package; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Given a subreddit name string, starts the threadlist-download-thread going. * * @param subreddit The name of a subreddit ("android", "gaming", etc.) * If the number of elements in subreddit is >= 2, treat 2nd element as "after" */ public abstract class DownloadThreadsTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Long, Boolean> implements PropertyChangeListener { static final String TAG = "DownloadThreadsTask"; protected Context mContext; protected final HttpClient mClient; private ObjectMapper mOm; protected String mSubreddit; protected String mSortByUrl = Constants.ThreadsSort.SORT_BY_HOT_URL; protected String mSortByUrlExtra = ""; protected String mAfter; protected String mBefore; protected int mCount; protected String mLastAfter = null; protected String mLastBefore = null; protected int mLastCount = 0; protected String mUserError = "Error retrieving subreddit info."; // Progress bar protected long mContentLength = 0; // Downloaded data protected ArrayList<ThingInfo> mThingInfos = new ArrayList<ThingInfo>(); protected String mModhash = null; public DownloadThreadsTask(Context context, HttpClient client, ObjectMapper om, String sortByUrl, String sortByUrlExtra, String subreddit) { this(context, client, om, sortByUrl, sortByUrlExtra, subreddit, null, null, Constants.DEFAULT_THREAD_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT); } public DownloadThreadsTask(Context context, HttpClient client, ObjectMapper om, String sortByUrl, String sortByUrlExtra, String subreddit, String after, String before, int count) { mContext = context; mClient = client; mOm = om; mSortByUrl = sortByUrl; mSortByUrlExtra = sortByUrlExtra; if (subreddit != null) mSubreddit = subreddit; else mSubreddit = Constants.FRONTPAGE_STRING; mAfter = after; mBefore = before; mCount = count; } public Boolean doInBackground(Void... zzz) { HttpEntity entity = null; boolean isAfter = false; boolean isBefore = false; try { String url; StringBuilder sb; // If refreshing or something, use the previously used URL to get the threads. // Picking a new subreddit will erase the saved URL, getting rid of after= and before=. // subreddit.length != 0 means you are going Next or Prev, which creates new URL. if (Constants.FRONTPAGE_STRING.equals(mSubreddit)) { sb = new StringBuilder(Constants.REDDIT_BASE_URL + "/").append(mSortByUrl) .append(".json?").append(mSortByUrlExtra).append("&"); } else { sb = new StringBuilder(Constants.REDDIT_BASE_URL + "/r/") .append(mSubreddit.toString().trim()) .append("/").append(mSortByUrl).append(".json?") .append(mSortByUrlExtra).append("&"); } // "before" always comes back null unless you provide correct "count" if (mAfter != null) { // count: 25, 50, ... sb = sb.append("count=").append(mCount) .append("&after=").append(mAfter).append("&"); isAfter = true; } else if (mBefore != null) { // count: nothing, 26, 51, ... sb = sb.append("count=").append(mCount + 1 - Constants.DEFAULT_THREAD_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT) .append("&before=").append(mBefore).append("&"); isBefore = true; } url = sb.toString(); if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.d(TAG, "url=" + url); InputStream in = null; boolean currentlyUsingCache = false; if (Constants.USE_THREADS_CACHE) { try { if (CacheInfo.checkFreshSubredditCache(mContext) && url.equals(CacheInfo.getCachedSubredditUrl(mContext))) { in = mContext.openFileInput(Constants.FILENAME_SUBREDDIT_CACHE); mContentLength = mContext.getFileStreamPath(Constants.FILENAME_SUBREDDIT_CACHE).length(); currentlyUsingCache = true; if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.d(TAG, "Using cached subreddit JSON, length=" + mContentLength); } } catch (Exception cacheEx) { if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.w(TAG, "skip cache", cacheEx); } } // If we couldn't use the cache, then do HTTP request if (!currentlyUsingCache) { HttpGet request; try { request = new HttpGet(url); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { mUserError = "Invalid subreddit."; if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.e(TAG, "IllegalArgumentException", e); return false; } HttpResponse response = mClient.execute(request); // Read the header to get Content-Length since entity.getContentLength() returns -1 Header contentLengthHeader = response.getFirstHeader("Content-Length"); entity = response.getEntity(); in = entity.getContent(); if (contentLengthHeader != null) { mContentLength = Long.valueOf(contentLengthHeader.getValue()); if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.d(TAG, "Content length [sent]: "+mContentLength); } else { mContentLength = -1; if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.d(TAG, "Content length not available"); } if (Constants.USE_THREADS_CACHE) { in = CacheInfo.writeThenRead(mContext, in, Constants.FILENAME_SUBREDDIT_CACHE); try { CacheInfo.setCachedSubredditUrl(mContext, url); } catch (IOException e) { if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.e(TAG, "error on setCachedSubreddit", e); } } } ProgressInputStream pin = new ProgressInputStream(in, mContentLength); pin.addPropertyChangeListener(this); try { parseSubredditJSON(pin); mLastCount = mCount; if (isAfter) mCount += Constants.DEFAULT_THREAD_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT; else if (isBefore) mCount -= Constants.DEFAULT_THREAD_DOWNLOAD_LIMIT; saveState(); return true; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { mUserError = "Invalid subreddit."; if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.e(TAG, "IllegalStateException", e); } catch (Exception e) { if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.e(TAG, "Exception", e); } finally { pin.close(); in.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.e(TAG, "DownloadThreadsTask", e); } finally { if (entity != null) { try { entity.consumeContent(); } catch (Exception e2) { if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.e(TAG, "entity.consumeContent()", e2); } } } return false; } protected void parseSubredditJSON(InputStream in) throws IOException, JsonParseException, IllegalStateException { String genericListingError = "Not a subreddit listing"; try { Listing listing = mOm.readValue(in, Listing.class); if (!Constants.JSON_LISTING.equals(listing.getKind())) throw new IllegalStateException(genericListingError); // Save the modhash, after, and before ListingData data = listing.getData(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(data.getModhash())) mModhash = null; else mModhash = data.getModhash(); mLastAfter = mAfter; mLastBefore = mBefore; mAfter = data.getAfter(); mBefore = data.getBefore(); // Go through the children and get the ThingInfos for (ThingListing tiContainer : data.getChildren()) { // Only add entries that are threads. kind="t3" if (Constants.THREAD_KIND.equals(tiContainer.getKind())) { ThingInfo ti = tiContainer.getData(); ti.setClicked(Common.isClicked(mContext, ti.getUrl())); mThingInfos.add(ti); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (Constants.LOGGING) Log.e(TAG, "parseSubredditJSON", ex); } } abstract protected void saveState(); }