package org.rakam.analysis.datasource; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import; import; import org.rakam.analysis.JDBCPoolDataSource; import org.rakam.collection.FieldType; import org.rakam.collection.SchemaField; import org.rakam.server.http.annotations.ApiOperation; import org.rakam.server.http.annotations.ApiParam; import org.rakam.server.http.annotations.Authorization; import org.rakam.server.http.annotations.JsonRequest; import org.rakam.util.AlreadyExistsException; import org.rakam.util.JsonHelper; import org.rakam.util.RakamException; import org.rakam.util.SuccessMessage; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.DBI; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Handle; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Query; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static org.rakam.util.JDBCUtil.fromSql; public class CustomDataSourceService { private final DBI dbi; @Inject public CustomDataSourceService(@Named("") JDBCPoolDataSource dataSource) { this.dbi = new DBI(dataSource); } @PostConstruct public void setup() { try (Handle handle = { handle.createStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS custom_data_source (" + " project VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," + " schema_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," + " type TEXT NOT NULL," + " options TEXT," + " PRIMARY KEY (project, schema_name)" + " )") .execute(); handle.createStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS custom_file_source (" + " project VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," + " table_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL," + " options TEXT," + " PRIMARY KEY (project, table_name)" + " )") .execute(); } } public static class CustomDataSourceList { public final List<CustomDataSource> customDataSources; public final Map<String, RemoteTable> customFileSources; @JsonCreator public CustomDataSourceList(List<CustomDataSource> customDataSources, Map<String, RemoteTable> customFileSources) { this.customDataSources = customDataSources; this.customFileSources = customFileSources; } } public CustomDataSourceList listDatabases(@Named("project") String project) { try (Handle handle = { List<CustomDataSource> customDataSources = handle.createQuery("SELECT schema_name, type, options FROM custom_data_source WHERE project = :project") .bind("project", project) .map((index, r, ctx) -> { JDBCSchemaConfig read =, JDBCSchemaConfig.class); return new CustomDataSource(r.getString(2), r.getString(1), read); }).list(); HashMap<String, RemoteTable> files = new HashMap<>(); handle.createQuery("SELECT table_name, options FROM custom_file_source WHERE project = :project") .bind("project", project) .map((index, r, ctx) -> { files.put(r.getString(1),, RemoteTable.class)); return null; }).list(); return new CustomDataSourceList(customDataSources, files); } } public Map<String, Map<String, List<SchemaField>>> schemaDatabases(@Named("project") String project) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Map<String, List<SchemaField>>> schemas = ImmutableMap.builder(); CustomDataSourceList customDataSourceList = listDatabases(project); for (CustomDataSource customDataSource : customDataSourceList.customDataSources) { Map<String, List<SchemaField>> builder = new HashMap<>(); SupportedCustomDatabase source = SupportedCustomDatabase.getAdapter(customDataSource.type); try (Connection conn = source.getDataSource().openConnection(customDataSource.options)) { ResultSet dbColumns = conn.getMetaData().getColumns(null, customDataSource.options.getSchema(), null, null); while ( { String columnName = dbColumns.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); FieldType fieldType; try { fieldType = fromSql(dbColumns.getInt("DATA_TYPE"), dbColumns.getString("TYPE_NAME")); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { continue; } builder.computeIfAbsent(dbColumns.getString("table_name"), (k) -> new ArrayList<>()) .add(new SchemaField(columnName, fieldType)); } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO: report error continue; } schemas.put(customDataSource.schemaName, builder); } if (!customDataSourceList.customFileSources.isEmpty()) { Map<String, List<SchemaField>> builder = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, RemoteTable> customFileSource : customDataSourceList.customFileSources.entrySet()) { builder.put(customFileSource.getKey(), Optional.ofNullable(customFileSource.getValue().columns) .orElse(ImmutableList.of())); } } return; } public CustomDataSource getDatabase(@Named("project") String project, String schema) { try (Handle handle = { Query<Map<String, Object>> bind = handle.createQuery("SELECT type, options FROM custom_data_source WHERE project = :project AND schema_name = :schema_name") .bind("project", project) .bind("schema_name", schema); CustomDataSource first =, r, ctx) -> { return new CustomDataSource(r.getString(1), schema,, JDBCSchemaConfig.class)); }).first(); if (first == null) { throw new RakamException(NOT_FOUND); } return first; } } public RemoteTable getFile(@Named("project") String project, String tableName) { try (Handle handle = { Query<Map<String, Object>> bind = handle.createQuery("SELECT options FROM custom_file_source WHERE project = :project AND table_name = :table_name") .bind("project", project) .bind("table_name", tableName); RemoteTable first =, r, ctx) -> { return, RemoteTable.class); }).first(); if (first == null) { throw new RakamException(NOT_FOUND); } return first; } } public Map<String, RemoteTable> getFiles(@Named("project") String project) { try (Handle handle = { Query<Map<String, Object>> bind = handle.createQuery("SELECT table_name, options FROM custom_file_source WHERE project = :project") .bind("project", project); HashMap<String, RemoteTable> map = new HashMap<>();, r, ctx) -> { map.put(r.getString(1),, RemoteTable.class)); return null; }).list(); return map; } } public SuccessMessage addDatabase(@Named("project") String project, CustomDataSource hook) { try (Handle handle = { try { handle.createStatement("INSERT INTO custom_data_source (project, schema_name, type, options) " + "VALUES (:project, :schema_name, :type, :options)") .bind("project", project) .bind("schema_name", hook.schemaName) .bind("type", hook.type) .bind("options", JsonHelper.encode(hook.options)) .execute(); return SuccessMessage.success(); } catch (Exception e) { try { getDatabase(project, hook.schemaName); throw new AlreadyExistsException("Custom database", BAD_REQUEST); } catch (RakamException e1) { if (e1.getStatusCode() != NOT_FOUND) { throw e1; } else { throw e; } } } } } @ApiOperation(value = "Add file data-source", authorizations = @Authorization(value = "master_key")) @Path("/add/file") @JsonRequest public SuccessMessage addFile(@Named("project") String project, @ApiParam("tableName") String tableName, @ApiParam("options") DiscoverableRemoteTable hook) { try (Handle handle = { try { handle.createStatement("INSERT INTO custom_file_source (project, table_name, options) " + "VALUES (:project, :table_name, :options)") .bind("project", project) .bind("table_name", tableName) .bind("options", JsonHelper.encode(hook.getTable())) .execute(); return SuccessMessage.success(); } catch (Exception e) { try { getFile(project, tableName); throw new AlreadyExistsException("Custom file", BAD_REQUEST); } catch (RakamException e1) { if (e1.getStatusCode() != NOT_FOUND) { throw e1; } else { throw e; } } } } } @ApiOperation(value = "Add file data-source", authorizations = @Authorization(value = "master_key")) @Path("/remove/file") @JsonRequest public SuccessMessage removeFile(@Named("project") String project, @ApiParam("tableName") String tableName) { try (Handle handle = { int execute = handle.createStatement("DELETE FROM custom_file_source WHERE project = :project AND table_name = :table_name") .bind("project", project) .bind("table_name", tableName) .execute(); if (execute == 0) { throw new RakamException("Custom file not found", NOT_FOUND); } return SuccessMessage.success(); } } @ApiOperation(value = "Add file data-source", authorizations = @Authorization(value = "master_key")) @Path("/remove/database") @JsonRequest public SuccessMessage removeDatabase(@Named("project") String project, @ApiParam("schemaName") String schemaName) { try (Handle handle = { int execute = handle.createStatement("DELETE FROM custom_data_source WHERE project = :project AND schema_name = :schema_name") .bind("project", project) .bind("schema_name", schemaName) .execute(); if (execute == 0) { throw new RakamException("Custom database not found", NOT_FOUND); } return SuccessMessage.success(); } } @ApiOperation(value = "Test database", authorizations = @Authorization(value = "master_key")) @Path("/test/database") @JsonRequest public SuccessMessage testDatabase(@Named("project") String project, String type, JDBCSchemaConfig options) { SupportedCustomDatabase optionalFunction = SupportedCustomDatabase.getAdapter(type); Optional<String> test = optionalFunction.getDataSource().test(options); if (test.isPresent()) { throw new RakamException(test.get(), BAD_REQUEST); } return SuccessMessage.success(); } @ApiOperation(value = "Test database", authorizations = @Authorization(value = "master_key")) @Path("/test/file") @JsonRequest public SuccessMessage testFile(@Named("project") String project, DiscoverableRemoteTable hook) { ExternalFileCustomDataSource source = new ExternalFileCustomDataSource(); Optional<String> test = source.test(hook.getTable()); if (test.isPresent()) { throw new RakamException(test.get(), BAD_REQUEST); } return SuccessMessage.success(); } public static class DiscoverableRemoteTable { public final URL url; public final boolean indexUrl; public final List<SchemaField> columns; public final org.rakam.analysis.datasource.RemoteTable.CompressionType compressionType; public final org.rakam.analysis.datasource.RemoteTable.ExternalSourceType format; public final Map<String, String> typeOptions; @JsonCreator public DiscoverableRemoteTable( @ApiParam(value = "url") URL url, @ApiParam(value = "indexUrl", required = false) Boolean indexUrl, @ApiParam(value = "typeOptions", required = false) Map<String, String> typeOptions, @ApiParam(value = "columns", required = false) List<SchemaField> columns, @ApiParam(value = "compressionType", required = false) RemoteTable.CompressionType compressionType, @ApiParam(value = "format") org.rakam.analysis.datasource.RemoteTable.ExternalSourceType format) { this.url = url; this.indexUrl = indexUrl == Boolean.TRUE; this.typeOptions = Optional.ofNullable(typeOptions).orElse(ImmutableMap.of()); this.columns = columns; this.compressionType = compressionType; this.format = requireNonNull(format, "format is null"); } public RemoteTable getTable() { List<SchemaField> columns = (this.columns == null ? ExternalFileCustomDataSource.fillColumnIfNotSet(typeOptions, format, url, indexUrl) : this.columns); return new RemoteTable(url, indexUrl, typeOptions, columns, compressionType, format); } } }