "<order>" + " <orderId>1</orderId>" + "</order>"; private static final String ORDER1 = "<order>" + " <orderId>1</orderId>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>1</itemId>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>10</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + "</order>"; private static final String ORDER2 = "<order>" + " <orderId>1</orderId>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>3</itemId>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>5</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>4</itemId>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>3</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + "</order>"; private static final String ORDER3 = "<order>" + " <orderId>1</orderId>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>1</itemId>" + " <name>Hydrogen Atom - No, we are not kidding!</name>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>10</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>3</itemId>" + " <name>Einstein's Bust - Talks about your future :)</name>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>5</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>4</itemId>" + " <name>Time Machine</name>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>3</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + "</order>"; private static final String ORDER4 = "<order>" + " <orderId>1</orderId>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>3</itemId>" + " <name>Einstein's Bust - Talks about your future :)</name>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>5</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>4</itemId>" + " <name>Time Machine</name>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>3</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + "</order>"; private static final String ORDER5 = "<order>" + " <orderId>1</orderId>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>3</itemId>" + " <name>Theory of relativity</name>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>5</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + " <orderItem>" + " <item>" + " <itemId>4</itemId>" + " <name>Coffee Maker</name>" + " </item>" + " <quantity>3</quantity>" + " </orderItem>" + "</order>"; }