/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Jan Pokorsky * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package cz.cas.lib.proarc.common.imports; import cz.cas.lib.proarc.common.config.AppConfigurationException; import cz.cas.lib.proarc.common.config.ConfigurationProfile; import cz.cas.lib.proarc.common.config.Profiles; import cz.cas.lib.proarc.common.export.archive.ArchiveImport; import cz.cas.lib.proarc.common.object.ndk.NdkPlugin; import cz.incad.imgsupport.ImageSupport.ScalingMethod; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConversionException; /** * The import configuration. There can be several versions declared * with {@link #PROFILES} in {@code proarc.cfg}. They are available with {@link Profiles}. * * @author Jan Pokorsky */ public final class ImportProfile { /** The configuration key to register import configuration profiles. */ public static final String PROFILES = "import.profiles"; public static final String ALTO_SUFFIX = "import.alto.file.suffix"; public static final String MODEL_ID = "import.page.modelId"; public static final String NDK_ARCHIVAL_PROCESSOR = "import.ndk_archival.processor"; public static final String NDK_ARCHIVAL_SUFFIX = "import.ndk_archival.file.suffix"; public static final String NDK_USER_PROCESSOR = "import.ndk_user.processor"; public static final String NDK_USER_SUFFIX = "import.ndk_user.file.suffix"; public static final String PLAIN_OCR_CHARSET = "import.text_ocr.file.charset"; public static final String PLAIN_OCR_SUFFIX = "import.text_ocr.file.suffix"; public static final String PREVIEW_JAVA_SCALING = "import.image.preview.java.scalingMethod"; public static final String PREVIEW_MAX_HEIGHT = "import.image.preview.maxHeight"; public static final String PREVIEW_MAX_WIDTH = "import.image.preview.maxWidth"; public static final String PROCESSOR = "processor"; public static final String REQUIRED_DATASTREAM = "import.requiredDatastreamId"; public static final String THUMBNAIL_JAVA_SCALING = "import.image.thumbnail.java.scalingMethod"; public static final String THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT = "import.image.thumbnail.maxHeight"; public static final String THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH = "import.image.thumbnail.maxWidth"; public static final String THUMBNAIL_PROCESSOR = "import.thumbnail.processor"; private final Configuration config; private final String profileId; public ImportProfile(Configuration config) { this(config, ConfigurationProfile.DEFAULT); } public ImportProfile(Configuration config, String profileId) { this.config = config; this.profileId = profileId; } public String getProfileId() { return profileId; } public ImportHandler createImporter() { if (ConfigurationProfile.DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_IMPORT.equals(getProfileId())) { return new ArchiveImport(); } else { return new FileSetImport(); } } public String getModelId() { String val = config.getString(MODEL_ID, NdkPlugin.MODEL_PAGE); return val; } public String getPlainOcrCharset() { String val = config.getString(PLAIN_OCR_CHARSET); return val == null || val.isEmpty() ? "UTF-8" : val; } public String getPlainOcrFileSuffix() { String suffix = config.getString(PLAIN_OCR_SUFFIX, ".ocr.txt"); return suffix.toLowerCase(); } public String getAltoFileSuffix() { String suffix = config.getString(ALTO_SUFFIX, ".ocr.xml"); return suffix.toLowerCase(); } public Configuration getNdkUserProcessor() { String processor = config.getString(NDK_USER_PROCESSOR, "-"); return config.subset(PROCESSOR + "." + processor); } public Configuration getNdkArchivalProcessor() { String processor = config.getString(NDK_ARCHIVAL_PROCESSOR, "-"); return config.subset(PROCESSOR + "." + processor); } public String getNdkArchivalFileSuffix() { String suffix = config.getString(NDK_ARCHIVAL_SUFFIX, ".ac.jp2"); return suffix.toLowerCase(); } public String getNdkUserFileSuffix() { String suffix = config.getString(NDK_USER_SUFFIX, ".uc.jp2"); return suffix.toLowerCase(); } public Integer getPreviewMaxHeight() { return getPositiveInteger(PREVIEW_MAX_HEIGHT); } public Integer getPreviewMaxWidth() { return getPositiveInteger(PREVIEW_MAX_WIDTH); } public ScalingMethod getPreviewScaling() { return getJavaScaling(PREVIEW_JAVA_SCALING); } public List<Object> getRequiredDatastreamId() { return config.getList(REQUIRED_DATASTREAM); } public Configuration getThumbnailProcessor() { String processor = config.getString(THUMBNAIL_PROCESSOR, "-"); String confId = PROCESSOR + "." + processor; Configuration subset = config.subset(confId); if (!subset.isEmpty() && !subset.containsKey("id")) { subset.addProperty("id", confId); } return subset; } public Integer getThumbnailMaxHeight() { return getPositiveInteger(THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT); } public Integer getThumbnailMaxWidth() { return config.getInteger(THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH, null); } public ScalingMethod getThumbnailScaling() { return getJavaScaling(THUMBNAIL_JAVA_SCALING); } public void checkPreviewScaleParams() throws AppConfigurationException { Integer maxHeight = getPreviewMaxHeight(); Integer maxWidth = getPreviewMaxWidth(); if (maxHeight == null && maxHeight == maxWidth) { throw new AppConfigurationException(String.format("%s and %s cannot be null!", PREVIEW_MAX_HEIGHT, PREVIEW_MAX_WIDTH)); } } public void checkThumbnailScaleParams() throws AppConfigurationException { Integer maxHeight = getThumbnailMaxHeight(); Integer maxWidth = getThumbnailMaxWidth(); if (maxHeight == null && maxHeight == maxWidth) { throw new AppConfigurationException(String.format("%s and %s cannot be null!", THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT, THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH)); } } private ScalingMethod getJavaScaling(String key) { String val = config.getString(key); if (val == null || val.isEmpty()) { return ScalingMethod.BICUBIC_STEPPED; } try { ScalingMethod hint = ScalingMethod.valueOf(val); return hint; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConversionException(key, e); } } private Integer getPositiveInteger(String key) { Integer val = config.getInteger(key, null); if (val != null && val <= 0) { throw new ConversionException(key + " expects positive integer!"); } return val; } }