package net.redhogs.cronparser; import net.redhogs.cronparser.builder.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author grhodes * @since 10 Dec 2012 11:36:38 */ public class CronExpressionDescriptor { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CronExpressionDescriptor.class); private static final char[] specialCharacters = new char[]{'/', '-', ',', '*'}; private CronExpressionDescriptor() { } public static String getDescription(String expression) throws ParseException { return getDescription(DescriptionTypeEnum.FULL, expression, new Options()); } public static String getDescription(DescriptionTypeEnum type, String expression) throws ParseException { return getDescription(type, expression, new Options()); } public static String getDescription(DescriptionTypeEnum type, String expression, Options options) throws ParseException { String[] expressionParts = new String[6]; String description = ""; try { expressionParts = ExpressionParser.parse(expression); switch (type) { case FULL: description = getFullDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); break; case TIMEOFDAY: description = getTimeOfDayDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); break; case HOURS: description = getHoursDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); break; case MINUTES: description = getMinutesDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); break; case SECONDS: description = getSecondsDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); break; case DAYOFMONTH: description = getDayOfMonthDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); break; case MONTH: description = getMonthDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); break; case DAYOFWEEK: description = getDayOfWeekDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); break; default: description = getSecondsDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); break; } } catch (ParseException e) { if (!options.isThrowExceptionOnParseError()) { description = e.getMessage(); LOG.debug("Exception parsing expression.", e); } else { LOG.error("Exception parsing expression.", e); throw e; } } return description; } /** * @param options * @param expressionParts * @param expression * @return */ private static String getDayOfWeekDescription(String expression, String[] expressionParts, Options options) { return new DayOfWeekDescriptionBuilder().getSegmentDescription(expressionParts[5], ", every day"); } /** * @param options * @param expressionParts * @param expression * @return */ private static String getMonthDescription(String expression, String[] expressionParts, Options options) { return new MonthDescriptionBuilder().getSegmentDescription(expressionParts[4], ""); } /** * @param options * @param expressionParts * @param expression * @return */ private static String getDayOfMonthDescription(String expression, String[] expressionParts, Options options) { String description = null; String exp = expressionParts[3].replace("?", "*"); if ("L".equals(exp)) { description = ", on the last day of the month"; } else if ("WL".equals(exp) || "LW".equals(exp)) { description = ", on the last weekday of the month"; } else { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\dW)|(W\\d)"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(exp); if (matcher.matches()) { int dayNumber = Integer.parseInt("W", "")); String dayString = dayNumber == 1 ? "first weekday" : MessageFormat.format("weekday nearest day {0}", dayNumber); description = MessageFormat.format(", on the {0} of the month", dayString); } else { description = new DayOfMonthDescriptionBuilder().getSegmentDescription(exp, ", every day"); } } return description; } /** * @param options * @param expressionParts * @param expression * @return */ private static String getSecondsDescription(String expression, String[] expressionParts, Options options) { return new SecondsDescriptionBuilder().getSegmentDescription(expressionParts[0], "every second"); } /** * @param options * @param expressionParts * @param expression * @return */ private static String getMinutesDescription(String expression, String[] expressionParts, Options options) { return new MinutesDescriptionBuilder().getSegmentDescription(expressionParts[1], "every minute"); } /** * @param options * @param expressionParts * @param expression * @return */ private static String getHoursDescription(String expression, String[] expressionParts, Options options) { return new HoursDescriptionBuilder().getSegmentDescription(expressionParts[2], "every hour"); } /** * @param options * @param expressionParts * @param expression * @return */ private static String getTimeOfDayDescription(String expression, String[] expressionParts, Options options) { String secondsExpression = expressionParts[0]; String minutesExpression = expressionParts[1]; String hoursExpression = expressionParts[2]; StringBuffer description = new StringBuffer(); // Handle special cases first if (!StringUtils.containsAny(minutesExpression, specialCharacters) && !StringUtils.containsAny(hoursExpression, specialCharacters) && !StringUtils.containsAny(secondsExpression, specialCharacters)) { description.append("At ").append(DateAndTimeUtils.formatTime(hoursExpression, minutesExpression, secondsExpression)); // Specific time of day (e.g. 10 14) } else if (minutesExpression.contains("-") && !StringUtils.containsAny(hoursExpression, specialCharacters)) { // Minute range in single hour (e.g. 0-10 11) String[] minuteParts = minutesExpression.split("-"); description.append(MessageFormat.format("Every minute between {0} and {1}", DateAndTimeUtils.formatTime(hoursExpression, minuteParts[0]), DateAndTimeUtils.formatTime(hoursExpression, minuteParts[1]))); } else if (hoursExpression.contains(",") && !StringUtils.containsAny(minutesExpression, specialCharacters)) { // Hours list with single minute (e.g. 30 6,14,16) String[] hourParts = hoursExpression.split(","); description.append("At"); for (int i = 0; i < hourParts.length; i++) { description.append(" ").append(DateAndTimeUtils.formatTime(hourParts[i], minutesExpression)); if (i < hourParts.length - 2) { description.append(","); } if (i == hourParts.length - 2) { description.append(" and"); } } } else { String secondsDescription = getSecondsDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); String minutesDescription = getMinutesDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); String hoursDescription = getHoursDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); description.append(secondsDescription); if (description.length() > 0) { description.append(", "); } description.append(minutesDescription); if (description.length() > 0) { description.append(", "); } description.append(hoursDescription); } return description.toString(); } /** * @param options * @param expressionParts * @param expression * @return */ private static String getFullDescription(String expression, String[] expressionParts, Options options) { String description = ""; String timeSegment = getTimeOfDayDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); String dayOfMonthDesc = getDayOfMonthDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); String monthDesc = getMonthDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); String dayOfWeekDesc = getDayOfWeekDescription(expression, expressionParts, options); description = MessageFormat.format("{0}{1}{2}", timeSegment, ("*".equals(expressionParts[3]) ? dayOfWeekDesc : dayOfMonthDesc), monthDesc); description = transformVerbosity(description, options); description = transformCase(description, options); return description; } /** * @param description * @return */ private static String transformCase(String description, Options options) { String descTemp = description; switch (options.getCasingType()) { case Sentence: descTemp = StringUtils.upperCase("" + descTemp.charAt(0)) + descTemp.substring(1); break; case Title: descTemp = StringUtils.capitalize(descTemp); break; default: descTemp = descTemp.toLowerCase(); break; } return descTemp; } /** * @param description * @param options * @return */ private static String transformVerbosity(String description, Options options) { String descTemp = description; if (!options.isVerbose()) { descTemp = descTemp.replace("every 1 minute", "every minute"); descTemp = descTemp.replace("every 1 hour", "every hour"); descTemp = descTemp.replace("every 1 day", "every day"); descTemp = descTemp.replace(", every minute", ""); descTemp = descTemp.replace(", every hour", ""); descTemp = descTemp.replace(", every day", ""); } return descTemp; } }