package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * The MIT License (MIT) * Copyright (c) 2007 Randy Hollines - jhttphtml project * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR * IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * ActionScript 3.0 scanner * @author rhollines * */ public class ActionScriptScanner { private static final char EOS = '\0'; private static Map<String, Token.Type> keyWords = new HashMap<String, Token.Type>(); // keywords static { keyWords.put("as", Token.Type.AS); keyWords.put("case", Token.Type.CASE); keyWords.put("catch", Token.Type.CATCH); keyWords.put("class", Token.Type.CLASS); keyWords.put("const", Token.Type.CONST); keyWords.put("default", Token.Type.DEFAULT); keyWords.put("delete", Token.Type.DELETE); keyWords.put("do", Token.Type.DO); keyWords.put("dynamic", Token.Type.DYNAMIC); keyWords.put("each", Token.Type.EACH); keyWords.put("else", Token.Type.ELSE); keyWords.put("__END__", Token.Type.END); keyWords.put("extends", Token.Type.EXTENDS); keyWords.put("final", Token.Type.FINAL); keyWords.put("finally", Token.Type.FINALLY); keyWords.put("for", Token.Type.FOR); keyWords.put("function", Token.Type.FUNCTION); keyWords.put("get", Token.Type.GET); keyWords.put("if", Token.Type.IF); keyWords.put("implements", Token.Type.IMPLEMENTS); keyWords.put("import", Token.Type.IMPORT); keyWords.put("in", Token.Type.IN); keyWords.put("include", Token.Type.INCLUDE); keyWords.put("#include", Token.Type.INCLUDE2); keyWords.put("instanceof", Token.Type.INSTANCEOF); keyWords.put("interface", Token.Type.INTERFACE); keyWords.put("internal", Token.Type.INTERNAL); keyWords.put("intrinsic", Token.Type.INTRINSIC); keyWords.put("is", Token.Type.IS); keyWords.put("namespace", Token.Type.NAMESPACE); keyWords.put("new", Token.Type.NEW); keyWords.put("override", Token.Type.OVERRIDE); keyWords.put("package", Token.Type.PACKAGE); keyWords.put("private", Token.Type.PRIVATE); keyWords.put("protected", Token.Type.PROTECTED); keyWords.put("public", Token.Type.PUBLIC); keyWords.put("return", Token.Type.RETURN); keyWords.put("set", Token.Type.SET); keyWords.put("static", Token.Type.STATIC); keyWords.put("super", Token.Type.SUPER); keyWords.put("switch", Token.Type.SWITCH); keyWords.put("try", Token.Type.TRY); keyWords.put("typeof", Token.Type.TYPEOF); keyWords.put("use", Token.Type.USE); keyWords.put("var", Token.Type.VAR); keyWords.put("void", Token.Type.VOID); keyWords.put("while", Token.Type.WHILE); // reserved literals keyWords.put("false", Token.Type.FALSE); keyWords.put("null", Token.Type.NULL); keyWords.put("true", Token.Type.TRUE); } String code; private int startIndex = 0; private int endIndex = 0; private char[] codeChars; private int scanPosition = 0; private int lineNumber = 1; private char currentChar, nextChar; /** * Default constructor * * @param code * code to scan represented as a string */ public ActionScriptScanner(String code) { this.code = code; codeChars = code.toCharArray(); nextChar(); } /** * Scans tokens */ public List<Token> scan() { List<Token> tokens = new ArrayList<Token>(); Token token = null; do { token = getNextToken(); if(token.getType() != Token.Type.OTHER) { tokens.add(token); } } while (token.getType() != Token.Type.EOS); /* for(Token t : tokens) { System.out.print("### " + t + " ###\n"); } */ return tokens; } public int getLineCount() { return this.lineNumber; } /** * Gets the next character in the stream */ private void nextChar() { if (scanPosition < codeChars.length) { currentChar = codeChars[scanPosition++]; if (scanPosition < codeChars.length) { nextChar = codeChars[scanPosition]; } else { nextChar = EOS; } } else { currentChar = EOS; } } /** * Ignores whitespace */ private void whiteSpace() { while (currentChar != EOS && (currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '\t' || currentChar == '\n' || currentChar == '\r')) { if (currentChar == '\n') { lineNumber++; } nextChar(); } } /** * Gets the next token */ private Token getNextToken() { // ignore white space whiteSpace(); // skip multi-line comment if (currentChar == '/' && nextChar == '*') { nextChar(); nextChar(); boolean done = false; while (currentChar != EOS && !done) { if (currentChar == '\n') { lineNumber++; } // find end if (currentChar == '*' && nextChar == '/') { done = true; nextChar(); } nextChar(); } return new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.COMMENT, "/* */"); } // skip single-line comment if (currentChar == '/' && nextChar == '/') { nextChar(); nextChar(); while (currentChar != EOS && currentChar != '\n') { nextChar(); } lineNumber++; nextChar(); return new Token(lineNumber - 1, Token.Type.COMMENT, "//"); } // parse string if (currentChar == '"') { startIndex = endIndex = scanPosition - 1; nextChar(); endIndex++; while (currentChar != EOS && currentChar != '"') { if (currentChar == '\\' && nextChar == '"') { nextChar(); endIndex++; } nextChar(); endIndex++; } nextChar(); endIndex++; return new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.STRING, code.substring( startIndex, endIndex)); } else if (Character.isLetter(currentChar) || currentChar == '_') { startIndex = endIndex = scanPosition - 1; while (Character.isLetterOrDigit(currentChar) || currentChar == '_') { nextChar(); endIndex++; } return lookupIdent(code.substring(startIndex, endIndex)); } else if (Character.isDigit(currentChar) || (currentChar == '.' && Character.isDigit(nextChar))) { startIndex = endIndex = scanPosition - 1; boolean foundDot = false; while (Character.isDigit(currentChar) || currentChar == '.') { // could check for scan error here if (currentChar == '.') { foundDot = true; } nextChar(); endIndex++; } // return result if (foundDot) { return new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.NUM, code.substring( startIndex, endIndex)); } else { return new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.INTEGER, code.substring(startIndex, endIndex)); } } else { Token token = null; switch (currentChar) { // TODO: >>=, >>>=, <<=, <<<=, ===, !==, &&=, ||=, ... case EOS: token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.EOS); nextChar(); break; case ':': if (nextChar == ':') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.NAME_QUAL, "::"); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.TYPE, ":"); nextChar(); } break; case ';': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.SEMI_COLON, ";"); nextChar(); break; case '{': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.OCBR, "{"); nextChar(); break; case '}': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.CCBR, "}"); nextChar(); break; case '[': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.OBR, "["); nextChar(); break; case ']': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.CBR, "]"); nextChar(); break; case '.': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.DOT, "."); nextChar(); break; case '#': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.POUND, "."); nextChar(); break; case '(': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.OPRN, "("); nextChar(); break; case ')': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.CPRN, ")"); nextChar(); break; case '@': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.AT, ")"); nextChar(); break; case '=': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.EQL, "="); nextChar(); break; case ',': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.COMMA, ","); nextChar(); break; case '~': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.NOT, "~"); nextChar(); break; case '|': if (nextChar == '|') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.OR_OR, "||"); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.OR, "|"); nextChar(); } break; case '?': token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.QUESTION, "?"); nextChar(); break; case '&': if (nextChar == '&') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.AND_AND, "&&"); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.AND, "&"); nextChar(); } break; case '+': if (nextChar == '=') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.ADD_EQL, "+="); nextChar(); } else if (nextChar == '+') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.INC, "++"); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.ADD, "+"); nextChar(); } break; case '-': if (nextChar == '-') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.DECL, "--"); nextChar(); } else if (nextChar == '=') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.MINUS_EQL, "-="); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.MINUS, "-"); nextChar(); } break; case '*': if (nextChar == '=') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.MUL_EQL, "*="); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.MUL, "*"); nextChar(); } break; case '/': if (nextChar == '=') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.DIV_EQL, "/="); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.DIV, "/"); nextChar(); } break; case '%': if (nextChar == '=') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.MOD_EQL, "%="); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.MOD, "%"); nextChar(); } break; case '!': if (nextChar == '=') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.NEQL, "!="); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.NEG, "NEG"); nextChar(); } break; case '<': if (nextChar == '<') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.LEFT_SHIFT, "<<"); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.LESS, "<"); nextChar(); } break; case '>': if (nextChar == '=') { nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.GTR_EQL, ">="); nextChar(); } else { token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.GTR, ">"); nextChar(); } break; case '\'': nextChar(); token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.CHAR, Character.toString(currentChar)); nextChar(); nextChar(); break; default: // we only care about ASCII characters if(currentChar < 128) { System.err.print("Unknown token: " + currentChar + " line=" + lineNumber); System.exit(1); } token = new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.OTHER, "*OTHER* " + currentChar); nextChar(); break; } // return token return token; } } /** * Checks to see if an identifier is a keyword */ private Token lookupIdent(String ident) { Token.Type tokenType = keyWords.get(ident); if (tokenType == null) { return new Token(lineNumber, Token.Type.IDENT, ident); } else { return new Token(lineNumber, tokenType, ident); } } /** * Token class */ public static class Token { public enum Type { AS, CASE, CATCH, CLASS, CONST, DEFAULT, DELETE, DO, DYNAMIC, EACH, ELSE, END, EXTENDS, FINAL, FINALLY, FOR, FUNCTION, GET, IF, IMPLEMENTS, IMPORT, IN, INCLUDE, INCLUDE2, INSTANCEOF, INTERFACE, INTERNAL, INTRINSIC, IS, NAMESPACE, NEW, OVERRIDE, PACKAGE, PRIVATE, PROTECTED, PUBLIC, RETURN, SET, STATIC, SUPER, SWITCH, TRY, TYPEOF, USE, VAR, VOID, WHILE, // tokens OTHER, EOS, COMMENT, STRING, IDENT, CHAR, GTR, NUM, LESS, GTR_EQL, LEFT_SHIFT, NEG, NEQL, MOD, MOD_EQL, DIV, DIV_EQL, MUL, MUL_EQL, MINUS, MINUS_EQL, DECL, INTEGER, NAME_QUAL, TYPE, ADD, INC, SEMI_COLON, ADD_EQL, OCBR, AND, DOT, AND_AND, POUND, OR_OR, NOT, CBR, CCBR, AT, OBR, QUESTION, EQL, OR, OPRN, COMMA, CPRN, FALSE, NULL, TRUE } private Type type; private String value; private int lineNumber; /** * Constructor */ public Token(int lineNumber, Type type) { this(lineNumber, type, ""); } /** * Constructor */ public Token(int lineNumber, Type type, String value) { this.lineNumber = lineNumber; this.type = type; this.value = value; this.lineNumber = lineNumber; } public Type getType() { return this.type; } public int getLineNumber() { return this.lineNumber; } public String getValue() { return value; } public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(type); buffer.append(":"); buffer.append(lineNumber); buffer.append("-> '"); buffer.append(value); buffer.append("'"); return buffer.toString(); } } }