package com.querydsl.sql.postgresql; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.querydsl.sql.PostgreSQLTemplates; import com.querydsl.sql.domain.QEmployee; import com.querydsl.sql.domain.QSurvey; public class PostgreSQLQueryTest { private PostgreSQLQuery<?> query; private QSurvey survey = new QSurvey("survey"); private QEmployee employee = new QEmployee("employee"); @Before public void setUp() { query = new PostgreSQLQuery<Void>(null, PostgreSQLTemplates.builder().newLineToSingleSpace().build()); } @Test public void syntax() { // [ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] with_query [, ...] ] // SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( expression [, ...] ) ] ] query.distinctOn(; // * | expression [ [ AS ] output_name ] [, ...] // [ FROM from_item [, ...] ] query.from(survey); // [ WHERE condition ] query.where(; // [ GROUP BY expression [, ...] ] query.groupBy(; // [ HAVING condition [, ...] ] query.having(; // [ WINDOW window_name AS ( window_definition ) [, ...] ] // TODO // [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL ] select ] // TODO INTERSECT // TODO EXCEPT // [ ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC | USING operator ] [ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ] [, ...] ] query.orderBy(; // [ LIMIT { count | ALL } ] query.limit(4); // [ OFFSET start [ ROW | ROWS ] ] query.offset(4); // [ FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ count ] { ROW | ROWS } ONLY ] // [ FOR { UPDATE | SHARE } [ OF table_name [, ...] ] [ NOWAIT ] [...] ] query.forUpdate(); query.forShare(); query.noWait(); query.forUpdate().of(survey); // where from_item can be one of: // // [ ONLY ] table_name [ * ] [ [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ] ] // ( select ) [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ] // with_query_name [ [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] ) ] ] // function_name ( [ argument [, ...] ] ) [ AS ] alias [ ( column_alias [, ...] | column_definition [, ...] ) ] // function_name ( [ argument [, ...] ] ) AS ( column_definition [, ...] ) // from_item [ NATURAL ] join_type from_item [ ON join_condition | USING ( join_column [, ...] ) ] // // and with_query is: // // with_query_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] AS ( select ) // // TABLE { [ ONLY ] table_name [ * ] | with_query_name } } @Test public void forShare() { query.from(survey).forShare(); assertEquals("from SURVEY survey for share", toString(query)); } @Test public void forUpDate_noWait() { query.from(survey).forUpdate().noWait(); assertEquals("from SURVEY survey for update nowait", toString(query)); } @Test public void forUpdate_of() { query.from(survey).forUpdate().of(survey); assertEquals("from SURVEY survey for update of SURVEY", toString(query)); } @Test public void distinct_on() { query.from(employee) .distinctOn(employee.datefield, employee.timefield) .orderBy(employee.datefield.asc(), employee.timefield.asc(), employee.salary.asc()) .select(; assertEquals( "select distinct on(employee.DATEFIELD, employee.TIMEFIELD) employee.ID from EMPLOYEE employee order by employee.DATEFIELD asc, employee.TIMEFIELD asc, employee.SALARY asc", toString(query)); } private String toString(PostgreSQLQuery query) { return query.toString().replace('\n', ' '); } }