package nl.elastique.poetry.json; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Looper; import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField; import com.j256.ormlite.field.ForeignCollectionField; import com.j256.ormlite.table.DatabaseTable; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import nl.elastique.poetry.json.annotations.ForeignCollectionFieldSingleTarget; import nl.elastique.poetry.json.annotations.ManyToManyField; import nl.elastique.poetry.reflection.AnnotationRetriever; import nl.elastique.poetry.reflection.FieldRetriever; import nl.elastique.poetry.reflection.OrmliteReflection; import nl.elastique.poetry.utils.QueryUtils; /** * Persist a JSONObject or JSONArray to an SQLite database by parsing annotations (both from OrmLite and custom ones). */ public class JsonPersister { /** * Constructor options. You can combine them with the bitwise OR operator. */ public static class Option { /** * When a foreign collection is imported (one-to-many relationship), * the normal behavior is that the old children are deleted. * This options allows you to disable that behavior. */ public static final int DISABLE_FOREIGN_COLLECTION_CLEANUP = 0x0001; /** * Don't display warnings when JSON attributes are not annotated as a field in an object. */ public static final int DISABLE_IGNORED_ATTRIBUTES_WARNING = 0x0002; /** * Check if an option is enabled * @param optionsSet the compound of option values (combined with logical OR operator) * @param optionCheck one or more options to check (combined with logical OR operator) * @return true when all the options from optionCheck are contained in optionsSet */ public static boolean isEnabled(int optionsSet, int optionCheck) { return (optionsSet & optionCheck) == optionCheck; } } private static final Logger sLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonPersister.class); private final SQLiteDatabase mDatabase; private final int mOptions; private final FieldRetriever mFieldRetriever = new FieldRetriever(); private final AnnotationRetriever mAnnotationRetriever = new AnnotationRetriever(); public JsonPersister(SQLiteDatabase writableDatabase) { this(writableDatabase, 0); } /** * Constructor. * * @param writableDatabase the database used for persistence * @param options 0 or a combination of 1 or more {@link nl.elastique.poetry.json.JsonPersister.Option} values */ public JsonPersister(SQLiteDatabase writableDatabase, int options) { mDatabase = writableDatabase; mOptions = options; } /** * All necessary data to map an array of objects onto the provided parent field. */ private static class ForeignCollectionMapping { private final Field mField; private final JSONArray mJsonArray; /** * @param field * @param jsonArray or null */ public ForeignCollectionMapping(Field field, JSONArray jsonArray) { mField = field; mJsonArray = jsonArray; } public Field getField() { return mField; } public JSONArray getJsonArray() { return mJsonArray; } } /** * Recursively persist this object and all its children. * * @param modelClass the type to persist * @param jsonObject the json to process * @param <IdType> the ID type to return * @return the ID of the persisted object * @throws JSONException when something went wrong through parsing, this also fails the database transaction and results in no data changes */ public <IdType> IdType persistObject(Class<?> modelClass, JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) { sLogger.warn("please call persistObject() on a background thread"); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) { return persistObjectApi11(modelClass, jsonObject); } else { return persistObjectApiDeprecate(modelClass, jsonObject); } } /** * Recursively persist the array and all its object's children. * * @param modelClass the type to persist * @param jsonArray the json to process * @param <IdType> the ID type to return * @return the list of IDs of the persisted objects * @throws JSONException when something went wrong through parsing, this also fails the database transaction and results in no data changes */ public <IdType> List<IdType> persistArray(Class<?> modelClass, JSONArray jsonArray) throws JSONException { if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) { sLogger.warn("please call persistArray() on a background thread"); } // TODO: make Transaction object (that handles all API levels), so we don't need a separate code path if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) { return persistArrayApi11(modelClass, jsonArray); } else { return persistArrayDeprecate(modelClass, jsonArray); } } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) private <IdType> IdType persistObjectApi11(Class<?> modelClass, JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { try { enableWriteAheadLogging(); mDatabase.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); IdType id = persistObjectInternal(modelClass, jsonObject); mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); return id; } finally { endTransaction(); } } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) private <IdType> List<IdType> persistArrayApi11(Class<?> modelClass, JSONArray jsonArray) throws JSONException { try { enableWriteAheadLogging(); mDatabase.beginTransactionNonExclusive(); List<IdType> id_list = persistArrayOfObjects(modelClass, jsonArray); mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); return id_list; } catch (JSONException e) { throw e; } finally { endTransaction(); } } private <IdType> IdType persistObjectApiDeprecate(Class<?> modelClass, JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { try { mDatabase.beginTransaction(); IdType id = persistObjectInternal(modelClass, jsonObject); mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); return id; } finally { endTransaction(); } } private <IdType> List<IdType> persistArrayDeprecate(Class<?> modelClass, JSONArray jsonArray) throws JSONException { try { mDatabase.beginTransaction(); List<IdType> id_list = persistArrayOfObjects(modelClass, jsonArray); mDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful(); return id_list; } catch (JSONException e) { throw e; } finally { endTransaction(); } } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) private void enableWriteAheadLogging() { try { // Write Ahead Logging (WAL) mode cannot be enabled or disabled while there are transactions in progress. if (!mDatabase.inTransaction()) { mDatabase.enableWriteAheadLogging(); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { /* * To catch: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Write Ahead Logging (WAL) mode cannot be enabled or disabled while there are transactions in progress. Finish all transactions and release all active database connections first. * This exception still gets triggered, possibly because the transaction is started right after inTransaction() is checked. */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16 && !mDatabase.isWriteAheadLoggingEnabled()) { sLogger.warn("Write Ahead Logging is not enabled because a transaction was active"); } } } private void endTransaction() { if (mDatabase.inTransaction()) { try { mDatabase.endTransaction(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { sLogger.warn("endTransaction() failed - this does not mean there was a rollback, it just means that the transaction was closed earlier than expeced."); } } } /** * Main persistence method for persisting a single object * * @param modelClass the type to persist * @param jsonObject the json data to persist * @param <IdType> the ID type to return * @return the object ID (never null) * @throws JSONException when json processing fails */ private <IdType> IdType persistObjectInternal(Class<?> modelClass, JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { DatabaseTable table_annotation = modelClass.getAnnotation(DatabaseTable.class); if (table_annotation == null) { throw new RuntimeException("DatabaseTable annotation not found for " + modelClass.getName()); } ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); Iterator<?> json_keys = jsonObject.keys(); List<ForeignCollectionMapping> foreign_collection_mappings = new ArrayList<>(); String table_name = OrmliteReflection.getTableName(modelClass, table_annotation); // We want to know the object ID because we need it to resolve one-to-many relationships (foreign collection fields) String id_field_name = null; Object object_id = null; // Process all JSON keys and map them to the database while (json_keys.hasNext()) { // Get the next key String json_key = (String); // Find a Field with the same name as the key // TODO: use JsonProperty annotation to get an optional name override Field field = mFieldRetriever.getField(modelClass, json_key); if (field == null) { if (!Option.isEnabled(mOptions, Option.DISABLE_IGNORED_ATTRIBUTES_WARNING)) { sLogger.warn("ignored attribute {} because it wasn't found in {} as a DatabaseField", json_key, modelClass.getSimpleName()); } continue; } DatabaseField database_field = mAnnotationRetriever.getAnnotation(field, DatabaseField.class); // DatabaseField is used for: object IDs, simple key-values and one-to-one relationships if (database_field != null) { // Object IDs are a special case because we need to insert a new object if the object doesn't exist yet // and we also want to retrieve the value to return it in this method and to resolve one-to-many relationships for child objects if (OrmliteReflection.isId(database_field)) { object_id = processIdField(database_field, field, jsonObject, json_key, table_name); id_field_name = OrmliteReflection.getFieldName(field, database_field); } else // object exists, so process its value or reference { processDatabaseField(database_field, field, jsonObject, json_key, modelClass, values); } } else // check if we have a ForeignCollectionField (which is used for one-to-many relationships) { ForeignCollectionField foreign_collection_field = mAnnotationRetriever.getAnnotation(field, ForeignCollectionField.class); if (foreign_collection_field != null) { JSONArray json_array = !jsonObject.isNull(json_key) ? jsonObject.getJSONArray(json_key) : null; ForeignCollectionMapping foreign_collection_mapping = new ForeignCollectionMapping(field, json_array); foreign_collection_mappings.add(foreign_collection_mapping); } } } // Determine the object ID if (object_id == null || id_field_name == null) { Field id_field = OrmliteReflection.findIdField(mAnnotationRetriever, modelClass); if (id_field == null) { throw new SQLiteException("class " + modelClass.getName() + " doesn't have a DatabaseField that is marked as being an ID"); } // we don't have to check for id_database_field being null because OrmliteReflection.findIdField implied it is there DatabaseField id_database_field = mAnnotationRetriever.getAnnotation(id_field, DatabaseField.class); id_field_name = OrmliteReflection.getFieldName(id_field, id_database_field); long inserted_id = mDatabase.insert("'" + table_name + "'", id_field_name, new ContentValues()); if (inserted_id == -1) { throw new SQLiteException("failed to insert " + modelClass.getName() + " with id field " + id_field_name); } object_id = inserted_id; } // Process regular fields if (values.size() > 0) { mDatabase.update("'" + table_name + "'", values, id_field_name + " = ?", new String[]{object_id.toString()}); }"imported {} ({}={})", modelClass.getSimpleName(), id_field_name, object_id); // Process foreign collection fields for inserted object for (ForeignCollectionMapping foreign_collection_mapping : foreign_collection_mappings) { ManyToManyField many_to_many_field = mAnnotationRetriever.getAnnotation(foreign_collection_mapping.getField(), ManyToManyField.class); if (many_to_many_field != null) { processManyToMany(many_to_many_field, foreign_collection_mapping, object_id, modelClass); } else { processManyToOne(foreign_collection_mapping, object_id, modelClass); } } return (IdType)object_id; } private <IdType> List<IdType> persistArrayOfObjects(Class<?> modelClass, JSONArray jsonArray) throws JSONException { List<IdType> results = new ArrayList<>(jsonArray.length()); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject json_object = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); IdType object_id = persistObjectInternal(modelClass, json_object); results.add(object_id); } return results; } private List<Object> persistArrayOfBaseTypes(Class<?> modelClass, JSONArray jsonArray, ForeignCollectionFieldSingleTarget singleTargetField) throws JSONException { DatabaseTable table_annotation = modelClass.getAnnotation(DatabaseTable.class); if (table_annotation == null) { throw new RuntimeException("DatabaseTable annotation not found for " + modelClass.getName()); } String table_name = OrmliteReflection.getTableName(modelClass, table_annotation); List<Object> results = new ArrayList<>(jsonArray.length()); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { Object value_object = jsonArray.get(i); ContentValues content_values = new ContentValues(); content_values.put(singleTargetField.targetField(), value_object.toString()); long inserted_id = mDatabase.insert("'" + table_name + "'", singleTargetField.targetField(), content_values); if (inserted_id == -1) { throw new SQLiteException("failed to insert " + modelClass.getName()); } results.add(inserted_id); } return results; } /** * Process an ID field giving JSON input and serialization information. * If no object is found in the database, a new one is inserted and its ID is returned. * * @param databaseField the Ormlite annotation * @param field the field that is annotated by databaseField * @param jsonObject the object that is being mapped * @param jsonKey the key where the value of the id field can be found within the jsonObject * @param tableName the table to insert a new row in case the ID is not found in the database * @return the ID field value of this object (never null) * @throws JSONException when the ID field value cannot be determined */ private Object processIdField(DatabaseField databaseField, Field field, JSONObject jsonObject, String jsonKey, String tableName) throws JSONException { String db_field_name = OrmliteReflection.getFieldName(field, databaseField); Object object_id = JsonUtils.getValue(jsonObject, jsonKey, field.getType()); if (object_id == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("failed to get a value from JSON with key %s and type %s", jsonKey, field.getType().getName())); } String sql = String.format("SELECT * FROM '%s' WHERE %s = ? LIMIT 1", tableName, db_field_name); String[] selection_args = new String[] { object_id.toString() }; Cursor cursor = mDatabase.rawQuery(sql, selection_args); boolean object_exists = (cursor.getCount() > 0); cursor.close(); if (object_exists) { // return existing object id return object_id; } else // create object { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); if (!JsonUtils.copyValue(object_id, db_field_name, values)) { throw new JSONException(String.format("failed to process id field %s for table %s and jsonKey %s", field.getName(), tableName, jsonKey)); } long inserted_id = mDatabase.insert("'" + tableName + "'", null, values); if (inserted_id == -1) { throw new SQLiteException(String.format("failed to insert %s with id %s=%s", field.getType().getName(), db_field_name, object_id.toString())); }"prepared {} row (id={}/{})", tableName, object_id, inserted_id); return object_id; // don't return inserted_id, because it's always long (while the target type might be int or another type) } } private void processDatabaseField(DatabaseField databaseField, Field field, JSONObject jsonParentObject, String jsonKey, Class<?> modelClass, ContentValues values) throws JSONException { String db_field_name = OrmliteReflection.getFieldName(field, databaseField); if (jsonParentObject.isNull(jsonKey)) { values.putNull(db_field_name); } else if (OrmliteReflection.isForeign(databaseField)) { JSONObject foreign_object = jsonParentObject.optJSONObject(jsonKey); if (foreign_object != null) { //If the JSON includes the forein object, try to persist it Object foreign_object_id = persistObjectInternal(field.getType(), foreign_object); if (!JsonUtils.copyValue(foreign_object_id, db_field_name, values)) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to copy values for key " + jsonKey + " in " + modelClass.getName() + ": key type " + foreign_object_id.getClass() + " is not supported"); } } else { //The JSON does not include the foreign object, see if it is a valid key for the foreign object Field foreign_object_id_field = OrmliteReflection.findIdField(mAnnotationRetriever, field.getType()); if (foreign_object_id_field == null) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to find id field for foreign object " + field.getType().getName() + " in " + modelClass.getName()); } Object foreign_object_id = JsonUtils.getValue(jsonParentObject, jsonKey, foreign_object_id_field.getType()); if (foreign_object_id == null) { throw new RuntimeException("incompatible id type for foreign object " + field.getType().getName() + " in " + modelClass.getName() + " (expected " + foreign_object_id_field.getType().getName() + ")"); } if (!JsonUtils.copyValue(foreign_object_id, db_field_name, values)) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to copy values for key " + jsonKey + " in " + modelClass.getName() + ": key type " + foreign_object_id.getClass() + " is not supported"); } } } else // non-foreign { if (!JsonUtils.copyContentValue(jsonParentObject, jsonKey, values, db_field_name)) { sLogger.warn("attribute type {} has an unsupported type while parsing {}", jsonKey, modelClass.getSimpleName()); } } } private void processManyToMany(ManyToManyField manyToManyField, ForeignCollectionMapping foreignCollectionMapping, Object parentId, Class<?> parentClass) throws JSONException { if (foreignCollectionMapping.getJsonArray() == null) { // TODO: Delete mapping sLogger.warn("Mapping {} for type {} was null. Ignored it, but it should be deleted!", foreignCollectionMapping.getField().getName(), foreignCollectionMapping.getField().getType().getName()); return; } Field foreign_collection_field = foreignCollectionMapping.getField(); Class<?> target_class = OrmliteReflection.getForeignCollectionParameterType(foreign_collection_field); Field target_id_field = OrmliteReflection.findIdField(mAnnotationRetriever, target_class); if (target_id_field == null) { throw new RuntimeException("no id field found while processing foreign collection relation for " + target_class.getName()); } Field target_foreign_field = OrmliteReflection.findForeignField(mAnnotationRetriever, target_class, parentClass); if (target_foreign_field == null) { throw new RuntimeException("no foreign field found while processing foreign collection relation for " + target_class.getName()); } Field target_target_field = mFieldRetriever.getFirstFieldOfType(target_class, manyToManyField.targetType()); if (target_target_field == null) { throw new RuntimeException("ManyToMany problem: no ID field found for type " + manyToManyField.targetType().getName()); } List<Object> target_target_ids = persistArrayOfObjects(target_target_field.getType(), foreignCollectionMapping.getJsonArray()); // TODO: cache table name String target_table_name = OrmliteReflection.getTableName(mAnnotationRetriever, target_class); DatabaseField target_foreign_db_field = mAnnotationRetriever.getAnnotation(target_foreign_field, DatabaseField.class); String target_foreign_field_name = OrmliteReflection.getFieldName(target_foreign_field, target_foreign_db_field); String delete_select_clause = target_foreign_field_name + " = " + QueryUtils.parseAttribute(parentId); mDatabase.delete("'" + target_table_name + "'", delete_select_clause, new String[]{}); DatabaseField target_target_database_field = mAnnotationRetriever.getAnnotation(target_target_field, DatabaseField.class); String target_target_field_name = OrmliteReflection.getFieldName(target_target_field, target_target_database_field); // Insert new references for (int i = 0; i < target_target_ids.size(); ++i) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2); if (!JsonUtils.copyValue(parentId, target_foreign_field_name, values)) { throw new RuntimeException("parent id copy failed"); } if (!JsonUtils.copyValue(target_target_ids.get(i), target_target_field_name, values)) { throw new RuntimeException("target id copy failed"); } if (mDatabase.insert("'" + target_table_name + "'", null, values) == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to insert item in " + target_table_name); } } } private void processManyToOne(ForeignCollectionMapping foreignCollectionMapping, Object parentId, Class<?> parentClass) throws JSONException { if (foreignCollectionMapping.getJsonArray() == null) { // TODO: Delete mapping sLogger.warn("Mapping {} for type {} was null. Ignored it, but it should be deleted!", foreignCollectionMapping.getField().getName(), foreignCollectionMapping.getField().getType().getName()); return; } Field foreign_collection_field = foreignCollectionMapping.getField(); Class<?> target_class = OrmliteReflection.getForeignCollectionParameterType(foreign_collection_field); Field target_id_field = OrmliteReflection.findIdField(mAnnotationRetriever, target_class); if (target_id_field == null) { throw new RuntimeException("no id field found while processing foreign collection relation for " + target_class.getName()); } Field target_foreign_field = OrmliteReflection.findForeignField(mAnnotationRetriever, target_class, parentClass); if (target_foreign_field == null) { throw new RuntimeException("no foreign field found while processing foreign collection relation for " + target_class.getName()); } ForeignCollectionFieldSingleTarget single_target_field = mAnnotationRetriever.getAnnotation(foreignCollectionMapping.getField(), ForeignCollectionFieldSingleTarget.class); List<Object> target_ids; if (single_target_field == null) { target_ids = persistArrayOfObjects(target_class, foreignCollectionMapping.getJsonArray()); } else { target_ids = persistArrayOfBaseTypes(target_class, foreignCollectionMapping.getJsonArray(), single_target_field); } DatabaseField target_foreign_field_db_annotation = mAnnotationRetriever.getAnnotation(target_foreign_field, DatabaseField.class); String target_foreign_field_name = OrmliteReflection.getFieldName(target_foreign_field, target_foreign_field_db_annotation); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1); if (!JsonUtils.copyValue(parentId, target_foreign_field_name, values)) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to copy foreign key " + target_foreign_field_name + " in " + parentClass.getName() + ": key type " + parentId.getClass() + " is not supported"); } String[] target_id_args = new String[target_ids.size()]; String in_clause = QueryUtils.createInClause(target_ids, target_id_args); // update references to all target objects String target_table_name = OrmliteReflection.getTableName(mAnnotationRetriever, target_class); String target_id_field_name = OrmliteReflection.getFieldName(mAnnotationRetriever, target_id_field); String update_select_clause = target_id_field_name + " " + in_clause; mDatabase.update("'" + target_table_name + "'", values, update_select_clause, target_id_args); if (!Option.isEnabled(mOptions, Option.DISABLE_FOREIGN_COLLECTION_CLEANUP)) { // remove all objects that are not referenced to the parent anymore String delete_select_clause = target_id_field_name + " NOT " + in_clause + " AND " + target_foreign_field_name + " = " + QueryUtils.parseAttribute(parentId); mDatabase.delete("'" + target_table_name + "'", delete_select_clause, target_id_args); } } }