package pdfcm; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import ooo.connector.BootstrapSocketConnector; /** * PDF conversion and merge class. * * This class depends on the following software being installed and configured: * * -- Open Office version 2.3.0 or better * (Previous 2.X versions may work, but they have not been tested.) * Latest version of Open Office can be obtained at * (Tested with 2.3.0, 2.4.0) * * -- Ghostscript version 8.6.1 or better * (Previous versions may work if they support the command line options found below.) * Latest version of Ghostscript can be obtained at * (Tested with 8.6.1) * * -- Bootstrap connector jarfile * The library distributed with this code already contains the bootstrap * connector. In case it needs to be updated, or if you wish to leave a * "Thank-you", it was originally obtained at * * * @author Gregory Edwin Graham */ public class PDFConvert { /** * Returns true if the string array contains the given string. * * @param arr An input array of strings * @param val A particular string to look for * @return true if the array contains an instance of the string, or false */ public static boolean StringArrayContains(String[] arr, String val) { boolean retval = false; if (arr != null && val != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (val.contentEquals(arr[i])) { retval = true; break; } } } return retval; } protected String[] writerTypes = null; /** * Returns the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice writer filter * * @return The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice writer filter */ public String[] getWriterTypes() { return writerTypes; } /** * Sets the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice writer filter * * @param types The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice writer filter */ public void SetWriterTypes(String[] types) { writerTypes = types; } protected String[] calcTypes = null; /** * Returns the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice calc filter * * @return The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice calc filter */ public String[] getCalcTypes() { return calcTypes; } /** * Sets the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice calc filter * * @param types The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice calc filter */ public void SetCalcTypes(String[] types) { calcTypes = types; } protected String[] drawTypes = null; /** * Returns the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice draw filter * * @return The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice draw filter */ public String[] getDrawTypes() { return drawTypes; } /** * Sets the file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice draw filter * * @param types The file extensions that get mapped to the OpenOffice draw filter */ public void SetDrawTypes(String[] types) { drawTypes = types; } protected String[] nativeTypes = null; /** * Returns the file extensions that get processed directly by Ghostscript * * @return The file extensions that get processed directly by Ghostscript */ public String[] getNativeTypes() { return nativeTypes; } /** * Sets the file extensions that get processed directly by Ghostscript * * @param types The file extensions that get processed directly by Ghostscript */ public void SetNativeTypes(String[] types) { nativeTypes = types; } protected String ooLibPath = ""; /** * Gets the folder containing the Open Office libraries * * @return The folder containing the Open Office libraries */ public String getOOLibPath() { return ooLibPath; } /** * Sets the folder containing the Open Office libraries * * @param val The folder containing the Open Office libraries */ public void setOOLibPath(String val) { ooLibPath = val; } protected String gsExePath = ""; /** * Gets the folder containing the Ghostscript executable * * @return The folder containing the Ghostscript executable */ public String getGSExePath() { return gsExePath; } /** * Sets the folder containing the Ghostscript executable * * @param val The folder containing the Ghostscript executable */ public void setGSExePath(String val) { gsExePath = val; } protected String gsExeName = ""; /** * Gets the name of the Ghostscript executable * * @return The name of the Ghostscript executable */ public String getGSExeName() { return gsExeName; } /** * Sets the name of the Ghostscript executable * * @param val The name of the Ghostscript executable */ public void setGSExeName(String val) { gsExeName = val; } protected String shellCommandStyle = null; /** * Gets the value of the shellCommandStyle. Can be either "doubleQuoted" * for Windows-like or "escapeSpaces" for Unix-like. * * @return The value of shellCommandStyle */ public String getShellCommandStyle() { return shellCommandStyle; } /** * Sets the value of the shellCommandStyle. Can be either "doubleQuoted" * for Windows-like or "escapeSpaces" for Unix-like. * * @param scs The value of shellCommandStyle */ public void setShellCommandStyle(String scs) { shellCommandStyle = scs; } protected boolean deleteOnFinish = false; /** * Gets the value of the deleteOnFinish option * * @return The value of the deleteOnFinish option */ public boolean getDeleteOnFinish() { return deleteOnFinish; } /** * Sets the value of the deleteOnFinish option * * @param val The value of the deleteOnFinish option */ public void setDeleteOnFinish(boolean val) { deleteOnFinish = val; } protected boolean doMerge = false; /** * Gets the value of the doMerge option * * @return The value of the doMerge option */ public boolean getDoMerge() { return doMerge; } /** * Sets the value of the doMerge option * * @param val The value of the doMerge option */ public void setDoMerge(boolean val) { doMerge = val; } private String outputFilename; /** * Gets the value of the output filename for the merge option * * @return The value of the output filename for the merge option */ public String getOutputFilename() { return outputFilename; } /** * Sets the value of the output filename for the merge option * * @param outputFile The value of the output filename for the merge option */ public void setOutputFilename(String outputFile) { this.outputFilename = outputFile; } private String statusText = null; /** * Gets status text set during the course of a conversion operation * * @return Status text set during the course of a conversion operation */ public String getStatusText() { return statusText; } private boolean isError = false; /** * Gets error status set during the course of a conversion operation * * @return Error status set during the course of a conversion operation */ public boolean getIsError() { return isError; } /** * Clears error status and status text */ public void ClearError() { statusText = null; isError = false; } /** * PDF Conversion and Merge method * * @param inputFiles An array of input filenames to process * @return true if conversion succeeded */ public boolean DoConvert(String[] inputFiles) { // Reset the errors and status ClearError(); // Check configuration if (ooLibPath == null) { statusText = "Location of Open Office libraries not configured."; isError = true; return false; } if (gsExePath == null || gsExeName == null) { statusText = "Location of Ghostscript not configured."; isError = true; return false; } // Input array should not be null if (inputFiles == null) { statusText = "No input files."; isError = true; return false; } // Zero length array is not an error per se if (inputFiles.length == 0) { statusText = "No input files."; return false; } // Lack of output filename is an error if (outputFilename == null && doMerge) { statusText = "No output file specified."; isError = true; return false; } // Check for valid shell command style if -m is involved if (doMerge) { if (shellCommandStyle == null) { statusText = "Shell command style not configured."; isError = true; return false; } else if (!shellCommandStyle.contentEquals("doubleQuoted") && !shellCommandStyle.contentEquals("escapeSpaces")) { statusText = "Unknown shell command style: " + shellCommandStyle; isError = true; return false; } } // Declare Open Office components XComponentContext xContext = null; XMultiComponentFactory xMCF = null; XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = null; XStorable xStorable = null; XCloseable xCloseable = null; Object desktop = null; Object document = null; // File extension String ext; // Keep track of files for deletion List<String> filesToDelete = new ArrayList<String>(); // Keep track of converted files List<String> convertedFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); // Try to get reference to an Open Office process try { // Should use OO installation lib/programs directory on your system String ooLibFolder = ooLibPath; // Load the Open Office context xContext = BootstrapSocketConnector.bootstrap(ooLibFolder); // Load the Open Office object factory xMCF = xContext.getServiceManager(); // Get a desktop instance desktop = xMCF.createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext); // Get a reference to the the desktop interface that can load files xComponentLoader = (XComponentLoader) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, desktop); } catch (Exception ex) { // Open Office error statusText = "Could not get usable OpenOffice: " + ex.toString(); isError = true; return false; } // Keep track of status StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); // Loop through the input files for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.length; i++) { // Check file if (inputFiles[i] == null) { buf.append("File " + i + " was null."); isError = true; continue; // Skip to the next file } // Get the file extension ext = null; int lastDot = inputFiles[i].lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot > 0) { ext = inputFiles[i].substring(lastDot).toLowerCase(); } if (ext == null) { buf.append("File " + i + " was unrecognized by extension."); isError = true; continue; // Skip to the next file } try { // Set the document opener to not display an OO window PropertyValue[] loaderValues = new PropertyValue[1]; loaderValues[0] = new PropertyValue(); loaderValues[0].Name = "Hidden"; loaderValues[0].Value = new Boolean(true); // Convert file path to URL name format and escape spaces String docURL = "file:///" + inputFiles[i].replace(File.separatorChar, '/').replace(" ", "%20"); lastDot = docURL.lastIndexOf('.'); // If it is already PDF, add it to the list of files to "converted" files if (StringArrayContains(nativeTypes, ext)) { convertedFiles.add(docURL); } else { // Open the document in Open Office document = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL( docURL, "_blank", 0, loaderValues); // Get a reference to the document interface that can store files xStorable = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorable.class, document); // Set the arguments to save to pdf. PropertyValue[] saveArgs = new PropertyValue[2]; saveArgs[0] = new PropertyValue(); saveArgs[0].Name = "Overwrite"; saveArgs[0].Value = new Boolean(true); // Choose appropriate output filter saveArgs[1] = new PropertyValue(); saveArgs[1].Name = "FilterName"; if (StringArrayContains(writerTypes, ext)) { saveArgs[1].Value = "writer_pdf_Export"; } else if (StringArrayContains(calcTypes, ext)) { saveArgs[1].Value = "calc_pdf_Export"; } else if (StringArrayContains(drawTypes, ext)) { saveArgs[1].Value = "draw_pdf_Export"; } else { buf.append("File " + i + " has unknown extension: " + ext); isError = true; continue; // Skip to the next file } // The converted file will have the same name with a pdf extension String sSaveUrl = docURL.substring(0, lastDot) + ".pdf"; // Save the file xStorable.storeToURL(sSaveUrl, saveArgs); // On success, add the converted filename to a list convertedFiles.add(sSaveUrl); if (deleteOnFinish) { filesToDelete.add(inputFiles[i]); } } buf.append("Processed file " + i + ". "); } catch ( ooioException) { buf.append("Caught exception while processing file " + i + ": " + ooioException.toString() + ". "); isError = true; } catch ( ooiaException) { buf.append("Caught exception while processing file " + i + ": " + ooiaException.toString() + ". "); isError = true; } catch (Exception otherException) { buf.append("Caught exception while processing file " + i + ": " + otherException.toString() + ". "); isError = true; } finally { // Make sure the file is closed before going to the next one if (document != null) { // Get a reference to the document interface that can close a file xCloseable = (XCloseable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XCloseable.class, document); // Try to close it or explicitly dispose it // See if (xCloseable != null) { try { xCloseable.close(false); } catch ( ex) { XComponent xComp = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XComponent.class, document); xComp.dispose(); } } else { XComponent xComp = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XComponent.class, document); xComp.dispose(); } } document = null; // Javanauts, please pardon my CSharpery } } if (doMerge) { // configure the shell command build boolean doQuotes = shellCommandStyle.contentEquals("doubleQuoted"); boolean doEscapes = shellCommandStyle.contentEquals("escapeSpaces"); // Do the merge StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer(); if (doQuotes) { cmd.append("\""); } if (doEscapes) { cmd.append(gsExePath.replace(" ", "\\ ")).append(File.separatorChar).append(gsExeName); } else { cmd.append(gsExePath).append(File.separatorChar).append(gsExeName); } if (doQuotes) { cmd.append("\""); } cmd.append(" -q").append(" -dNOPAUSE").append(" -dBATCH").append(" -sDEVICE=pdfwrite").append(" -sOUTPUTFILE="); if (doQuotes) { cmd.append("\""); } if (doEscapes) { cmd.append(outputFilename.replace(" ", "\\ ")); } else { cmd.append(outputFilename); } if (doQuotes) { cmd.append("\""); } cmd.append(" "); // Loop over converted files for (int i = 0; i < convertedFiles.size(); i++) { String fileToAdd = convertedFiles.get(i).substring(8).replace("%20", " ").replace('/', File.separatorChar); if (doQuotes) { cmd.append("\""); } if (doEscapes) { cmd.append(fileToAdd.replace(" ", "\\ ")); } else { cmd.append(fileToAdd); } if (doQuotes) { cmd.append("\""); } cmd.append(" "); if (deleteOnFinish) { filesToDelete.add((fileToAdd)); } } // Merge! if (!isError) { try { // Execute the command Process mProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toString()); // Voodoo - In order to wait for an external process, you // have to handle its stdout(getInputStream) and stderr (getErrorStream) // I'm just going to close them as I'm only interested in if it succeeded or not InputStream iStr = mProc.getInputStream(); iStr.close(); InputStream eStr = mProc.getErrorStream(); eStr.close(); // Now wait int exCode = mProc.waitFor(); if (exCode == 0) { buf.append("Merge succeeded: exit code was zero."); } else { isError = true; buf.append("Merge failed: exit code was " + exCode); } } catch ( ex) { buf.append("Merge failed: " + ex.toString()); isError = true; statusText = buf.toString(); return false; } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException ex) { buf.append("Merge interrupted: " + ex.toString()); isError = true; statusText = buf.toString(); return false; } } } // Delete the converted files if (deleteOnFinish) { for (int i = 0; i < filesToDelete.size(); i++) { File dFile = new File(filesToDelete.get(i)); if (dFile.exists()) { dFile.delete(); } } } statusText = buf.toString(); return !isError; } }