/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ui.preferences.formatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Observable; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ProjectScope; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope; import org.osgi.service.prefs.BackingStoreException; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.RubyCore; import org.rubypeople.rdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.corext.util.Messages; import org.rubypeople.rdt.internal.ui.preferences.PreferencesAccess; import org.rubypeople.rdt.ui.PreferenceConstants; import org.rubypeople.rdt.ui.RubyUI; /** * The model for the set of profiles which are available in the workbench. */ public class ProfileManager extends Observable { /** * A prefix which is prepended to every ID of a user-defined profile, in order * to differentiate it from a built-in profile. */ private final static String ID_PREFIX= "_"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Represents a profile with a unique ID, a name and a map * containing the code formatter settings. */ public static abstract class Profile implements Comparable { public abstract String getName(); public abstract Profile rename(String name, ProfileManager manager); public abstract Map getSettings(); public abstract void setSettings(Map settings); public int getVersion() { return ProfileVersioner.CURRENT_VERSION; } public boolean hasEqualSettings(Map otherMap, List allKeys) { Map settings= getSettings(); for (Iterator iter= allKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ){ String key= (String) iter.next(); Object other= otherMap.get(key); Object curr= settings.get(key); if (other == null) { if (curr != null) { return false; } } else if (!other.equals(curr)) { return false; } } return true; } public abstract boolean isProfileToSave(); public abstract String getID(); public boolean isSharedProfile() { return false; } public boolean isBuiltInProfile() { return false; } } /** * Represents a built-in profile. The state of a built-in profile * cannot be changed after instantiation. */ public final static class BuiltInProfile extends Profile { private final String fName; private final String fID; private final Map fSettings; private final int fOrder; protected BuiltInProfile(String ID, String name, Map settings, int order) { fName= name; fID= ID; fSettings= settings; fOrder= order; } public String getName() { return fName; } public Profile rename(String name, ProfileManager manager) { final String trimmed= name.trim(); CustomProfile newProfile= new CustomProfile(trimmed, fSettings, ProfileVersioner.CURRENT_VERSION); manager.addProfile(newProfile); return newProfile; } public Map getSettings() { return fSettings; } public void setSettings(Map settings) { } public String getID() { return fID; } public final int compareTo(Object o) { if (o instanceof BuiltInProfile) { return fOrder - ((BuiltInProfile)o).fOrder; } return -1; } public boolean isProfileToSave() { return false; } public boolean isBuiltInProfile() { return true; } } /** * Represents a user-defined profile. A custom profile can be modified after instantiation. */ public static class CustomProfile extends Profile { private String fName; private Map fSettings; protected ProfileManager fManager; private int fVersion; public CustomProfile(String name, Map settings, int version) { fName= name; fSettings= settings; fVersion= version; } public String getName() { return fName; } public Profile rename(String name, ProfileManager manager) { final String trimmed= name.trim(); if (trimmed.equals(getName())) return this; String oldID= getID(); // remember old id before changing name fName= trimmed; manager.profileRenamed(this, oldID); return this; } public Map getSettings() { return fSettings; } public void setSettings(Map settings) { if (settings == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); fSettings= settings; if (fManager != null) { fManager.profileChanged(this); } } public String getID() { return ID_PREFIX + fName; } public void setManager(ProfileManager profileManager) { fManager= profileManager; } public ProfileManager getManager() { return fManager; } public int getVersion() { return fVersion; } public void setVersion(int version) { fVersion= version; } public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o instanceof SharedProfile) { return -1; } if (o instanceof CustomProfile) { return getName().compareToIgnoreCase(((Profile)o).getName()); } return 1; } public boolean isProfileToSave() { return true; } } public final static class SharedProfile extends CustomProfile { public SharedProfile(String oldName, Map options) { super(oldName, options, ProfileVersioner.CURRENT_VERSION); } public Profile rename(String name, ProfileManager manager) { CustomProfile profile= new CustomProfile(name.trim(), getSettings(), getVersion()); manager.profileReplaced(this, profile); return profile; } public String getID() { return SHARED_PROFILE; } public final int compareTo(Object o) { return 1; } public boolean isProfileToSave() { return false; } public boolean isSharedProfile() { return true; } } /** * The possible events for observers listening to this class. */ public final static int SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT= 1; public final static int PROFILE_DELETED_EVENT= 2; public final static int PROFILE_RENAMED_EVENT= 3; public final static int PROFILE_CREATED_EVENT= 4; public final static int SETTINGS_CHANGED_EVENT= 5; /** * The key of the preference where the selected profile is stored. */ private final static String PROFILE_KEY= PreferenceConstants.FORMATTER_PROFILE; /** * The key of the preference where the version of the current settings is stored */ private final static String FORMATTER_SETTINGS_VERSION= "formatter_settings_version"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * The keys of the built-in profiles */ public final static String ECLIPSE_PROFILE= "org.rubypeople.rdt.ui.default.eclipse_profile"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public final static String RUBY_PROFILE= "org.rubypeople.rdt.ui.default.ruby_profile"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public final static String SHARED_PROFILE= "org.rubypeople.rdt.ui.default.shared"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public final static String DEFAULT_PROFILE= ECLIPSE_PROFILE; /** * A map containing the available profiles, using the IDs as keys. */ private final Map fProfiles; /** * The available profiles, sorted by name. */ private final List fProfilesByName; /** * The currently selected profile. */ private Profile fSelected; /** * The keys of the options to be saved with each profile */ private final static List fUIKeys= Collections.EMPTY_LIST; private final static List fCoreKeys= new ArrayList(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.getRubyConventionsSettings().keySet()); /** * All keys appearing in a profile, sorted alphabetically */ private final static List fKeys; private final PreferencesAccess fPreferencesAccess; static { fKeys= new ArrayList(); fKeys.addAll(fUIKeys); fKeys.addAll(fCoreKeys); Collections.sort(fKeys); } /** * Create and initialize a new profile manager. * @param profiles Initial custom profiles (List of type <code>CustomProfile</code>) */ public ProfileManager(List profiles, IScopeContext context, PreferencesAccess preferencesAccess) { fPreferencesAccess= preferencesAccess; fProfiles= new HashMap(); fProfilesByName= new ArrayList(); addBuiltinProfiles(fProfiles, fProfilesByName); for (final Iterator iter = profiles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final CustomProfile profile= (CustomProfile) iter.next(); profile.setManager(this); fProfiles.put(profile.getID(), profile); fProfilesByName.add(profile); } Collections.sort(fProfilesByName); IScopeContext instanceScope= fPreferencesAccess.getInstanceScope(); String profileId= instanceScope.getNode(RubyUI.ID_PLUGIN).get(PROFILE_KEY, null); // fix for bug 89739 if (profileId == null) { // no profile set, or always inherited from default profileId= DEFAULT_PROFILE; // use eclipse as default IEclipsePreferences node= instanceScope.getNode(RubyCore.PLUGIN_ID); if (node != null) { String tabSetting= node.get(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR, null); if (RubyCore.SPACE.equals(tabSetting)) { profileId= RUBY_PROFILE; } } } Profile profile= (Profile) fProfiles.get(profileId); if (profile == null) { profile= (Profile) fProfiles.get(DEFAULT_PROFILE); } fSelected= profile; if (context.getName() == ProjectScope.SCOPE && hasProjectSpecificSettings(context)) { Map map= readFromPreferenceStore(context, profile); if (map != null) { Profile matching= null; String projProfileId= context.getNode(RubyUI.ID_PLUGIN).get(PROFILE_KEY, null); if (projProfileId != null) { Profile curr= (Profile) fProfiles.get(projProfileId); if (curr != null && (curr.isBuiltInProfile() || curr.hasEqualSettings(map, getKeys()))) { matching= curr; } } else { // old version: look for similar for (final Iterator iter = fProfilesByName.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Profile curr= (Profile) iter.next(); if (curr.hasEqualSettings(map, getKeys())) { matching= curr; break; } } } if (matching == null) { String name; if (projProfileId != null && !fProfiles.containsKey(projProfileId)) { name= Messages.format(FormatterMessages.ProfileManager_unmanaged_profile_with_name, projProfileId.substring(ID_PREFIX.length())); } else { name= FormatterMessages.ProfileManager_unmanaged_profile; } // current settings do not correspond to any profile -> create a 'team' profile SharedProfile shared= new SharedProfile(name, map); shared.setManager(this); fProfiles.put(shared.getID(), shared); fProfilesByName.add(shared); // add last matching= shared; } fSelected= matching; } } } /** * Notify observers with a message. The message must be one of the following: * @param message Message to send out * * @see #SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT * @see #PROFILE_DELETED_EVENT * @see #PROFILE_RENAMED_EVENT * @see #PROFILE_CREATED_EVENT * @see #SETTINGS_CHANGED_EVENT */ protected void notifyObservers(int message) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(new Integer(message)); } public static boolean hasProjectSpecificSettings(IScopeContext context) { IEclipsePreferences corePrefs= context.getNode(RubyCore.PLUGIN_ID); for (final Iterator keyIter = fCoreKeys.iterator(); keyIter.hasNext(); ) { final String key= (String) keyIter.next(); Object val= corePrefs.get(key, null); if (val != null) { return true; } } IEclipsePreferences uiPrefs= context.getNode(RubyUI.ID_PLUGIN); for (final Iterator keyIter = fUIKeys.iterator(); keyIter.hasNext(); ) { final String key= (String) keyIter.next(); Object val= uiPrefs.get(key, null); if (val != null) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Only to read project specific settings to find out to what profile it matches. * @param context The project context */ public Map readFromPreferenceStore(IScopeContext context, Profile workspaceProfile) { final Map profileOptions= new HashMap(); IEclipsePreferences uiPrefs= context.getNode(RubyUI.ID_PLUGIN); IEclipsePreferences corePrefs= context.getNode(RubyCore.PLUGIN_ID); int version= uiPrefs.getInt(FORMATTER_SETTINGS_VERSION, ProfileVersioner.VERSION_1); if (version != ProfileVersioner.CURRENT_VERSION) { Map allOptions= new HashMap(); addAll(uiPrefs, allOptions); addAll(corePrefs, allOptions); return ProfileVersioner.updateAndComplete(allOptions, version); } boolean hasValues= false; for (final Iterator keyIter = fCoreKeys.iterator(); keyIter.hasNext(); ) { final String key= (String) keyIter.next(); Object val= corePrefs.get(key, null); if (val != null) { hasValues= true; } else { val= workspaceProfile.getSettings().get(key); } profileOptions.put(key, val); } for (final Iterator keyIter = fUIKeys.iterator(); keyIter.hasNext(); ) { final String key= (String) keyIter.next(); Object val= uiPrefs.get(key, null); if (val != null) { hasValues= true; } else { val= workspaceProfile.getSettings().get(key); } profileOptions.put(key, val); } if (!hasValues) { return null; } return profileOptions; } /** * @param uiPrefs * @param allOptions */ private void addAll(IEclipsePreferences uiPrefs, Map allOptions) { try { String[] keys= uiPrefs.keys(); for (int i= 0; i < keys.length; i++) { String key= keys[i]; String val= uiPrefs.get(key, null); if (val != null) { allOptions.put(key, val); } } } catch (BackingStoreException e) { // ignore } } private boolean updatePreferences(IEclipsePreferences prefs, List keys, Map profileOptions) { boolean hasChanges= false; for (final Iterator keyIter = keys.iterator(); keyIter.hasNext(); ) { final String key= (String) keyIter.next(); final String oldVal= prefs.get(key, null); final String val= (String) profileOptions.get(key); if (val == null) { if (oldVal != null) { prefs.remove(key); hasChanges= true; } } else if (!val.equals(oldVal)) { prefs.put(key, val); hasChanges= true; } } return hasChanges; } /** * Update all formatter settings with the settings of the specified profile. * @param profile The profile to write to the preference store */ private void writeToPreferenceStore(Profile profile, IScopeContext context) { final Map profileOptions= profile.getSettings(); final IEclipsePreferences corePrefs= context.getNode(RubyCore.PLUGIN_ID); updatePreferences(corePrefs, fCoreKeys, profileOptions); final IEclipsePreferences uiPrefs= context.getNode(RubyUI.ID_PLUGIN); updatePreferences(uiPrefs, fUIKeys, profileOptions); if (uiPrefs.getInt(FORMATTER_SETTINGS_VERSION, 0) != ProfileVersioner.CURRENT_VERSION) { uiPrefs.putInt(FORMATTER_SETTINGS_VERSION, ProfileVersioner.CURRENT_VERSION); } if (context.getName() == InstanceScope.SCOPE) { uiPrefs.put(PROFILE_KEY, profile.getID()); } else if (context.getName() == ProjectScope.SCOPE && !profile.isSharedProfile()) { uiPrefs.put(PROFILE_KEY, profile.getID()); } } /** * Add all the built-in profiles to the map and to the list. * @param profiles The map to add the profiles to * @param profilesByName List of profiles by */ private void addBuiltinProfiles(Map profiles, List profilesByName) { final Profile javaProfile= new BuiltInProfile(RUBY_PROFILE, FormatterMessages.ProfileManager_ruby_conventions_profile_name, getRubySettings(), 1); profiles.put(javaProfile.getID(), javaProfile); profilesByName.add(javaProfile); final Profile eclipseProfile= new BuiltInProfile(ECLIPSE_PROFILE, FormatterMessages.ProfileManager_eclipse_profile_name, getEclipseSettings(), 2); profiles.put(eclipseProfile.getID(), eclipseProfile); profilesByName.add(eclipseProfile); } /** * @return Returns the settings for the new eclipse profile. */ public static Map getEclipseSettings() { final Map options= DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.getEclipseDefaultSettings(); return options; } /** * @return Returns the settings for the Ruby Conventions profile. */ public static Map getRubySettings() { final Map options= DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.getRubyConventionsSettings(); return options; } /** * @return Returns the default settings. */ public static Map getDefaultSettings() { return getEclipseSettings(); } /** * @return All keys appearing in a profile, sorted alphabetically. */ public static List getKeys() { return fKeys; } /** * Get an immutable list as view on all profiles, sorted alphabetically. Unless the set * of profiles has been modified between the two calls, the sequence is guaranteed to * correspond to the one returned by <code>getSortedNames</code>. * @return a list of elements of type <code>Profile</code> * * @see #getSortedDisplayNames() */ public List getSortedProfiles() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(fProfilesByName); } /** * Get the names of all profiles stored in this profile manager, sorted alphabetically. Unless the set of * profiles has been modified between the two calls, the sequence is guaranteed to correspond to the one * returned by <code>getSortedProfiles</code>. * @return All names, sorted alphabetically * @see #getSortedProfiles() */ public String[] getSortedDisplayNames() { final String[] sortedNames= new String[fProfilesByName.size()]; int i= 0; for (final Iterator iter = fProfilesByName.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Profile curr= (Profile) iter.next(); sortedNames[i++]= curr.getName(); } return sortedNames; } /** * Get the profile for this profile id. * @param ID The profile ID * @return The profile with the given ID or <code>null</code> */ public Profile getProfile(String ID) { return (Profile)fProfiles.get(ID); } /** * Activate the selected profile, update all necessary options in * preferences and save profiles to disk. */ public void commitChanges(IScopeContext scopeContext) { if (fSelected != null) { writeToPreferenceStore(fSelected, scopeContext); } } public void clearAllSettings(IScopeContext context) { final IEclipsePreferences corePrefs= context.getNode(RubyCore.PLUGIN_ID); updatePreferences(corePrefs, fCoreKeys, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); final IEclipsePreferences uiPrefs= context.getNode(RubyUI.ID_PLUGIN); updatePreferences(uiPrefs, fUIKeys, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); uiPrefs.remove(PROFILE_KEY); } /** * Get the currently selected profile. * @return The currently selected profile. */ public Profile getSelected() { return fSelected; } /** * Set the selected profile. The profile must already be contained in this profile manager. * @param profile The profile to select */ public void setSelected(Profile profile) { final Profile newSelected= (Profile)fProfiles.get(profile.getID()); if (newSelected != null && !newSelected.equals(fSelected)) { fSelected= newSelected; notifyObservers(SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT); } } /** * Check whether a user-defined profile in this profile manager * already has this name. * @param name The name to test for * @return Returns <code>true</code> if a profile with the given name exists */ public boolean containsName(String name) { for (final Iterator iter = fProfilesByName.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Profile curr= (Profile) iter.next(); if (name.equals(curr.getName())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Add a new custom profile to this profile manager. * @param profile The profile to add */ public void addProfile(CustomProfile profile) { profile.setManager(this); final CustomProfile oldProfile= (CustomProfile)fProfiles.get(profile.getID()); if (oldProfile != null) { fProfiles.remove(oldProfile.getID()); fProfilesByName.remove(oldProfile); oldProfile.setManager(null); } fProfiles.put(profile.getID(), profile); fProfilesByName.add(profile); Collections.sort(fProfilesByName); fSelected= profile; notifyObservers(PROFILE_CREATED_EVENT); } /** * Delete the currently selected profile from this profile manager. The next profile * in the list is selected. * @return true if the profile has been successfully removed, false otherwise. */ public boolean deleteSelected() { if (!(fSelected instanceof CustomProfile)) return false; Profile removedProfile= fSelected; int index= fProfilesByName.indexOf(removedProfile); fProfiles.remove(removedProfile.getID()); fProfilesByName.remove(removedProfile); ((CustomProfile)removedProfile).setManager(null); if (index >= fProfilesByName.size()) index--; fSelected= (Profile) fProfilesByName.get(index); if (!removedProfile.isSharedProfile()) { updateProfilesWithName(removedProfile.getID(), null, false); } notifyObservers(PROFILE_DELETED_EVENT); return true; } public void profileRenamed(CustomProfile profile, String oldID) { fProfiles.remove(oldID); fProfiles.put(profile.getID(), profile); if (!profile.isSharedProfile()) { updateProfilesWithName(oldID, profile, false); } Collections.sort(fProfilesByName); notifyObservers(PROFILE_RENAMED_EVENT); } public void profileReplaced(CustomProfile oldProfile, CustomProfile newProfile) { fProfiles.remove(oldProfile.getID()); fProfiles.put(newProfile.getID(), newProfile); fProfilesByName.remove(oldProfile); fProfilesByName.add(newProfile); Collections.sort(fProfilesByName); if (!oldProfile.isSharedProfile()) { updateProfilesWithName(oldProfile.getID(), null, false); } setSelected(newProfile); notifyObservers(PROFILE_CREATED_EVENT); notifyObservers(SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT); } public void profileChanged(CustomProfile profile) { if (!profile.isSharedProfile()) { updateProfilesWithName(profile.getID(), profile, true); } notifyObservers(SETTINGS_CHANGED_EVENT); } private void updateProfilesWithName(String oldName, Profile newProfile, boolean applySettings) { IProject[] projects= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects(); for (int i= 0; i < projects.length; i++) { IScopeContext projectScope= fPreferencesAccess.getProjectScope(projects[i]); IEclipsePreferences node= projectScope.getNode(RubyUI.ID_PLUGIN); String profileId= node.get(PROFILE_KEY, null); if (oldName.equals(profileId)) { if (newProfile == null) { node.remove(PROFILE_KEY); } else { if (applySettings) { writeToPreferenceStore(newProfile, projectScope); } else { node.put(PROFILE_KEY, newProfile.getID()); } } } } IScopeContext instanceScope= fPreferencesAccess.getInstanceScope(); final IEclipsePreferences uiPrefs= instanceScope.getNode(RubyUI.ID_PLUGIN); if (newProfile != null && oldName.equals(uiPrefs.get(PROFILE_KEY, null))) { writeToPreferenceStore(newProfile, instanceScope); } } }