package com.example.puree.logs.plugins; import; import com.cookpad.puree.async.AsyncResult; import com.cookpad.puree.outputs.OutputConfiguration; import com.cookpad.puree.outputs.PureeBufferedOutput; import com.example.puree.FakeApiClient; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault; @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public class OutFakeApi extends PureeBufferedOutput { private static final FakeApiClient CLIENT = new FakeApiClient(); @Override public String type() { return "out_fake_api"; } @Nonnull @Override public OutputConfiguration configure(OutputConfiguration conf) { // you can change settings of this plugin conf.setFlushIntervalMillis(1000); // set interval of sending logs. defaults to 2 * 60 * 1000 (2 minutes). conf.setLogsPerRequest(10); // set num of logs per request. defaults to 100. conf.setMaxRetryCount( 3); // set retry count. if fail to send logs, logs will be sending at next timeInMillis. defaults to 5. return conf; } @Override public void emit(JsonArray jsonArray, final AsyncResult result) { // you have to call result.success or // to notify whether if puree can clear logs from buffer CLIENT.sendLog(jsonArray, new FakeApiClient.Callback() { @Override public void success() { result.success(); } @Override public void fail() {; } }); } }