package org.raidenjpa.query.parser; import java.util.Map; import org.raidenjpa.query.executor.ComparatorUtil; import org.raidenjpa.query.executor.QueryResultRow; import org.raidenjpa.util.BadSmell; import org.raidenjpa.util.Util; public class Condition extends LogicExpressionElement { private ConditionElement left; private String operator; private ConditionElement right; public Condition(QueryWords words) { this.left = ConditionElement.create(words); this.operator =; this.right = ConditionElement.create(words); } public boolean match(QueryResultRow row, Map<String, Object> parameters, boolean executingWhere) { Object leftObject = leftObject(row); Object rightObject = rightObject(row, parameters); // @BadSmell (When we are executing where in join process it could not have this one yet) if (leftObject == null || rightObject == null) { if (executingWhere) { return false; } else { return true; } } return ComparatorUtil.isTrue(leftObject, operator, rightObject); } @BadSmell("1) right and left should be the same thing. 2) literal") private Object rightObject(QueryResultRow row, Map<String, Object> parameters) { if (right.isParameter()) { ConditionParameter conditionParameter = (ConditionParameter) right; if (Util.isInteger(conditionParameter.getParameterName())) { return new Integer(conditionParameter.getParameterName()); } return parameters.get(conditionParameter.getParameterName()); } else if (right.isPath()) { return row.getObject(((ConditionPath) right).getPath()); } else if (right.isSubQuery()) { return ((ConditionSubQuery) right).getResultList(parameters); } else if (right.isNull()) { return "NULL"; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Expression is neither parameter nor path nor subQuery"); } } private Object leftObject(QueryResultRow row) { return row.getObject(((ConditionPath) left).getPath()); } public boolean isExpression() { return true; } public ConditionElement getLeft() { return left; } public String getOperator() { return operator; } public ConditionElement getRight() { return right; } }