package net.avh4.platform.steps; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import; import; import net.avh4.platform.Platform; import net.avh4.platform.UI; import net.avh4.platform.test.TestingModule; import org.jbehave.scenario.annotations.BeforeScenario; import org.jbehave.scenario.annotations.Given; import org.jbehave.scenario.annotations.Then; import org.jbehave.scenario.annotations.When; import org.jbehave.scenario.steps.Steps; public class ReviewEmailsForTodaySteps extends Steps { private Platform p; private TestingModule module; private UI ui; @BeforeScenario public void setUp() { module = new TestingModule(); Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(module); p = injector.getInstance(Platform.class); ui = module.getUi(); } @When("I run Platform") public void runPlatform() {; } @Given("today is 2010-03-$date") public void setMockDate(int date) { module.setMockDate(2010, 3, date); } @Then("I should see emails for 03-24 from 2006 to 2010") public void shouldSeeEmailsInBrowserForMarch24() { final String url1 = ""; final String url2 = ""; final String url3 = ""; final String url4 = ""; final String url5 = ""; verify(ui).browseUrl(url1); verify(ui).browseUrl(url2); verify(ui).browseUrl(url3); verify(ui).browseUrl(url4); verify(ui).browseUrl(url5); } @Then("I should see emails for 03-25 from 2006 to 2010") public void shouldSeeEmailsInBrowserForMarch25() { final String url1 = ""; final String url2 = ""; final String url3 = ""; final String url4 = ""; final String url5 = ""; verify(ui).browseUrl(url1); verify(ui).browseUrl(url2); verify(ui).browseUrl(url3); verify(ui).browseUrl(url4); verify(ui).browseUrl(url5); } }