package com.amazonaws.tvm.identity.admin; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; public class DeleteUser extends BaseAdmin { public static void main(String[] args) { String awsAccessKeyID = System.getProperty(AWSAccessKeyID); String awsSecretKey = System.getProperty(AWSSecretKey); String userTable = System.getProperty("UserTable"); if (awsAccessKeyID == null || awsSecretKey == null || userTable == null || args.length == 0 || args[0].length() == 0) { System.err .println("Usage:java DeleteUser -DAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key> -DAWS_SECRET_KEY=<secret_key> -DUserTable=<table_name> <username_to_be_deleted>"); return; } DeleteUser obj = new DeleteUser(awsAccessKeyID, awsSecretKey); if (!obj.doesTableExist(userTable)) { System.err.println("Invalid user table : " + userTable); return; } String username = args[0]; obj.deleteUser(username, userTable); System.out.println(String.format("User [%s] deleted successfully", username)); } public DeleteUser(String awsAccessKeyID, String awsSecretKey) { super(awsAccessKeyID, awsSecretKey); } /** * Deletes the specified username from the user table. */ public void deleteUser(String username, String table) { HashMap<String, AttributeValue> key = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>(); key.put("username", new AttributeValue().withS(username)); DeleteItemRequest deleteItemRequest = new DeleteItemRequest() .withTableName(table) .withKey(key); ddb.deleteItem(deleteItemRequest); } }