/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.settings; import android.app.ListActivity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Process; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import com.android.settings.applications.AppViewHolder; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; public class AppPicker extends ListActivity { private AppListAdapter mAdapter; public static final String EXTRA_REQUESTIING_PERMISSION = "com.android.settings.extra.REQUESTIING_PERMISSION"; public static final String EXTRA_DEBUGGABLE = "com.android.settings.extra.DEBUGGABLE"; private String mPermissionName; private boolean mDebuggableOnly; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); mPermissionName = getIntent().getStringExtra(EXTRA_REQUESTIING_PERMISSION); mDebuggableOnly = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_DEBUGGABLE, false); mAdapter = new AppListAdapter(this); if (mAdapter.getCount() <= 0) { finish(); } else { setListAdapter(mAdapter); } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); } @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); } @Override protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { MyApplicationInfo app = mAdapter.getItem(position); Intent intent = new Intent(); if (app.info != null) intent.setAction(app.info.packageName); setResult(RESULT_OK, intent); finish(); } class MyApplicationInfo { ApplicationInfo info; CharSequence label; } public class AppListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<MyApplicationInfo> { private final List<MyApplicationInfo> mPackageInfoList = new ArrayList<MyApplicationInfo>(); private final LayoutInflater mInflater; public AppListAdapter(Context context) { super(context, 0); mInflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); List<ApplicationInfo> pkgs = context.getPackageManager().getInstalledApplications(0); for (int i=0; i<pkgs.size(); i++) { ApplicationInfo ai = pkgs.get(i); if (ai.uid == Process.SYSTEM_UID) { continue; } // Filter out apps that are not debuggable if required. if (mDebuggableOnly) { // On a user build, we only allow debugging of apps that // are marked as debuggable. Otherwise (for platform development) // we allow all apps. if ((ai.flags&ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) == 0 && "user".equals(Build.TYPE)) { continue; } } // Filter out apps that do not request the permission if required. if (mPermissionName != null) { boolean requestsPermission = false; try { PackageInfo pi = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(ai.packageName, PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS); if (pi.requestedPermissions == null) { continue; } for (String requestedPermission : pi.requestedPermissions) { if (requestedPermission.equals(mPermissionName)) { requestsPermission = true; break; } } if (!requestsPermission) { continue; } } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { continue; } } MyApplicationInfo info = new MyApplicationInfo(); info.info = ai; info.label = info.info.loadLabel(getPackageManager()).toString(); mPackageInfoList.add(info); } Collections.sort(mPackageInfoList, sDisplayNameComparator); MyApplicationInfo info = new MyApplicationInfo(); info.label = context.getText(R.string.no_application); mPackageInfoList.add(0, info); addAll(mPackageInfoList); } @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { // A ViewHolder keeps references to children views to avoid unnecessary calls // to findViewById() on each row. AppViewHolder holder = AppViewHolder.createOrRecycle(mInflater, convertView); convertView = holder.rootView; MyApplicationInfo info = getItem(position); holder.appName.setText(info.label); if (info.info != null) { holder.appIcon.setImageDrawable(info.info.loadIcon(getPackageManager())); holder.summary.setText(info.info.packageName); } else { holder.appIcon.setImageDrawable(null); holder.summary.setText(""); } holder.disabled.setVisibility(View.GONE); return convertView; } } private final static Comparator<MyApplicationInfo> sDisplayNameComparator = new Comparator<MyApplicationInfo>() { public final int compare(MyApplicationInfo a, MyApplicationInfo b) { return collator.compare(a.label, b.label); } private final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(); }; }