package com.ctp.cdi.query.builder.part; import static com.ctp.cdi.query.util.QueryUtils.splitByKeyword; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.jboss.solder.logging.Logger; import com.ctp.cdi.query.builder.MethodExpressionException; import com.ctp.cdi.query.builder.QueryBuilder; import com.ctp.cdi.query.builder.QueryBuilderContext; import com.ctp.cdi.query.meta.DaoComponent; /** * Root of the query tree. Also the only exposed class in the package. * @author thomashug */ public class QueryRoot extends QueryPart { public static final QueryRoot UNKNOWN_ROOT = new QueryRoot("null-object"); public static final String QUERY_PREFIX = "findBy"; private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(QueryRoot.class); private final String entityName; private String jpqlQuery; protected QueryRoot(String entityName) { this.entityName = entityName; } public static QueryRoot create(String method, DaoComponent dao) { QueryRoot root = new QueryRoot(dao.getEntityName());, method, dao); root.createJpql(); return root; } public String getJpqlQuery() { return jpqlQuery; } @Override protected QueryPart build(String queryPart, String method, DaoComponent dao) { String[] orderByParts = splitByKeyword(queryPart, "OrderBy"); if (hasQueryConditions(orderByParts)) { String[] orParts = splitByKeyword(removePrefix(orderByParts[0]), "Or"); boolean first = true; for (String or : orParts) { OrQueryPart orPart = new OrQueryPart(first); first = false; children.add(, method, dao)); } } if (orderByParts.length > 1) { OrderByQueryPart orderByPart = new OrderByQueryPart(); children.add([1], method, dao)); } if (children.isEmpty()) { throw new MethodExpressionException(dao.getDaoClass(), method); } return this; } @Override protected QueryPart buildQuery(QueryBuilderContext ctx) { ctx.append(QueryBuilder.selectQuery(entityName)); if (hasChildren(excludedForWhereCheck())) { ctx.append(" where "); } buildQueryForChildren(ctx); return this; } protected String createJpql() { QueryBuilderContext ctx = new QueryBuilderContext(); buildQuery(ctx); jpqlQuery = ctx.resultString(); log.debugv("createJpql: Query is {0}", jpqlQuery); return jpqlQuery; } private Set<Class<? extends QueryPart>> excludedForWhereCheck() { Set<Class<? extends QueryPart>> excluded = new HashSet<Class<? extends QueryPart>>(); excluded.add(OrderByQueryPart.class); return excluded; } private boolean hasQueryConditions(String[] orderByParts) { return !QUERY_PREFIX.equals(orderByParts[0]); } private String removePrefix(String queryPart) { if (queryPart.startsWith(QUERY_PREFIX)) { return queryPart.substring(QUERY_PREFIX.length()); } return queryPart; } }