/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 DLR, Germany * * All rights reserved * * http://www.rcenvironment.de/ */ package de.rcenvironment.toolkit.modules.objectbindings.api; /** * A listener interface that synchronizes the consumer with the set of registered binding instances (ie, implementations of a * "binding class"; usually a service or listener interface). * * @author Robert Mischke * * @param <T> the binding class */ public interface ObjectBindingsConsumer<T> { /** * A callback that is invoked when * * <ul> * <li>this binding instance (the parameter) was added after this consumer implementation (the callback receiver) was registered * <li>this consumer implementation (the callback receiver) was registered after this binding instance (the parameter) was added * </ul> * . * * @param instance the instance (an implementation of a binding class) */ void addInstance(T instance); /** * A callback that is invoked when * * <ul> * <li>this binding instance (the parameter) was removed after this consumer implementation (the callback receiver) was registered * <li>this consumer implementation (the callback receiver) was unregistered after this binding instance (the parameter) was added * </ul> * . * * @param instance the instance (an implementation of a binding class) */ void removeInstance(T instance); }