/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006 TADA AB - Taby Sweden * Distributed under the terms shown in the file COPYRIGHT * found in the root folder of this project or at * http://eng.tada.se/osprojects/COPYRIGHT.html */ package org.postgresql.pljava.jdbc; import org.postgresql.pljava.internal.Oid; /** * Provides constants for well-known backend OIDs for the types we commonly * use. */ public class TypeOid { public static final Oid INVALID = new Oid(0); public static final Oid INT2 = new Oid(21); public static final Oid INT4 = new Oid(23); public static final Oid INT8 = new Oid(20); public static final Oid TEXT = new Oid(25); public static final Oid NUMERIC = new Oid(1700); public static final Oid FLOAT4 = new Oid(700); public static final Oid FLOAT8 = new Oid(701); public static final Oid BOOL = new Oid(16); public static final Oid DATE = new Oid(1082); public static final Oid TIME = new Oid(1083); public static final Oid TIMESTAMP = new Oid(1114); public static final Oid TIMESTAMPTZ = new Oid(1184); public static final Oid BYTEA = new Oid(17); public static final Oid VARCHAR = new Oid(1043); public static final Oid OID = new Oid(26); public static final Oid BPCHAR = new Oid(1042); }