package com.quran.labs.androidquran.util; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.quran.labs.androidquran.R; import com.quran.labs.androidquran.common.QariItem; import; import; import com.quran.labs.androidquran.service.AudioService; import com.quran.labs.androidquran.service.util.AudioRequest; import com.quran.labs.androidquran.service.util.DownloadAudioRequest; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import timber.log.Timber; import static; public class AudioUtils { public static final String AUDIO_EXTENSION = ".mp3"; private static final String DB_EXTENSION = ".db"; private static final String ZIP_EXTENSION = ".zip"; final static class LookAheadAmount { static final int PAGE = 1; static final int SURA = 2; static final int JUZ = 3; // make sure to update these when a lookup type is added static final int MIN = 1; static final int MAX = 3; } /** * Get a list of QariItem representing the qaris to show * * This method takes into account qaris that exist both in gapped and gapless, and, in those * cases, hides the gapped version if it contains no files. * * @param context the current context * @return a list of QariItem representing the qaris to show. */ public static List<QariItem> getQariList(@NonNull Context context) { final Resources resources = context.getResources(); final String[] shuyookh = resources.getStringArray(R.array.quran_readers_name); final String[] paths = resources.getStringArray(R.array.quran_readers_path); final String[] urls = resources.getStringArray(R.array.quran_readers_urls); final String[] databases = resources.getStringArray(R.array.quran_readers_db_name); final int[] hasGaplessEquivalent = resources.getIntArray(R.array.quran_readers_have_gapless_equivalents); List<QariItem> items = new ArrayList<>(shuyookh.length); for (int i=0; i < shuyookh.length; i++) { if (hasGaplessEquivalent[i] == 0 || haveAnyFiles(context, paths[i])) { items.add(new QariItem(i, shuyookh[i], urls[i], paths[i], databases[i])); } } Collections.sort(items, new Comparator<QariItem>() { @Override public int compare(QariItem lhs, QariItem rhs) { boolean lhsGapless = lhs.isGapless(); boolean rhsGapless = rhs.isGapless(); if (lhsGapless != rhsGapless) { return lhsGapless ? -1 : 1; } return lhs.getName().compareTo(rhs.getName()); } }); return items; } public static String getQariUrl(@NonNull QariItem item) { String url = item.getUrl(); if (item.isGapless()) { url += "%03d" + AudioUtils.AUDIO_EXTENSION; } else { url += "%03d%03d" + AudioUtils.AUDIO_EXTENSION; } return url; } public static String getLocalQariUrl(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull QariItem item) { String rootDirectory = QuranFileUtils.getQuranAudioDirectory(context); return rootDirectory == null ? null : rootDirectory + item.getPath(); } public static String getQariDatabasePathIfGapless( @NonNull Context context, @NonNull QariItem item) { String databaseName = item.getDatabaseName(); if (databaseName != null) { String path = getLocalQariUrl(context, item); if (path != null) { databaseName = path + File.separator + databaseName + DB_EXTENSION; } } return databaseName; } public static boolean shouldDownloadGaplessDatabase(DownloadAudioRequest request) { if (!request.isGapless()) { return false; } String dbPath = request.getGaplessDatabaseFilePath(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(dbPath)) { return false; } File f = new File(dbPath); return !f.exists(); } public static String getGaplessDatabaseUrl(DownloadAudioRequest request) { if (!request.isGapless()) { return null; } QariItem item = request.getQariItem(); String dbname = item.getDatabaseName() + ZIP_EXTENSION; return QuranFileUtils.getGaplessDatabaseRootUrl() + "/" + dbname; } public static SuraAyah getLastAyahToPlay(SuraAyah startAyah, int page, int mode, boolean isDualPages) { if (isDualPages && mode == LookAheadAmount.PAGE && (page % 2 == 1)) { // if we download page by page and we are currently in tablet mode // and playing from the right page, get the left page as well. page++; } int pageLastSura = 114; int pageLastAyah = 6; // page < 0 - intentional, because nextPageAyah looks up the ayah on the next page if (page > PAGES_LAST || page < 0) { return null; } if (page < PAGES_LAST) { int nextPageSura = QuranInfo.safelyGetSuraOnPage(page); // not using [page-1] as an index because we literally want the next page int nextPageAyah = QuranInfo.PAGE_AYAH_START[page]; pageLastSura = nextPageSura; pageLastAyah = nextPageAyah - 1; if (pageLastAyah < 1) { pageLastSura--; if (pageLastSura < 1) { pageLastSura = 1; } pageLastAyah = QuranInfo.getNumAyahs(pageLastSura); } } if (mode == LookAheadAmount.SURA) { int sura = startAyah.sura; int lastAyah = QuranInfo.getNumAyahs(sura); if (lastAyah == -1) { return null; } // if we start playback between two suras, download both suras if (pageLastSura > sura) { sura = pageLastSura; lastAyah = QuranInfo.getNumAyahs(sura); } return new SuraAyah(sura, lastAyah); } else if (mode == LookAheadAmount.JUZ) { int juz = QuranInfo.getJuzFromPage(page); if (juz == 30) { return new SuraAyah(114, 6); } else if (juz >= 1 && juz < 30) { int[] endJuz = QuranInfo.QUARTERS[juz * 8]; if (pageLastSura > endJuz[0]) { // ex between jathiya and a7qaf endJuz = QuranInfo.QUARTERS[(juz + 1) * 8]; } else if (pageLastSura == endJuz[0] && pageLastAyah > endJuz[1]) { // ex surat al anfal endJuz = QuranInfo.QUARTERS[(juz + 1) * 8]; } return new SuraAyah(endJuz[0], endJuz[1]); } } // page mode (fallback also from errors above) return new SuraAyah(pageLastSura, pageLastAyah); } public static boolean shouldDownloadBasmallah(DownloadAudioRequest request) { if (request.isGapless()) { return false; } String baseDirectory = request.getLocalPath(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(baseDirectory)) { File f = new File(baseDirectory); if (f.exists()) { String filename = 1 + File.separator + 1 + AUDIO_EXTENSION; f = new File(baseDirectory + File.separator + filename); if (f.exists()) { Timber.d("already have basmalla..."); return false; } } else { f.mkdirs(); } } return doesRequireBasmallah(request); } public static boolean haveSuraAyahForQari(String baseDir, int sura, int ayah) { String filename = baseDir + File.separator + sura + File.separator + ayah + AUDIO_EXTENSION; File f = new File(filename); return f.exists(); } private static boolean doesRequireBasmallah(AudioRequest request) { SuraAyah minAyah = request.getMinAyah(); int startSura = minAyah.sura; int startAyah = minAyah.ayah; SuraAyah maxAyah = request.getMaxAyah(); int endSura = maxAyah.sura; int endAyah = maxAyah.ayah; Timber.d("seeing if need basmalla..."); for (int i = startSura; i <= endSura; i++) { int lastAyah = QuranInfo.getNumAyahs(i); if (i == endSura) { lastAyah = endAyah; } int firstAyah = 1; if (i == startSura) { firstAyah = startAyah; } for (int j = firstAyah; j < lastAyah; j++) { if (j == 1 && i != 1 && i != 9) { Timber.d("need basmalla for %d:%d", i, j); return true; } } } return false; } private static boolean haveAnyFiles(Context context, String path) { final String basePath = QuranFileUtils.getQuranAudioDirectory(context); final File file = new File(basePath, path); return file.isDirectory() && file.list().length > 0; } public static boolean haveAllFiles(DownloadAudioRequest request) { String baseDirectory = request.getLocalPath(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(baseDirectory)) { return false; } boolean isGapless = request.isGapless(); File f = new File(baseDirectory); if (!f.exists()) { f.mkdirs(); return false; } SuraAyah minAyah = request.getMinAyah(); int startSura = minAyah.sura; int startAyah = minAyah.ayah; SuraAyah maxAyah = request.getMaxAyah(); int endSura = maxAyah.sura; int endAyah = maxAyah.ayah; for (int i = startSura; i <= endSura; i++) { int lastAyah = QuranInfo.getNumAyahs(i); if (i == endSura) { lastAyah = endAyah; } int firstAyah = 1; if (i == startSura) { firstAyah = startAyah; } if (isGapless) { if (i == endSura && endAyah == 0) { continue; } String p = request.getBaseUrl(); String fileName = String.format(Locale.US, p, i); Timber.d("gapless, checking if we have %s", fileName); f = new File(fileName); if (!f.exists()) { return false; } continue; } Timber.d("not gapless, checking each ayah..."); for (int j = firstAyah; j <= lastAyah; j++) { String filename = i + File.separator + j + AUDIO_EXTENSION; f = new File(baseDirectory + File.separator + filename); if (!f.exists()) { return false; } } } return true; } public static Intent getAudioIntent(Context context, String action) { final Intent intent = new Intent(context, AudioService.class); intent.setAction(action); return intent; } }