/* * #%L * Alfresco Records Management Module * %% * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Alfresco Software Limited * %% * This file is part of the Alfresco software. * - * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of * the paid license agreement will prevail. Otherwise, the software is * provided under the following open source license terms: * - * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * - * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Alfresco. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * #L% */ package org.alfresco.module.org_alfresco_module_rm.test.integration.dod; import org.alfresco.module.org_alfresco_module_rm.dod5015.DOD5015Model; import org.alfresco.module.org_alfresco_module_rm.fileplan.FilePlanComponentKind; import org.alfresco.module.org_alfresco_module_rm.test.util.BaseRMTestCase; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.site.SiteInfo; import org.alfresco.service.cmr.site.SiteVisibility; import org.alfresco.util.GUID; /** * Integration test for RM1147 - A user can create a 'vanilla' or DOD compliant records management site. * * @author Roy Wetherall * @since 2.2 */ public class RM1147DODRMSiteTest extends BaseRMTestCase implements DOD5015Model { /** * Don't create a RM test site in setup */ @Override protected boolean isRMSiteTest() { return false; } /** * Test the creation of a DOD file plan via the file plan service */ public void testCreateDODFilePlan() { doTestInTransaction(new Test<NodeRef>() { @Override public NodeRef run() throws Exception { return filePlanService.createFilePlan(folder, "myDODfileplan", TYPE_DOD_5015_FILE_PLAN); } @Override public void test(NodeRef filePlan) throws Exception { assertNotNull(filePlan); assertEquals(TYPE_DOD_5015_FILE_PLAN, nodeService.getType(filePlan)); assertTrue(filePlanService.isFilePlanComponent(filePlan)); assertTrue(filePlanService.isFilePlan(filePlan)); assertEquals(FilePlanComponentKind.FILE_PLAN, filePlanService.getFilePlanComponentKind(filePlan)); assertNotNull(filePlanService.getUnfiledContainer(filePlan)); assertNotNull(filePlanService.getHoldContainer(filePlan)); assertNotNull(filePlanService.getTransferContainer(filePlan)); assertTrue(filePlanService.getFilePlans().contains(filePlan)); assertFalse(filePlanRoleService.getRoles(filePlan).isEmpty()); } }); } /** * Test the creation of a DOD site via the site service */ public void testCreateDODRMSite() { doTestInTransaction(new Test<SiteInfo>() { String siteId = GUID.generate(); @Override public SiteInfo run() throws Exception { return siteService.createSite("dodrmsite", siteId, "title", "description", SiteVisibility.PUBLIC, TYPE_DOD_5015_SITE); } @Override public void test(SiteInfo siteInfo) throws Exception { assertNotNull(siteInfo); assertEquals(TYPE_DOD_5015_SITE, nodeService.getType(siteInfo.getNodeRef())); NodeRef filePlan = siteService.getContainer(siteId, "documentLibrary"); assertNotNull(filePlan); assertEquals(TYPE_DOD_5015_FILE_PLAN, nodeService.getType(filePlan)); assertTrue(filePlanService.isFilePlanComponent(filePlan)); assertTrue(filePlanService.isFilePlan(filePlan)); assertEquals(FilePlanComponentKind.FILE_PLAN, filePlanService.getFilePlanComponentKind(filePlan)); assertNotNull(filePlanService.getUnfiledContainer(filePlan)); assertNotNull(filePlanService.getHoldContainer(filePlan)); assertNotNull(filePlanService.getTransferContainer(filePlan)); assertTrue(filePlanService.getFilePlans().contains(filePlan)); assertFalse(filePlanRoleService.getRoles(filePlan).isEmpty()); } }); } /** * Test to ensure that a record created in the a DOD site does have the DOD meta-data attached */ public void testDODRecord() { doTestInTransaction(new Test<NodeRef>() { String siteId = GUID.generate(); @Override public NodeRef run() throws Exception { siteService.createSite("dodrmsite", siteId, "title", "description", SiteVisibility.PUBLIC, TYPE_DOD_5015_SITE); NodeRef filePlan = siteService.getContainer(siteId, "documentlibrary"); assertNotNull(filePlan); NodeRef recordCategory = filePlanService.createRecordCategory(filePlan, "testOne"); NodeRef recordFolder = recordFolderService.createRecordFolder(recordCategory, "testOne"); NodeRef record = utils.createRecord(recordFolder, "testOne.txt", "Test One"); return record; } @Override public void test(NodeRef record) throws Exception { assertNotNull(record); assertTrue(nodeService.hasAspect(record, ASPECT_DOD_5015_RECORD)); } }); } /** * Test to ensure a record created in a vanilla site does not have the DOD meta-data attached */ public void testVanillaRecord() { doTestInTransaction(new Test<NodeRef>() { String siteId = GUID.generate(); @Override public NodeRef run() throws Exception { siteService.createSite("rmsite", siteId, "title", "description", SiteVisibility.PUBLIC, TYPE_RM_SITE); NodeRef filePlan = siteService.getContainer(siteId, "documentlibrary"); assertNotNull(filePlan); NodeRef recordCategory = filePlanService.createRecordCategory(filePlan, "testOne"); NodeRef recordFolder = recordFolderService.createRecordFolder(recordCategory, "testOne"); NodeRef record = utils.createRecord(recordFolder, "testOne.txt", "Test One"); return record; } @Override public void test(NodeRef record) throws Exception { assertNotNull(record); assertFalse(nodeService.hasAspect(record, ASPECT_DOD_5015_RECORD)); } }); } }